Podcast about quests


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Well kill collect is the same old, but I guess thats unavoidable even though you can get the reward after you've killed the n monsters. Altho Paul's explanation was pretty funny on the subject.

I'm looking forward to the Tome and Exploration quests, having to read some lore etc to find the Tome quests (prolly part of the epic line) and having small exploration gift packets scattered around.

RvR quests will prolly also be the same old... kill n enemies or capture a tower or something similar.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
A great podcast.

Mythic - we want more Paul Barnett podcasts!


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
It all sounds good to me, and that chap in the Podcast was hilarious lol


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Well kill collect is the same old, but I guess thats unavoidable even though you can get the reward after you've killed the n monsters. Altho Paul's explanation was pretty funny on the subject.

I'm looking forward to the Tome and Exploration quests, having to read some lore etc to find the Tome quests (prolly part of the epic line) and having small exploration gift packets scattered around.

RvR quests will prolly also be the same old... kill n enemies or capture a tower or something similar.

Sounds like a diff approach on kill collect, if i understood right when u get a Kill Collect q it will be kill 10 of those and u get 10 of what u u need to collect (not kill 40 to get 10). Also it seems that if u randomly kill mobs and they drop a Collect Q related item it triggers the Quest.
I might have get it wrong tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
That was some funny shit on that pod, how I understood the kill quests were you just kill stuff as normal then find a guy who wanted them dead and you get the reward.

so the first one you kill triggers the kill quest, then report to the guy and your done.

I love it when he explained about bear paws :) hes a funny guy.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
"go forth and bring me 10 bear paws"

*looks at self, covered in bear bits...*

I imagine there'll be some "gofer" quests as part of the storyline (talk to bloke, go fer thing, bring it back) but hopefully never a single "kill 1000 bears to get a single paw" :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
The Tome of Knowledge keeps track of the amount of NPCs you kill.

If you've already slain 50 squigs earlier in your avatars life - a kill-collector NPC will not ask you to kill 5 squigs (if they are of the same sort) but rather automatically know that you've killed stuff before (via the Tome of Knowledge) and simply hand you a reward as a "thank you".

It's not anywhere near a "same old" solution, in fact a very refreshing way of doing them.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Really really impressed with that pod cast, loving the ideas :)

Haha whats the deal with them glasses! were a little weird hehe


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gotta be said, that guy does a fantastic job of selling the game...
If I knew nothing more than the contents of his podcasts, it'd be enough :)

As for lol moments, thanking a dying elf for keeping your shiny new sword warm while it was stuck through him... class ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
"We have guys that sit there and say: "Am I really just making a genicide simulator?" And we have to talk them up and say yes yes of course you have to kill stuff thats why our game is called WAR. Now think of more interesting and comical ways of doing it come on...."

Basically you will run around killing everything.

The local quest structure sounds great though "gone are the days of hanging around until people arrive who want to do the quest...."



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think the tome of knowledge is a great idea.

I always wanted something to track ever type of kill I had ever done.

Its taking the /stats of DAOC and expanding it alot and presenting it as the Tome of knowledge. Its another way of hiding the grind by providing alot of information about how much carnage you are inflicting, expanding the knowledge of each mob. Its what Wow got definitely right for the lower levels. Lots of things moving forward at the same time, masking the underlying game mechanics.

Also providing extra sub abilities along with it, lfor example +4 to sea otter slaying, after killing a 1000+.

I wonder if this is kind of like reputation in Wow. The same secondary leveling which you choose to work on, if you have the time.

This is something I will be interested in, if done well.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
1 bad thing is the fact that you could kill 10 bears, while your mate kills 10 pigs, but when you head into town, there is no Bear npc as such.

They did not make it clear, but you could technically kill the mobs which offer you no reward? Or will there be a NPC in each zone who wants a specific mob slain?

Also if you killed 20 bears in the first zone then get the xp, would an NPC later on also want bears killed...and allow you to add your previous amount?

So at lvl 30 some random npc would require 100 bears, however you've killed 80 from previous quests


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
1 bad thing is the fact that you could kill 10 bears, while your mate kills 10 pigs, but when you head into town, there is no Bear npc as such.

They did not make it clear, but you could technically kill the mobs which offer you no reward? Or will there be a NPC in each zone who wants a specific mob slain?

Also if you killed 20 bears in the first zone then get the xp, would an NPC later on also want bears killed...and allow you to add your previous amount?

So at lvl 30 some random npc would require 100 bears, however you've killed 80 from previous quests

You have a journal that keeps track of everything you kill, it also lets you get things like "bear-slayer" titles and stuff, as well as giving you more information about a particular monster the more you kill of it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Also if you killed 20 bears in the first zone then get the xp, would an NPC later on also want bears killed...and allow you to add your previous amount?
If he wants the exact same type of bears, and not from a specific location - then yep - in theory. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Im worried bout how the contribution points on the public quests will be dealt for the healing classes......


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Im worried bout how the contribution points on the public quests will be dealt for the healing classes......

There are no healing classes, there are some classes who can also heal.
Pretty different approach.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
1 bad thing is the fact that you could kill 10 bears, while your mate kills 10 pigs, but when you head into town, there is no Bear npc as such.

They did not make it clear, but you could technically kill the mobs which offer you no reward? Or will there be a NPC in each zone who wants a specific mob slain?

Also if you killed 20 bears in the first zone then get the xp, would an NPC later on also want bears killed...and allow you to add your previous amount?

So at lvl 30 some random npc would require 100 bears, however you've killed 80 from previous quests

i'd assume that the "bears" (for example) will be named things like bear cub, cave bear, grizzly bear and so on, so the npc will want bears that are more specific rather than general bears. so i'd also assume the tomb of knowledge will incorporate this, with catagories for types of monsters which you can expand to view how you are doing, and then probably create a kill count on screen for specific monsters or what have you. ofcourse this is just complete assumption but to me it seems like both the logical way of doing this, and rather more interesting than catagorising all bears togethar.

Also with this they could give you (for example) a 5% bonus damage to all bears which you can benefit from killing any type of bear.

this is how i'd expect/hope to see this implemented in any case. either way, cant fucking wait :>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i'd assume that the "bears" (for example) will be named things like bear cub, cave bear, grizzly bear and so on, so the npc will want bears that are more specific rather than general bears. so i'd also assume the tomb of knowledge will incorporate this, with catagories for types of monsters which you can expand to view how you are doing, and then probably create a kill count on screen for specific monsters or what have you. ofcourse this is just complete assumption but to me it seems like both the logical way of doing this, and rather more interesting than catagorising all bears togethar.

Also with this they could give you (for example) a 5% bonus damage to all bears which you can benefit from killing any type of bear.

this is how i'd expect/hope to see this implemented in any case. either way, cant fucking wait :>

This is what they have implemented. Though I gather you have to kill alot of bears (In this case) to get the bear slayer bonus. Basically as you gain more experience in killing bears, so does your tome of knowledge expand with bear information :) The tome has got me excited in a manly sort of way !!!!

I also wonder if the tome will track your titles as well. Since effectively the tome is a more visual extension of the /stats in DAOC but taken to the Nth degree. I know I liked tracking kill stats, but always felt not enough happned when you got the the higher levels. So this is /stats integrated into the game from the start, just like the RVR is now intergrated into the game from the start instead of the battlegrounds concept we had in DAOC. Cross a bridge and you are in RVR .... just the way it should be :)


Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
First off I'd just like to say, Paul Barnett is, and will always be my idol, second of all this rocks.


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
I love it. I simply.. love it.
Keep the good job up Mythic!

Gifv beta, plz, k thx. :p

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