polearm respec question(or stay full s/s)



Now that I have read about armsman specs more, imo these two specs are best:

50 pole
42 shield
39 (slash/thrust(crush)
rest parry

or a bit defensive

44 pole
42 shield
39 (slash/thrust/crush)
rest parry

I'm torn between these specs myself. The lvl 50 polestyle seems very nice but I'd get only about 6 in parry. Not sure if that low parry is any good. Then again it's mostly big fights these days and being purely offensive isn't much of a drawback.


Go 50weapon, 50shield. Works great for me. Why waste extra spec points on pole-large..um..things? :p

<bored at work>


Originally posted by hrodelbert
1 Hrodelbert DeMonteCristo 2,227,285 42,642 50 Lords Of England Highlander
2 Torean 1,472,089 19,315 50 Servants of the Lake Briton
3 Bullveye 1,282,599 68,298 50 Lords Of England Highlander
4 Belgorian GodSlayer 1,150,087 36,757 50 Lords Of England Highlander
5 Steveh 1,060,421 28,501 50 Angels of Darkness Highlande

yeah yeah hybrid is so uber..... or not don't change stan all i know is that i find polearmsmen easier to beat in duels than S/S. S/S is also better PvE. But what is ideal is when you have a nice mix because there is no denying than polers hit very hard and you don't need 5 slams on something to make it stop moving :)

I would like to see time spent Emain divided into those figures.
Also how many of those Rps were 1v1 fights.
I guess alot of those Rps are to do with the guild you are in and the time spent in emain rather than having the most uber spec

What you said above Hrod is very correct no char is uber its the group you are in that can be uber each char has its own qualities
as does each differant spec.


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

ah so many mistakes in that sentence there:
1) kick me back to midgard? huh?? :D
2) I use a breadknife or comedy mallet as necessary, not a toothpick ;)
3) You're actually willing to accept my challenge (<--- biggest mistake of all)

Hope to run into you sometime, as I wander odin's solo a lot too (especially at noonish gmt on saturday's for all you mal hunters ;) ) and if I see you solo while I'm with a group I'll try to get them to stop ripping you to shreds soon enough that we can have a 1v 1 fight :)

Original Messege by old.GeForce posted at:
23-01-03 01:01

must of been half awake :)


44 polearm, 42 shield, 39 slash, 24 parry.

I am RR 3, so, with RR and item bonuses:

52 Polearm, 50 shield, 47 slash, 31 parry. I'm not in spellcrafted armour, yet.

Mastery of blocking, and mastery of parry leaves me effectively at:

52 pole, 56 shield, 47 slash, 37 parry.

I will say that pure s/s armsmen will beat you in duels, most of the time. Pure polearmers will likely pummel you about a bit too, most of the time (/flex at Damionus).

However, there is nothing like being jumped by a solo shadowblade.

Uncovered Djibreel on Sauvage road the other day. Slammed him from behind with a small shield, swapped to polearm, phalanx, phalanx. He was left on 1/4th health in under 8 seconds. He tried to run. It didn't work :D


Just to go with what Hrod said, i'd say stick with s+s myself, if you want to be defensive that is.Heres a little example of what guard can do at that lvl


Thats all one fight, missed 1 of the sbs death spam, but 4 decided to jump me Hrod and Visit as we went into HoC. Bet they werent expecting to all die LOL, havent laughed so much at this game in months until that point, and if i ever tried an armsman as an alt, id definately go s+s, after seeing the Pink One in action firsthand saving my butt and his( but not Visits ;) )And to those 4 sbs ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH better luck next time :clap:

oops forgot to add, i was playing my cleric btw not Gwen ;)


Was fun to meet you too Gwendel/Visit. Remember me just inside mmg? =P


yes was fun although the durability on my shield is under 100% now :(


weaponskill is quite important these days, some seem to have forgotten that ;)

Poles own for an offensetank, I would go pure poler. If I go s/s I would go 50/50/28. Slam sure is nice, but so is the Revengecombo and brutalize. Hybrid... why oh why? Tanks are to be beaten at OR deal damage as fast as possible. Polers can kill fast, ever tried to run from a poler? BAD MOVE ;) Whatta hell do you need slam for? Crippling blow and Revenge isnt enough? A poler with lower than 50+11+rr's will have a harder time to land hits, simple as that (misses with a pole is bad), Slam have no to-hit-bonus at all... have fun with the s/s-tanks out there, "ooops he blocked my slam--> I cant move... dammit." To put so many points in shield just to get some CC as a poler is a waste innit? I think so at least. I have 52 with bonuses in blades on my ranger and and 42 in Celtic dual, i tried to duel a hero with 50 in shield in base and 36 in parry, LOL is all I say. I couldnt even hit the bastard. He blocked and parried like a madman, styled or unstyled. And do not forget shielders get a penalty vs dualwielders. s/s owns, plain and simple. Jack of all trades days is over i think. Go as high as you possible can in weaponskill OR be a pure defensetank, which way is a question of taste. Hybrids maybe work aswell, but I doubt they work as well as pure tanks, be it offensive or defensive :)

well well, enough ranting... play the game and have fun.


Originally posted by Shike
weaponskill is quite important these days, some seem to have forgotten that ;)

Poles own for an offensetank, I would go pure poler. If I go s/s I would go 50/50/28. Slam sure is nice, but so is the Revengecombo and brutalize. Hybrid... why oh why? Tanks are to be beaten at OR deal damage as fast as possible. Polers can kill fast, ever tried to run from a poler? BAD MOVE ;) Whatta hell do you need slam for? Crippling blow and Revenge isnt enough? A poler with lower than 50+11+rr's will have a harder time to land hits, simple as that (misses with a pole is bad), Slam have no to-hit-bonus at all... have fun with the s/s-tanks out there, "ooops he blocked my slam--> I cant move... dammit." To put so many points in shield just to get some CC as a poler is a waste innit? I think so at least. I have 52 with bonuses in blades on my ranger and and 42 in Celtic dual, i tried to duel a hero with 50 in shield in base and 36 in parry, LOL is all I say. I couldnt even hit the bastard. He blocked and parried like a madman, styled or unstyled. And do not forget shielders get a penalty vs dualwielders. s/s owns, plain and simple. Jack of all trades days is over i think. Go as high as you possible can in weaponskill OR be a pure defensetank, which way is a question of taste. Hybrids maybe work aswell, but I doubt they work as well as pure tanks, be it offensive or defensive :)

well well, enough ranting... play the game and have fun.

Well said that man. :clap:



thanks all for you input. I'm sticking with s/s always loved that way of playing, sometimes only got desperate getting owned by every single sb out there, but than i started to look them up on duskwave, and noticed most of them got a bunch or rps, and ra's. I guess when they lose IP my time will come, and when I get purge myself things will get better too... And if i can raise my stats with spellcrafting to +11 to shield/parry/slash OMG start running hehe :)

I just need to be a little more patient,....

Thanks and meet you out there soon


I couldn't disagree with Shike more.

Slampolers rock, plain and simple.

With RR3 and items, I already have 50 shield/52pole/46 slash - and I'm not in my full SC set yet.

Admittedly, slam has no to-hit bonus. You have to play a little more tactically when trying to slam someone - from the side or behind. However, it is still an ANYTIME style - which is a huge advantage over the rage/revenge stun chain.

First of all, polearms are prone to miss more than one handers. I miss 1 out of every 15 hits, or thereabouts, with 52 polearm - vs 1 out of 20 hits with a one handed sword.

Add in the fact you have to use revenge after your enemy has styled on you. They get an unstyled (left hand hit, anyone?) hit on you before the style fires, you won't land rage properly, and therefore won't be able to land revenge, the stun.

Factor in evades, parries, and blocks vs two hand weapons, and a 2-style chain at that.

I'd rather have an anytime style you have to play a bit more tactically to land.


As I see it here both pure Polers and Hybrid Polers seem very happy with their spec.

Im full Pole Slash Parry and this spec serves me well and in my opinion a S/S would be much better being a Pali, but that is just my opinion.


Originally posted by Roalith
Add in the fact you have to use revenge after your enemy has styled on you. They get an unstyled (left hand hit, anyone?) hit on you before the style fires, you won't land rage properly, and therefore won't be able to land revenge, the stun.

have you checked whether that is still the case or not? As now to perform an "after you parry" style vs a 2 weapon user, I must have parried the first weapon, what I did with the 2nd is now irrelevant.

xxx attacks you with his dagger for 45 damage
xxx attacks you with his dirk.
You parry xxx's attack!
You attempt to perform a celtic rage (<--- after parry style)
You fail to perform your celtic rage perfectly..

xxx attacks you with his dagger.
You parry xxx's attack!
xxx attacks you with his dirk and hits for 30 damge
You attempt to perform a celtic rage
You perform your celtic rage perfectly!!



i decided to use my respec and become pure S+S
now i have the following options

50 slash
42 shield
39 parry
rest xbow

MoPaine 2
Aug Dex 2
MoBlocking 1
MoParry 1
Det 1
Tireless 1

makes (+stats +RAs +RR)
62 shield
59 parry


50 slash
50 shield
28 parry


MoPaine 2
Aug Dex 2
MoParry 1
Det 2 in a few rps
Tireless 1

makes (+stats +RAs +RR)
64 shield
48 parry

pros and cons please


Only thing you're missing out on with the lower shield spec, from the looks of it, is 2 shield points and the brutalise style. Go for the high parry spec.


I say go for 50 shield. As you go slash s/s you want to block instead of parry (since our absolute best style chain of a block) and besides blocking will save you from 3 enemies (and block like 99% arrows). Parry only works good against 1 opponent and no arrows.

Brutalize (50 shieldstyle) is also a very good style. Slam is IMO more or less useless in RvR - it got no bonus to hit and will be evaded, blocked and parried all the time and it drains far too much endurance. With max shieldspecc you can instead choose to do a brutalize after you block a blow aimed at you OR the person you're guarding. It lands very often, got 10 sec stun and drains very little end (Depending on shieldweight but still alot less than slam). Also after a successfull brutalize you can spam Riposte 3-4 times for great damage and hitratio.

I'm currently 50 sheild, 44 slash and 37 parry and if I had another respecc I might go 50 slash just to lower my parry a bit. I hate when i parry instead of block a blow (parry is checked before block in a fight so with high parry you will parry before you block).


I would look at weaponstyles and judge from that, and have in mind what you want to be able to do as a tank.

My hero will have 50blunt/50shield/28parry. Parry is always checked first and from that 50 blunt have a 2stylestunchain, shield have stun in brutalize from a block. Hence in battles i have 2 options to stun an opponent whether I block or parry.

One nice thing with 50 in shield is also that whenever u block for a caster for instance with guard, you have the possibility to stun that attacker immadiately with a shieldstyle that have a bonus to hit. If you are up vs an assassin chanses are that he simply evades your slam and proceeds in killing the caster you are protecting since you dont have time to position yourself in a way so that he cant evade a slam.
There are many ways to look at this, I dont say hybrids dont work, I just believe that a pure defense/offense tank is better in the longrun. Others think the other way around. :)


Originally posted by Shike
I would look at weaponstyles and judge from that, and have in mind what you want to be able to do as a tank.

My hero will have 50blunt/50shield/28parry. Parry is always checked first and from that 50 blunt have a 2stylestunchain, shield have stun in brutalize from a block. Hence in battles i have 2 options to stun an opponent whether I block or parry.

One nice thing with 50 in shield is also that whenever u block for a caster for instance with guard, you have the possibility to stun that attacker immadiately with a shieldstyle that have a bonus to hit. If you are up vs an assassin chanses are that he simply evades your slam and proceeds in killing the caster you are protecting since you dont have time to position yourself in a way so that he cant evade a slam.
There are many ways to look at this, I dont say hybrids dont work, I just believe that a pure defense/offense tank is better in the longrun. Others think the other way around. :)

is there an echo in here? :eek:



Originally posted by Shike

One nice thing with 50 in shield is also that whenever u block for a caster for instance with guard, you have the possibility to stun that attacker immadiately with a shieldstyle that have a bonus to hit. If you are up vs an assassin chanses are that he simply evades your slam and proceeds in killing the caster you are protecting since you dont have time to position yourself in a way so that he cant evade a slam.

NO shield styles have any bonus to hit what so ever. You'll miss a brutalize as much as a slam I'm sorry to tell you. and as for not having time to position yourself so he can't evade it? LOL it takes about 0.5seconds to run through them and /face then slam.. even assassins don't kill casters that fast..


ack, I just checked, and yeah thats true Malev. No bonus to hit is correct, I apologize. Dunno where I got that from.

However, Casters can die in PA+1 more hit. PA is damn hard to block, but CD can be blocked quite easily with high shieldspecc and the next hit aswell. And it aint always so easy to do what you describe in 0.5s tbh, guard works over some range and 0.5s is a split second. What I am curios about is this, does shieldspecc 50 land a slam/brutalize easier than shieldspecc 42? Or does it only affect the blockingrate? Logic says that it should be easier, but I dunno. Weaponskill is 0 with only a shield equipped.


It's quite unlikely a caster will die from the CD from an assassin, only possible way might be a 2 hand crit blade, but they hit slow enough that tank has time as I said.

yesterday for example nightstar hit downanael (yes druid not caster) and managed a 2nd hit before I was able to get in position(<-- and this was mostly due to my connection, if an assassin PAs me I usually get hit a 2nd time before I acn react too:/), then I used annihilation and end of assassin (hit her for over 700 dmg with it too hehe). it does NOT take a long time to get out of assassins frontal arc so they can't evade.

also a tank defending casters should be standing a bit in front of them anyway, not behind them.. so shouldn't take long at all to stun the assassins....


You shouldn't rely too much on shield spec as a shield specced tank. When you meet dual wielders you just can't stand there in hope of getting a block in.

Imo, max weapon, max shield, rest to parry and get mparry 1/2. Stay flexible =]


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