Power to the People !!


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
In that... if enough people signed a petition, basically telling them to FIX animist mushrooms, and give them a serious nerf. I believe people power here can win.

Mythic has forced us to play the game around keeps, and yet they do nothing to fix the many issues surrounding mushrooms.

I know this is only a silly game, but I play the game to have fun. For 2/3 of the playing population, this one class RUINS the game for them.

I am prepared to put time and effort into this, to make sure everyone in alb knows about it.

I guess the usual FH hib posters will come here, and post inane and oh so whitty replies and comments.

Power to the People ! ( some Trolls and HOs too)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Power is already with the people .. if you're not enjoying the game leave .. if you think classes are overpowered and the game is unbalanced ... leave. Find a game that doesn't have shrooms or whatever the whine of the week is.

No-one will seriously think 0.2 seconds about signing a petition or not... all non hib players who can be arsed to click 3 times will sign it... whoopdiedoo I bet Mythic will shit it's pants if you get loads and loads of people to sign it.

Eh .. no

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Shanaia said:
Power is already with the people .. if you're not enjoying the game leave .. if you think classes are overpowered and the game is unbalanced ... leave. Find a game that doesn't have shrooms or whatever the whine of the week is.

No-one will seriously think 0.2 seconds about signing a petition or not... all non hib players who can be arsed to click 3 times will sign it... whoopdiedoo I bet Mythic will shit it's pants if you get loads and loads of people to sign it.

Eh .. no

Not a very encouraging anwser.

I left EVE Online after playing there from beta 6 for 2 years with 4 accounts. I asked to fix bugs, reported them, did forum work and so on. I played pure PvP there and had to rely on a bug fix. Other content did not interest me.

When meeting an Animst in DAoC like today, who casts untargettable shrooms, I try to sort the situations once or twice, then do something else in the game or log off.

I keep counting the situations like those untargettable shrooms and I screenshot them for me, cause it usually means that one bug abuser screwed the fun of at least one full group. Not always is a Heretic with monster rezz or an Ice Wizzard available and I refuse to adapt FULLY and roll those chars and log them on when needed because Hibs got advantage due to bugged code...

For now I have 2 buffbots to level, once clustering comes and the issues remain for longer 3 accounts will be gone, cause I plan on RvR'ing fully.

But I think it's fair of the player base to give Mythic/GoA the chance to react and keep a customer.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
If the fix them they risk losing the hib zerg

If they dont they risk losing the alb/mid zerg

Either way they lose money and like all good companies, they dont like losing money

(And yes ive played a shroomer. Its shrooming up then buggering off for 10 mins and coming back to find your 10,000 rps better off)

Roll on the nerf


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
Shrooms are just tactical, you cant just shroom anywhere, yes they are best used in and around twrs/bridges/keeps.

But you have to be pretty silly to attack a hib twr/keep that is defended and not expect shrooms, dont forget pet limits apply and also shrooms last 2 mins.

Its easy to wear a hib shrooms grp down if you play right, rush in you die, keep the ani in combat he cant get pwr from fop.

now, let not gets onto whorelocks and sorcs :D each realm has it good bad chars, ani's are hardly a realm winner imo ( at least not on excal).

Whorelocks/Sorcs can be used in almost all sitauations to great effect and do have a big impact on rvr, well at least at the moment they do.



Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Im sorry but if your standing directly in front of a stack of shrooms, in the open - and the game says they are not there - something is seriously wrong !

Shan - your just a twat, always have been, always will be.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Zede said:
Im sorry but if your standing directly in front of a stack of shrooms, in the open - and the game says they are not there - something is seriously wrong !

Yes. That's wrong and needs to be fixed. And the fact that you dare to ask for a serious nerf on animists show me you aint interested in balance but simply out of revenge.

How can you possibly want to nerf animists when they can only use 2 offensive things in keepfights (where the whine arised) : Level 45 lifetap and FnF-shrooms.

Make a case of the fixing of bugs instead hunting for revenge coz you got owned by bugs


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Puppet said:
Yes. That's wrong and needs to be fixed. And the fact that you dare to ask for a serious nerf on animists show me you aint interested in balance but simply out of revenge.

How can you possibly want to nerf animists when they can only use 2 offensive things in keepfights (where the whine arised) : Level 45 lifetap and FnF-shrooms.

Make a case of the fixing of bugs instead hunting for revenge coz you got owned by bugs

By now we should know that Mythic cares fuck all about ballance. Infact they manipulate all of us addicts and make us reroll over and over again.

Dark Age of Tankalot, Castalot, Tankalot... overpower this, nerf it a year later, overpower that... put in new timesinks here and there... 1 expansion a year to earn a couple of millions...

We are just cattle to them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Puppet said:
Yes. That's wrong and needs to be fixed. And the fact that you dare to ask for a serious nerf on animists show me you aint interested in balance but simply out of revenge.

He dared to ask for a hib bug fix! wow!

Zede, you heathen bitch! The hibs are coming for you now...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
They need fixing, and preferably reworking.

The light of sight issues need fixing quite badly. It took ages for people to get Mythic to fix Enchanter pets (and other pets) nuking through walls. Infact, the only reason they fixed the main LoS bug (the check when targetting) was due to Necromancer pets being able to easily nuke through walls?

Secondly, most people would agree that they need reworking. You may argue that theres a limit of 15 turrets, assuming they do approx 100 damage (this is a reasonable estimate?) thats 1500 damage to whoever walks nearby one Animists group of turrets! Take 3 Animists, that'll be up to 45 turrets.

The only way that most Albs/Mids have realistically got in getting rid of the shrooms and charging hibs in a keep/tower take/defence is to get two ML7 Convokers to DD trap first to destroy all the turrets.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Bloodclot said:
2x shieldswipe
reaver bombs

All except for the pbaoe ( not sure about reaver bomb, not really sure what it is :p ) require a target, and if you can't even target the shroom, how will you kill it? :(


Dec 22, 2003
Theres a difference between casting shrooms on the ground, and you not being able to kill them before you insta-die. Even though you can still hit them. This is ok.

And Casting shrooms to a bugged loc on purpose so they can still lifetap, but can't be killed. This is not ok and is bug abuse, screenie the shrooms, them being unhitable and the animist casting them if you can, and RN it under life on your server, with a time/server/loc/date etc etc. It will be looked into.



Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
nooo dont nerf our overpowered 100hp shrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111 If we can't hide them, one aoe or two from a fire wuz will take em down... ;p

Little reminding thing just for fun @ single petclasses...

1) aoemezz longer range then any other mezz ingame.
2) aoe c/s debuff.
3) Yellow pet.
4) Speed and mezzdampering.
5) And last of all VERY underpowered 1second 350-500dam(in rvr) lifetap.

1) aoemezz + pbaoe mezz range 1500/350.
2) no aoe debuffs that can stick.
3) blue pet. (that can take some melee hits, but most enemies is casters soo.)
4) No speed, no dampering.
5) Bether dam/return of hp on lt, but 1.5sec cap... try interupt a good sorc with that.

1) To weak to compare.

Keep this in mind, oh underpowered albs... Not the only compareable classes that is in alb's favour... And that sorc's will allways be that way, wile shroomers got nerfed to hell with 100hp 15max shrooms is just funny. (bug need to get fixed, but keep out of range on bugged places and boltmezz N stuff)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
your always get crying Animists who like there bugged pets.

They are asking for a Fix, not a Nerf.

The problem with shrooms is sometimes (or most of the time) in keep situations, you can't target the shrooms. So only PBAOE untargeted spells can hit them.

Are you saying they shouldn't be targetable etc?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Bubble said:
The problem with shrooms is sometimes (or most of the time) in keep situations, you can't target the shrooms. So only PBAOE untargeted spells can hit them.

Been standing right ontop of a stack of shrooms pbae'ing. Didnt hit them either.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I used to find untargetable shrooms a fairly uncommon experience, however recently 9 out of 10 tower/keep fights that i've been to have a big stack of shrooms that nobody can target.

Is it that the shroom code has got worse recently, or are more animists learning how to utilise this 'feature'?

Hell I can even cope with them still nuking me when i'm no longer in LOS, just wish mythic would hurry up and fix this untargetable business.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
if they're genuinely untargetable then yeah it should be sorted, not nerfed as the original poster asked. Animists are good in very few situations, shrooms are weak, short range pets remember, very easily countered with any AOE damage or mez spell. The class like Bonedancers and Necromancers suffers from a shitload of bugs though so if they're going to sort out some weird untargettable shroom bug I hope they look at them too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Lestat said:
nooo dont nerf our overpowered 100hp shrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111 If we can't hide them, one aoe or two from a fire wuz will take em down... ;p

Little reminding thing just for fun @ single petclasses...

1) aoemezz longer range then any other mezz ingame.
2) aoe c/s debuff.
3) Yellow pet.
4) Speed and mezzdampering.
5) And last of all VERY underpowered 1second 350-500dam(in rvr) lifetap.

1) aoemezz + pbaoe mezz range 1500/350.
2) no aoe debuffs that can stick.
3) blue pet. (that can take some melee hits, but most enemies is casters soo.)
4) No speed, no dampering.
5) Bether dam/return of hp on lt, but 1.5sec cap... try interupt a good sorc with that.

1) To weak to compare.

Keep this in mind, oh underpowered albs... Not the only compareable classes that is in alb's favour... And that sorc's will allways be that way, wile shroomers got nerfed to hell with 100hp 15max shrooms is just funny. (bug need to get fixed, but keep out of range on bugged places and boltmezz N stuff)

lol, chanters suck! yes, really underpowered ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Shanaia said:
Power is already with the people .. if you're not enjoying the game leave .. if you think classes are overpowered and the game is unbalanced ... leave. Find a game that doesn't have shrooms or whatever the whine of the week is.

No-one will seriously think 0.2 seconds about signing a petition or not... all non hib players who can be arsed to click 3 times will sign it... whoopdiedoo I bet Mythic will shit it's pants if you get loads and loads of people to sign it.

Eh .. no

So basicly, if a game have bugs and errors you don't like, you stop playing it after several years of gaming, because you don't think it is worth asking for a fix?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Iceforge said:
So basicly, if a game have bugs and errors you don't like, you stop playing it after several years of gaming, because you don't think it is worth asking for a fix?

Yes I was hoping a couple people I don't like thought "hey that's a good idea I'll quit"

And no read again that's not what what I said... I said that Mythic won't even look at some petition people put up cause it won't be reliable...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Fix, sure. Nerf, never. Animists already were nerfed, remember?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
Fix, sure. Nerf, never. Animists already were nerfed, remember?
Depends on Mythic's stance on this - if they think shrooms are working as intended then nerf is needed but if they think something is wrong fixing is needed :cool:


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Zede said:
In that... if enough people signed a petition, basically telling them to FIX animist mushrooms, and give them a serious nerf. I believe people power here can win.

Its more of a LoS issue rather than shrooms which were SERIOUSLY nerfed a few patches ago. Same thing applies with chain stunning theurg pets that can nuke through keep walls and you cant do shit about it, and intercepting SM pets, they are fun as well.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
pikeh said:
Its more of a LoS issue rather than shrooms which were SERIOUSLY nerfed a few patches ago. Same thing applies with chain stunning theurg pets that can nuke through keep walls and you cant do shit about it, and intercepting SM pets, they are fun as well.

Yes i understand fully. Such a terrible nerf, I die in 1.1 seconds instead of 0.9 seconds now !! :kissit:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Zede said:
Im sorry but if your standing directly in front of a stack of shrooms, in the open - and the game says they are not there - something is seriously wrong !

indeed, how about submitting a bug report - get /loc of the shrooms if you can (or a groundtarget of where they are might help) along with the zone they're in and send it to the http://www.camelotherald.com/feedback.php

if it's a particular animist consistently abusing this then send a RightNow about it. If they're doing it intentionally (rather than accidentally) they'll get in trouble I expect.

but feel free to arrange a petition of signatures for:


rather than something sensible.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Lestat said:
nooo dont nerf our overpowered 100hp shrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111 If we can't hide them, one aoe or two from a fire wuz will take em down... ;p

Little reminding thing just for fun @ single petclasses...

1) aoemezz longer range then any other mezz ingame.
2) aoe c/s debuff.
3) Yellow pet.
4) Speed and mezzdampering.
5) And last of all VERY underpowered 1second 350-500dam(in rvr) lifetap.

1) aoemezz + pbaoe mezz range 1500/350.
2) no aoe debuffs that can stick.
3) blue pet. (that can take some melee hits, but most enemies is casters soo.)
4) No speed, no dampering.
5) Bether dam/return of hp on lt, but 1.5sec cap... try interupt a good sorc with that.

1) To weak to compare.

Keep this in mind, oh underpowered albs... Not the only compareable classes that is in alb's favour... And that sorc's will allways be that way, wile shroomers got nerfed to hell with 100hp 15max shrooms is just funny. (bug need to get fixed, but keep out of range on bugged places and boltmezz N stuff)

what the bloddy hell did you smoke? enchanter to weak to compare 0o


Apr 15, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
indeed, how about submitting a bug report - get /loc of the shrooms if you can (or a groundtarget of where they are might help) along with the zone they're in and send it to the http://www.camelotherald.com/feedback.php

if it's a particular animist consistently abusing this then send a RightNow about it. If they're doing it intentionally (rather than accidentally) they'll get in trouble I expect.

but feel free to arrange a petition of signatures for:


rather than something sensible.

that has been said millions and millions of times before but the fact is that mythic don't listen and don't give a crap whenever I have reported a bug they send some shit auto-reply saying 'Working as intended' or 'we are aware of this <insert random crap here>' so I guess the only way to make them listen is to put more pressure on them, but I guess people lwith the IQ of a monkey fail to understand that

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