Poll :- Signatures.

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A girl could be 15 or 25. If she's loud, annoying, gets pissed to show off, acts tarty, dresses overly tarty etc etc then the only feelings I'd have for her are ones of sorrow.

It's sad, they know it's sad, they just want the attention.

I like nice well mannered, well behaved, intelligent girls - they have some substance, and thats what counts to me. Believe it or not I don't think about anything sexual when I meet a girl I like... I have to like her as a person to have any interest in her, so that actually makes age irrelevant almost.

Anyway, dunno why I wrote this but I did, so there :)


Me, I am completely in agreement with his sig... but that's cos I'm 17. Some of my best friends are tenth years and eleventh years.
Ooh you smoothie you.:D


Originally posted by TUG
Believe it or not I don't think about anything sexual when I meet a girl I like...

Wow. You're so unlike me :D


Well seeing as this is a serious matter and someone more or less calls me a pervert, I am gonna post a serious reply and tell the truth about how I work.

Can't say fairer than that can you.



Ill repeat what I said at the start of the Thread - this was meant to be a nonflaming post.

However, I'll expand my reasons for starting it.

1. Most folk visiting this forum dont know you from ADAM.

2. Text carries no tone, therefore it is interpreted differently by each person.

3. My interpretation of the sig leads me to believe that you like to "mess" with underage school children.

4. In this country it is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL to have that form of relationship.

5. I am a father of a young daughter and son and I know for a fact that I would "do time" if I found anyone interfering with them

SO, recapping on your comments leads me to believe that the sig is harmless but, hopefully you can now understand where the reason behind the thread starting came from.


I've always thought of Tug's sig as offensive but this being the internet with public annonymity I let it slide without comment as a talking point or just a silly remark.

That sums it up for me. As forum admin I did notice his sig a while back and thought about it. At the end of the day Laup has hit the nail on the head, hence I've not force TUG to remove it, and from his replies on this forum it seems my view of him is right. He does not mean anything by it and is a good bloke, but I also see Lazarus's point.

Any newbie appearing on these forums will see that sig and think differently, but this thread is the first I've seen of someone pointing out TUGs sig (he's had it for ages) so unless it becomes a big issue with more people or TUG turns ugly and starts to talk about acts that break the law, then I can't see any harm in TUG having his signature?


so unless it becomes a big issue with more people or TUG turns ugly and starts to talk about acts that break the law, then I can't see any harm in TUG having his signature? [/B]

Me neither, case closed.


Originally posted by Luap-ffs

Me neither, case closed.


P.S. thanks to all you guys esp. MT, Someguy etc who wonderfully restrained from spamming on this thread (mostly)




Originally posted by Luap-ffs
I am the father of a son and two fine daughters
fs, I wish the rest of the thread wasn't about illegal activities, or I'd have replied just saying "incest" :eek:

Directed originally at TUG
1. Most folk visiting this forum dont know you from ADAM.
Funny, I thought the fact that only regulars post here (or really read here for that matter) would have been tantamount to knowing he's constantly on about this ; and its ongoing joke form.

If you're that worried about TUG's sig, or in general, you have a convienient button there to use that stops the display of Sigs ... at the end of the day its just like the rest of the internet, you use common sense, if you don't want to see something, you install netnanny or some such to prevent being offended.

I could go on about how stupid this thread is, but I won't.

I do sometimes wish people would lurk in forums / usenet for a degree of time before posting and airing their views, as it does just set them up to look silly.


Originally posted by Kez

I could go on about how stupid this thread is, but I won't.

Matter of opinion. However, your overbearing opinion does not matter to me.

We had this thread closed after a more adult debate than others seen on this forum.


I'm well aware.

But I also like to throw my views around whether people want them or not :)

Its a character trait.
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