---POLL about 1.52 + Gorre---


SoulFly Amarok

As we all know, Goa will be installing german etc databases on gorre for a short period of time so people can try the patch out and report bugs.

but with 1.52 you have a problem. It is called the full respec which we will get.

People from I.E Excalibur can try their new specs out, while the people on Prydwen can not. This same thing aplies to the so called non-main german&french servers.

It should not matter on which server you choose to play on, but in this case, it really does. there will be thousands of people who want to try their new spec's out, but now they can't.

Either you give the people on prydwen/ <insert the german&french server names here> a second full respec, or install all of the databases on gorre for a short period of time. Yes, that could and probably will delay the patch.

Which option would you choose out from these two.
A: Give the people on pryd/etc a second full respec.
B: Use all of the databases, which can delay the patch.

Giving this sort of major advantages are not tolerable.

For example:

I am a paladin. I would like to try out the damage output with 39 slash and try out slam. I can not do that, while the people on excal can. So I respec to that and find it to be crappy? what can I do? nothing, i'm "gimped".

j000 d000d

Use all of the databases.

I'd rather have the patch a little bit later than people with gimped specs.


put them special trainers in, so you can try out your char with whatever spec.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
put them special trainers in, so you can try out your char with whatever spec.

That sounds good.


Couldn't agree more, I'm respecing to higher aug and, well, if the new aug spell turns out to be crap...

GOA, give us second-rate servers a few days on Gorre or give *all* servers two respecs!


I dont think they can give us 2 respecs just like that, I think its hard coded.


I totally agree. The advantage the "main" servers get is huge... something has to be done and that is a fact.
I'd say that let us all test out our characters on Gorre and thus the patch is delayed. A few days is enough... come on people it is much better to be able to test if your respec is good than get the patch a week or two earlier.


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
I dont think they can give us 2 respecs just like that, I think its hard coded.
True. So in other words let us "alt" servers also test the new patch on Gorre. Rather have a good respec than a patch a bit earlier...


hmm, so instead of testing ONE english, ONE french, ONE german server, you want to give a useful-length testing period to all 10 servers?
Just bring those trainers back. Wipe the char database every night, allow them to get you to level 50 or something.
Problem with that would be, i suppose, that people would then be more inclined to play on Gorre with their artifical lvl50's...
I don't care, I'm on excal ^^


Yeah but you miss items in that way, so what is the point?
You can't exactly test anything...

hmm, so instead of testing ONE english, ONE french, ONE german server, you want to give a useful-length testing period to all 10 servers?
Exactly. Yes.

j000 d000d

Make it possible to copy chars to Gorre. Problems solved.

They got it on US, why can't we have it here?


Well as I said on another one of these million patch database thread repeats, IMHO its for GOA to make sure things work anyway, not for players to test out new amazing stuff and go "oooooh thats nice".

So it dont really matter which database they use, its for them not us. Although with respec I can see everyone is itching to try it but hey, chill out, not long to go :) <rubs hands>


Don't make anything that can delay the patch.

All changes that don't affect me in a negative way are fine:)


Why not just make it like US test server where you get a char copied there, that would make it even for all servers and not just the main servers, tho german and french ppl would have to play in english for the few days they try the new patch.


I think thats a brilliant idear.

Lets have GOA give each server 3-4 days to test out their chars, so no one will miss the chance to tweak their stats to the max.

I mean, after having waited for months for the patch, what does 30-40 days extra matter.

I mean, its not like us europeans have had any advantages like a character builder or spell list to plan our characters with. We have had no chance to read up on some board like IGN to see what others feelt about one spec vs. another.

Lets just delay the patching process, that way we will have even longer to get a feel for the new things Mythic introduces on the US servers.


Screw the respecc. If you feel your character is gimped now, he/she will probaply be the same after the respecc, just in another field.

And the 1-2% of the total server population, that have actually made some major mistakes in their spec, will probaply have figured out how to specc out of it without the "free" trial run on Gorre.

Im on Excal. Ill use the respec to change to axe from hammer because of the upcomming changes to resists. Even 3 days with full RvR won't be enough for me to get a real feel for the changes in styles/endurance/dam changes. Unless i get a cloth - leather - chain - plate user to line up and let me hit them repeatedly from different sides and with different styles (yeah right).

My personal view is, that people wants the chance to try out a different lvl 50 char then their present for free. 90% know how they are gonna respecc and 1-2 days on Gorre wont change that. They just want to have fun with some ½crazy build they thought up on the catacombs builder.

So again, forget the respec, bring on 1.53 and the new dungeon, and 1.54 and SC and Alchemy. Bring on real changes to the game to keep our (fading) interest in the game. New icons? great but not really game play altering :D


It's understandable the other servers want to test out their respec on gorre but illogical to do it before the mainservers are patched to 1.52. Goa should just test 1.52 with the dbs of the 3 mainservers, then update all servers to 1.52 and afterwards rotate the dbs on gorre around of the other servers. That way the patchingprocess won't be delayed but everyone will get a chance to do 1 respec on gorre.


Enough forums out there which show decent templates...

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Khalen
Enough forums out there which show decent templates...

Players tend to choose a template that fits their playing style, not some template from which other people say "damn im ubarl33t with th1s t3mplat3"

Like i like my mana spec with PBAE, maybe other say the Light spec line is better because of the nuke, i find this more fun than nuking from a distance.


Even though Gorre is there for translation purposes, i strongly support the character copier pendragon style that was mentioned

give french, german and english servers a week each to test and get the patch up and running

Only excalibur getting to test all the new things with free respecs is giving them quite an advantage to prydwen players and will be a drawback on eg the pvp server

You should be able to just reuse the code of the pendragon copier since no translation issues are involved imo

ps : Hulbur, what class are you?


Quiet easy to see the happy ppl in this threat is excal ppl that get a exrta free respec... and yes that is a huge advantage if you are trying to deside between 2 specs.


Originally posted by old.Teador
Players tend to choose a template that fits their playing style, not some template from which other people say "damn im ubarl33t with th1s t3mplat3"

I so wish that was true...

Manachanters get mentioned loads and pwnz0r in keeps, everyone rolls a manachanter.
Assasins rule the field and rake in RPs, everyone roll an assasin.
Etc, etc...

95% of all players are being caught with their hands in the cookie-cutter box :sleeping:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.pebr

95% of all players are being caught with their hands in the cookie-cutter box :sleeping:

Ha! Not moi! *cackles and speeds off on the Red Tractor(tm)*

............ though I like cookies.


i reckon half the infil population will be changing to 50 thrust, at the moment theres only maybe 4-5 of us with dragonfang, but expect a lot more after respecs.

Personally im considering copying iunzana and going for a mercfiltrator :d


B, but either would sort me

old.Max Payne

Originally posted by Khalen
Enough forums out there which show decent templates...

yeah yeah.. you got your free respec, quiet ! :)


Reintroduction of the <special trainers> is good but flawed, yes they do give gold as per lvl but you cant buy lvl 50 items of npc merchants.

Character copy is the way to go, I dont fancy much trying to test out builds when I am running about it my shiny lvl 35 armour and weapons. :)


Gorre is a PATCH Test server . not a spec test server . its not put there to let us test out new specs . its put up for us to test the patches and make sure we can respec . dont get me wrong i agree with many of you guys when u say pryd would like to test new specs . but gorres for patch not us . I'd persoannly like to see the special trainer again where u can ding 50 in 2 mins . that way is FAR FAR FAR easier then alowing EVERY server test gorre and respecs .

also IF Gao did allow all to respec then lets ay average 1 week teste per server it seems atm . so 10+ servers = 1.52 about xmas time . im sure many people "even many of the servers who dont gte to test ain char" will want to have the patch rather than ability to test there new specs .

@ GOA please give us a special trainer . its ONLY a test server that gets deleted reguler so its not as if they goin to be of benefit to people who use trainer and make tons of 50 chars.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by -yoda-
Gorre is a PATCH Test server . not a spec test server . its not put there to let us test out new specs . its put up for us to test the patches and make sure we can respec . dont get me wrong i agree with many of you guys when u say pryd would like to test new specs . but gorres for patch not us . I'd persoannly like to see the special trainer again where u can ding 50 in 2 mins . that way is FAR FAR FAR easier then alowing EVERY server test gorre and respecs .

also IF Gao did allow all to respec then lets ay average 1 week teste per server it seems atm . so 10+ servers = 1.52 about xmas time . im sure many people "even many of the servers who dont gte to test ain char" will want to have the patch rather than ability to test there new specs .

@ GOA please give us a special trainer . its ONLY a test server that gets deleted reguler so its not as if they goin to be of benefit to people who use trainer and make tons of 50 chars.

I want to test my new specs with my gear, not with some crap.


Why not just have em disable the respec on the Test server then everyone can stop whining???


Why not just make it like pendragon so we can copy chars there... and they can run it in german/french/english like 3 days each... would give all a fair chance to try new spells and such.

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