Prydwen, Thidranki Raid, Last Night and other questions.



You also notice alb/excal antisocial behavior, i deleted my lvl 30 pally due to it, only found a few players that i could group with without the endless discussion about drops etc.

Seems they live by the rule Greed before Need instead of Need before Greed.

Started chars in hib/excal and he recived more help than needed, my first char, i go to lvl 10 in about 2 hours, thx to a lvl 50 druid that buffed me up....

Vieug PrydMid

Yeh, seems to be the way it is, our Prydwen Midgard guild Vikingar (used to be called Modis Maraurders) have gone on holiday to Excaliber Albion and to be honest i've seen one guy from UK called *********** who was a good player, pity he died quite quickly and was bound in cotswold...we were in cornwall!

I've met plenty of HealerClerics (notice i distinguish between smiter and healer as two different classes) who were good players and nice as well. And friars..

A few paladins who actually tried to help, tho most of the paladins i met were actually quite bitter people.. very obnoxious.

For example we were grouped fighting Red/Purple Skele Cents in Cornwall and this Paladin lvl 18 4 lvls higher then us demanded we leave his spot, which we'd been in for over 3 hours before he turned up..and he isnt the first i've met with this attitude in albion AND it isnt a server problem, its a "player who will only play on albion" problem its the same on the U.S. Albion servers, only worse. The worst/most anti social players i've found are Thuergs, Cabalists, Wizards and to a lesser extent Sorcs, almost all 4 of these classes refuse to play in grp always ask for free buffs or rez and nearly always have a duel account running a minstrel or cleric to help.

Mercs, Armsmen and Infs/Scouts are in general good players and nice folks. Infs can get abit bitter after lvl 10 when they find noone wants to group with them. Scouts seem to have this problem from lvl 6 onwards...

Our guild incidently has 3 scouts, me pally, an inf and a cabalist and all i do as a pally is jump in on the rare occasion they pull something and miss it alot. Otherwise i get free xp, which shows that not grouping with infs or scouts is just plain stupid.

Minstrels generally seem to want to solo, yet every soloing minstrel i've seen has more down time then most infs i've seen. Again tho minstrels dont seem able to group untill they get their power regen song at which point theres no chance of not getting a group.

Imo Paladins are really crap! My paladin is maxed in 2 hand and chants and has a good few points in slash and his general hps and hitting power are terrible. Armsman 2hander are far to slow, Mercs i've not played. Being a Dwarf Healer on Midgard my only real enemie is an inf, who can hit me for 300+ with backstab, after that the inf is better off running then trying to fight. Paladins and Armsmen i will happyly attack and same goes for all other classes expect clerics and minstrels. Which i dont attack unless they are running away :)


Originally posted by Vieug PrydMid

Hmm, you like the idea of a midgard player thrashing about in agony as your poison works through his body? Sorry i couldnt get online the other night to say hello in the traditional midgard way ;)

Albion players

Am also playing in Excaliber Albion (pilgrim 12 pally atm) can anyone tell me why no-one plays in avalon marsh?

Also can someone explain why albions are even more antisocial then mids?

poison dmg for me is 25ish per tick, x 5 = 125ish dmg to your little poisoned buddy. problem is, when i poison SBs they get very narked off cause a) i found em, b) they cant stealth for 40secs now c) you then yell to their healer for cure (i presume this one after hearing all the yells you middies do, jeez! how you ever talk is beyond me)

no one plays in avalon marsh cause its not near camelot, where the mini epics at lvl 7 and 11 are, and the plains are better generally to mess about in as you can kill task your way quickly about (althought you do get KT's at AM i think)

and anti social? baaaah, i never group in bg due to extra rp (ill be dammed if i get xp from someone i didn't kill myself!), but Myshra has to group to survive, at lower levels grouping is not really needed, due to kill tasking being much more quicker to level in, but if you want a group, 7 to 11 goto mithra. goto the healer tower and go SE till you find a hill which has a green glow at night, and some undead fids roaming about it. youll get the best groups 18+, when keltoi comes into play, the cats, then the dreaded..... pygmy GOBLINS!!!

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