Poll: What would you like as a solution for Dyvet?

What is thé thing that you want to see happening with Dyvet?

  • Leave it as it is!

    Votes: 4 2.1%
  • Merge it with U.S. servers!

    Votes: 64 33.0%
  • Merge it with German/French/Ita/Esp servers!

    Votes: 36 18.6%
  • Give character transfer! also to U.S.!

    Votes: 84 43.3%
  • other option, wich I stated bellow!

    Votes: 6 3.1%

  • Total voters


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Okey, here goes...

Since the big topic at the moment seems to be: "What will happen to Dyvet?" since the population is at a all time low.

Now instead of flaming on GoA, who are claiming they are putting every effort in the situation, and are working on it while we speak.
But since it has allway's been pretty words from GoA speakers on this forum, wich actually would not result in any proper actions taken on the servers.

So theerefoorrr..... A POLL! :D

What is thé thing that you want to see happening with Dyvet?

please state other options bellow!


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Delete server and give char copy to US. If you merge it with german/french you will lose more active accounts than you will gain as most people dont have a clue about german or french.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The solution to the problem is for the players that left............

...........to come back :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
account merging.

ie, if u have a high rr toon on one acc, one on another, be nice merge them into one.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
how about a couple of choices... char transfer to us and /or cluster with other eu servers.. i certainly wouldnt want to contunue with goa after the complete lack of comunication with customers over the population problem .... and i certainly wouldnt want to play in french/german......but at the rate of things at the moment nothing will be sorted before xmas....


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I cant see anything happening before WAR comes out, then the server will probably die completely so nothing will get done anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I voted cluster with euro servers but the best option which I have wanted for ages now is to just cluster NF from dyvet with some other euro NF cluster then we keep all the non frontier zones in english for all exp'ing/questing/ml/housing/etc and rvr can be in any language at all imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
i just want to have fun again :( havent been on eu for months now because i cba to log in an find nothing to fight .. Would be really nice with char copy to us but not like thats ever gonna happen :( we will proberly just get clusteret with the french or something so nobody can understand what happens an we all quit ..

one thing we all can learn from this never play a game that goa is running .


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Delete server and give char copy to US. If you merge it with german/french you will lose more active accounts than you will gain as most people dont have a clue about german or french.
V TRUE I Stopped playing my glast account due to not understanding a word of german :(

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Although a bit removed from this, its interesting to see the reactions of people to merging servers with other-language players. Its possibly worth mentioning that a large chunk of Excal & Pryd weren't players who had English as their primary language anyway.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Although a bit removed from this, its interesting to see the reactions of people to merging servers with other-language players. Its possibly worth mentioning that a large chunk of Excal & Pryd weren't players who had English as their primary language anyway.

True enough, however there's a world of difference between:
1: choosing to play on an English server when English isn't your first language, and
2: having English as your first language and being forced to play on a server that's not in English

I voted for character transfer to US servers for UK players, not that I suspect that's likely.


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2005
I voted cluster with euro servers but the best option which I have wanted for ages now is to just cluster NF from dyvet with some other euro NF cluster then we keep all the non frontier zones in english for all exp'ing/questing/ml/housing/etc and rvr can be in any language at all imo

I agree with Blue. I think this will be the only viable option due to the account ownership issue. PvE zones remain as they are with a Cluster <what ever language> RvR zone.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Delete server and give char copy to US. If you merge it with german/french you will lose more active accounts than you will gain as most people dont have a clue about german or french.

Do you not see the flaw in this logic?

If GoA close the server and give char copy to US it will lose ALL its current english speaking cluster customers because they will be paying mythic instead! If they cluster with another Euro server they will lose some people but may well keep other players playing longer.

I don't know the exact details but most people I have played with on the english cluster do NOT have english as their first language. While they may not know French/German as well they can probably understand it abit.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Clustering or char copy to the US will never ever happen (thank god) but I do like the idea of clustering NF with other EU servers, not like it matters what language NF is in.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Yup. You can vote all you want, but a server cluster or character copy to the US isn't going to happen. This has already been ruled out.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
True enough, however there's a world of difference between:
1: choosing to play on an English server when English isn't your first language, and
2: having English as your first language and being forced to play on a server that's not in English

I voted for character transfer to US servers for UK players, not that I suspect that's likely.

Why would be different?

You don't have to play on a non*English server, I don't have to play on a non-Hungarian server either. We both can decide if we want to play, given the choice of available server languages, and can choose which server is the best for us.

Having to learn one language besides your native one is expected in most places, we can even speak about 2 foreign languages.

But when you have learned 3 languages and only Enlgish was feasible, learing a 4th right now, and it wouldn't work, and you have to learn a 5th language to understand the game, now THAT is different.

People who don't understand the game, can't speak with english players, etc anyway are different again, but they are a very very small minority.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Let me move my characters to some other server, then delete the shitserver.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2006
Whilst I agree with blue clustering NF would be good. However that still leaves a problem for casual players - It is almost impossible to get a bg together for any PVE raid these days so I would susspect if that was GOA's solution then they are still going to loose subs. I know the next patch will allow u to use bp's for ml's etc but that really wont help out the casual players and those that prefer pve. I personaly can not see goa coming up with a viable solution and as such I'm seriously considering if I renew my subs when it expires or do I just say thanks for the 4 years fun and go find something else. Only thing about second option is I have not found anything that comes close to camelot and I've tried many. Only other is go US i suppose but I can't be bothered to grind all my toons again. I truly hope GOA give an update before my renewl date it will make it much easier for me to decide what to do :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yup. You can vote all you want, but a server cluster or character copy to the US isn't going to happen. This has already been ruled out.

Nearly all the possible options have been dismissed though.

They can't cluster or take any actions with US servers due to license restrictions and various other problems. Character transfers to other servers would kill Dyvet so it isn't a viable option. Clustering with another European server would result in only one language on the server at a time, so the users of one of the servers would be annoyed.

With all the solutions being ruled out as impossible, it's up to the players to decide where they want to play. Unless Mythic/GOA decide to perform some miracle and actually do something!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
if it resulted in a language change then hell no, theres a reason i dont play new classic and avalon.. guess what it is?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Dyvet solution

I personally think the best solution for Dyvet is to get clustered with other European servers. But of course to stay in English it would be nice for Mythic to put a "Language selection" menu when we log on to the new clustered server.

I think i saw on a topic that "Language selection" is not easy to be scripted because it would need all NPCs to be re-scripted. But they could just cluster Dyvet with another European server on the others server language and just give us a UI which translates every server message to English. Not that hard! I think there is already a program which translates server messages.

Character transfer would be the worst solution in my opionion. I personally have spent over 350 platinums on creating my houses and getting all those trophies i have and i don't think it's very easy to transfer houses aswell. In addition what would happen to the characters whose names are already in use in the other servers? They could just put server tag like "name-server" but that's just too much for players to know every server tag.

Anyway time will show what's the solution will be!


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Voted leave it as it is, that way the pond life that infected Prydwen & Excalibur have to stay there & wont cause grief on any other servers.

If you dont like the cluster, re-roll somwhere else, its not hard.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Voted leave it as it is, that way the pond life that infected Prydwen & Excalibur have to stay there & wont cause grief on any other servers.

If you dont like the cluster, re-roll somwhere else, its not hard.

Thats a very narrow minded attitude - what about those of us that stayed because of all the time and effort we've already put into our chars, and maybe don't have the time nowadays to start again from scratch?

Me being one of those and being a "casual" player since day 1 - christ it took me 32 days /played to get my 1st L50, and my hunter aint even RR8 yet - slow going mostly solo since day 1....


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I feel that I must agree with Svart on this one. It seems the best way to go and would encourage more integration between EA Mythic and GoA which could put us in line for some pretty tasty changes in the future. The character transfer from one company to another via US and vice versa is not a likely option as GOA will not let their own customers go to another company. So if integration is not the solution, I am going to wait and see what their solution is, but if it isn't the solution I like then I won't be coming back and will continue to beta test other games, it's not like there is a shortage of them :)


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Thats a very narrow minded attitude - what about those of us that stayed because of all the time and effort we've already put into our chars, and maybe don't have the time nowadays to start again from scratch?

Me being one of those and being a "casual" player since day 1 - christ it took me 32 days /played to get my 1st L50, and my hunter aint even RR8 yet - slow going mostly solo since day 1....

/shrug .. Took me 2 years to get my first level 50.

I have left behind approx 16 lvl 50 hibs, 3 lvl 50 albs, 1 lvl 50 mid, 1 hib tailor, 1 hib armourcrafter, 1 hib s/c'er & 1 mid tailor, 2 houses on hib, 1 house on mid, dunno how many realm points across the toons, my druid was nearly RR9, Ranger RR7 + , Vamp RR6+ hero & chanter RR5+. I will concede i play 4 nights a week.

Since december i have had one euro account active & one US account (since last week i now have only the US account)

I've managed to lvl & equip & get to ml 4 (or 5) a BD on Avalon & ive also levelled a thane there.

On US i have 5 lvl 50's hibs a lgm tailor & armourcrafter, 1 lvl 50 runie & a lvl 49 SM & ive just finished leveling a cabby. I only really rvr on 3 toons & they are between RR3 & RR6 atm.

I will admit ive been very lucky, ive bumped into a few old mates & (enemies) & some complete strangers on the US servers who have helped me with items, cash or a bit of pow leveling but most of the stuff ive done has been on my own.

Like i said, its not hard, even if you consider yourself to be a "casual" player.

/edit .. heh, just re-read that, dont wanna seem like im advertising the US servers or bashing you with my leetness, im not doing either but sorry if it comes across that way ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
What I would think would be a novel idea for Dyvet is if they allowed the UK English servers to patch at the same time as the American servers.

This would probebly bring interest back in the UK servers from European players who want to play the latest patch as they will be able to but will have to put up with it being in English.

The con to this maybe that this change may affect current EU servers populations if too many people move however they are all fairly well populated atm and do not really require the help that Dyvet does.

Any thoughts?....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Laws said:
What I would think would be a novel idea for Dyvet is if they allowed the UK English servers to patch at the same time as the American servers.

Never going to happen.

Patch "translation" isn't just changing the words npc's spout at you, but also adapting the code to run on GOA's setup instead of mythics.
While you could argue they might be able to get the patches for Dyvet out slightly earlier, the problems what would cause with the login checks, you'd need different copies of the game to log into Dyvet and Avalon would almost certainly just result in more bugs and more players quitting due to frustration.

The new patches at the moment arn't really bringing in new players anyway.. Most of the changes being done at the moment are way over the top and causing more players to leave than come back.

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