Power surge broken PC?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
A friend had his PC plugged directly into the wall instead of through an extension with a circuit breaker, he knocked the plug the other day and windows wouldn't load anymore.

The hard disc was pretty knackered I think, it wouldn't let me try and repair Windows as if it had never been installed. I put a new hard drive in and installed windows on that and we got the files he wanted off the old one.

Anyway, I think the power surge did more than bugger the hard drive - the PC freezes a lot and it breaks down any time I try to install the hardware drivers that came with it, for the video card and sound etc.

He bought it from PC World about a month ago so, now that we got the old files back that he wanted, I've suggested he puts everything back like it was (remove the new drive basically) and take it back to the shop to see if he can get it replaced - not mentioning the plug accident of course.

I just wondered if people here think this is the best course of action, or if there are any other possible fixes without returning it to the shop?


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
No, do exactly that.
Power is something that should not be messed with and shouldn't be taken for granted too easily - which is why when building decent PC's, the PSU should be thought of as the single most important component.
Since you've got the relevant files off it, take it back to PC world and explain the issue without mentioning the power. Take note of hardware serial numbers beforehand though : it would be fairly common for them to chop and change hardware around : they may think a PSU swap will suffice. If it does still have issues you can always go back "You've only changed xxx part, the whole thing needs replacing".

Certainly worth asking your friend to purchase a cheap surge protector : PC World will sell him an overpriced Belkin (eww) thing for around £15. Handy if only for the connected equipment guarantee they provide.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks. He does have it plugged into an extension with a circuit breaker now, which is better than nothing. It was plugged directly into the wall socket before right next to his knee, sticking out on a three way adapter!

I hate PC World myself and I'd dread talking to them about anything, good idea about taking serial numbers to see what they've done.

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