

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
hi chaps i have a pc problem hope someone can help.

im running 2 hard drives at the mo my main drive is only 5 gig and full of shite and my slave is 120 gig.i want to get rid of the 5 gig hard drive and just use the 120 but when ive took it out and tried using the 120(it has windows xp on both drives btw)it says my copy of windows is not genuine or sumat and wont let the comp start(works on the 5 gig drive though???)anyway is there a way round this so i can get rid of the 5 and use the 120??
im a real dummy so any help would be great cheers.oh and yes ive moved the little pins at the back how they should be moved.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
It's starting windows etc, so that's the only real problem out of the way.
With XP, you've made a "major hardware change" therefore you need to re-activate Windows again - probably through phoning MS through the number you'd be given at startup.

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