plz not PL in spindel peak times :(



plz 3 or 4 people going arround with buff botss and spindel is massacred

cant you PL is SI away from traditional spots for groups??

i thought not



Most ppl don't bother with buying Si for their buffbot account, so SI is out of the question.

There are many nice spots outside spindel, just not everyone who knows about it. And spindel does has some nice "wear while levelling" loot.



well if u deside to PL in the "new" SI areas u would have to buy 2 copies of SI ;)

but i would have to agree its f***ed up with all them bots running around and ppl PL'ing their m8s by killing 100's of blues :twak:

imo the worst development ever in DAoC

would come near a guy with a online bot my self :touch:


Spindel=crap exp

Dont know why ppl keep going there. Are way better spots in varulvhamn, vänern and malmö. And you dont need to go to the lair to get good exp in malmö you can start already at 35 in some other places of the zone.


41 - Savage - Cushelli (not going any further)

how come just not very good ? :)
or busy RL
or .....

and i do agree with you about spind but going to malmo and you get a wipeout (possibly) and usually without fail some people will leave.. its just the way it is i find so itry to stay to places where people come and go..


Originally posted by Cush
Spindel=crap exp

Dont know why ppl keep going there. Are way better spots in varulvhamn, vänern and malmö. And you dont need to go to the lair to get good exp in malmö you can start already at 35 in some other places of the zone.
Well xp was good, up to lvl 35 for my shaman when i pl'd him with fafnir, killing trow/ms/gunstlings/vivunders/crushers/Ond. But i was there from 6 am-10 am. 9.30 people started to ask for some pl for themself.


Savage wasent my cup of tea. Was just trying the char out and by misstake ended up lvling it to lvl 41


best PL spots in midgard:

Raumarik: lotsa yellow/orange/red con mobs - drops are nice too
Vanern: Spiders are yellow/orange at 50, jotuns can be found in various cons too
Frontier: Lotsa places to PL in the frontier... not gonna say where cos I might get ganked ;)

in the 3 above mentioned areas, there's atleast 10, if not 20 good spots.


I can 3-4 hit trollskarls with glyph, very efficient exp for a buffbot as i can keep pulling them...and they are blind for that sake, so can walk in amongst them and bash away


is it very good exp there when you have to fight over the mobs? whiles in the other locations you are easaly able to get a spawn all to youself


Originally posted by Cush
is it very good exp there when you have to fight over the mobs? whiles in the other locations you are easaly able to get a spawn all to youself
Well the times i've been there, trollkarls are mostly camped, but every other spawn around is free for the taking, run a lap, thru trollkarls the ramp up killing the trows there, out thru the scav room into trow room down, thru gunstlings and ms killing the odd crusher, down to Ond usually 1-2 bulbs just thru the ms. Back out to scav into trollkarl room, up the ramp etc. Normally made 1 lvl per lap/hour. on my shaman up to lvl 34-35 when it started to slow down.


its getting beyond a joke now tbh, i just counted 6+ ppl either killing all the mobs for salvage or PL there buffbot, i dont know whats happened on over the last 3 - 4 months since i exp'ed there with my skald there noone was PL'ing buffbots then.

something realy needs to be done about this, like shamans haveing there buffs on a range and not being able to give people out of group buffs, also lvl50's not being albe to group with gray cons to prevent PL'ing... all these buffbots and PL'ing is bring'ing the game down as a whole..also very annoying


And lets not forget, if you are actually PLAYING a shaman, these days you can't get a group 'cos someones got a buff bot with 'em!



That's very true mung, my little healer is also experiencing difficulties grouping due to the sheer amount of bots.


All i can say is that thank god that End regen is on a 10 min timer or else i would never get groups in RvR. I think that when SI came out lots of people used the opportunity to buy a second account.


I cant belive the problem which has came up mainly due to buff bots. People seem to have become more and more anti social. I have been trying to get a group with my 38 full supp runie (8 sec pbt) which used to be a wanted char in groups. After doing a few /who's either /who spind or /who 37-39 I found quite a few people, after a few tells all i seem to hear is "sorry mate im soloing with my buffbot". Now when i leveled my hunter many moons ago I found it easier to get a group with him which is strange as he is a rogue which never got a group even if you offered to pay 1P to everyone in the group. Leveled my shammy (NOT a buffbot) and it was getting a little tougher to get a group around 35-40 but now its near on impossible to get a group with anyone. Just seems that all the people who are now using buffbots are kinda losing out on half of the game imo.

I like PvE I also enjoy getting a group up and running, having a chat and some friendly banter as we xp for a couple of hours. It just doesnt seem to happen anymore which again IMO is a shame :(


I cant belive the problem which has came up mainly due to buff bots. People seem to have become more and more anti social. I have been trying to get a group with my 38 full supp runie (8 sec pbt) which used to be a wanted char in groups. After doing a few /who's either /who spind or /who 37-39 I found quite a few people, after a few tells all i seem to hear is "sorry mate im soloing with my buffbot". Now when i leveled my hunter many moons ago I found it easier to get a group with him which is strange as he is a rogue which never got a group even if you offered to pay 1P to everyone in the group. Leveled my shammy (NOT a buffbot) and it was getting a little tougher to get a group around 35-40 but now its near on impossible to get a group with anyone. Just seems that all the people who are now using buffbots are kinda losing out on half of the game imo.

I like PvE I also enjoy getting a group up and running, having a chat and some friendly banter as we xp for a couple of hours. It just doesnt seem to happen anymore which again IMO is a shame




Come to hibby,we actually still play our chars :D


Funny you should say that, i moved there for a couple of weeks but there was a lack of groups there too, I was a Menta btw which from what I know doesnt seem to struggle getting groups:)


Originally posted by Litmus

something realy needs to be done about this, like shamans haveing there buffs on a range and not being able to give people out of group buffs, also lvl50's not being albe to group with gray cons to prevent PL'ing... all these buffbots and PL'ing is bring'ing the game down as a whole..also very annoying

Here here...we havethe same shite in Albion in the Barrows, but in addition many of the powerlevellers have a bad attitude with it. Needs addressing urgently this as this is a huge cause of friction in the game.


personally if my view is asked in group do we take someones bott there?
reply is, only! and so long! we get seer who really play for that char.
if we now dont help seers lvl up, who do our cc/healing in rvr?
dont believe those sb:s bott`s,
what mostly are sitting insafe/warm place
and dont move anywhere there :)

sad thing is when play thid, hear more and more peeps having there bott´s :(, every realms!
and thid was place for fun and practise, for "big mens" rvr.

dunno? but this game is going now wrong way and badly!
think sometimes start bott but so far voice, deep from inside me, still saying no!
its like showing midlefinger those person´s who play these support classes.


Maybe GM's could come up with a "No Bots in this guild" policy, to encourage more teamplay?
Someone needs to make a stand.

P.S. I have the capability of creating my own buffbot (spare pc and spare cash), but if i did I'd be a boring no-friends person. Imagine in RL these people must have imaginary friends, hey then they don't need REAL friends, kinda like a buffbot....


hehe i just took my 50 hunter into spind cos i had some arrows i needed to waste and the entire place was exclusivley full of lvl 50s grped with a grey con, or the occasional duoing team :)

hehehe this is so messed up theres not going to be a next generation of support classes, so when this lot get bored/PL a SB thats it for midgard.

thankfully my latest has graduated from spind now and only need to go there now and then to top off levels and get some asterite bars.

Although i must say there are 2 breeds of buffbot person ones that help you and ones that dont.

No one can stop you and its a good way of fast lvling for the desperate but at least spin out a few buffs to people that maybe there traditionaly XPing, endbuffs are uber after all


don't know why ppl even bother to xp there buffbot's in spindel in the peak hours, when I xp'ed Makbuff in spindel I started to do it a night since, 1) I did not what to kill other ppl's mobs, and 2) I basicly needed the entire lower part of spindel, as you plow your way trough mobs down there with end regen.

Guess the problem is that Spindel has the dungeon bonus and when you are chainkilling mobs and don't handel baff well you need this bonus + as glyph say the mobs are quite blind down there.

But if one person is camping a spot that could be used by 8 other ppl I would hope that he shows enough respect to offer to move aside


I agree with this thread, too many people are PL'ing bot's in spindel at peak times, very annoying for the fg's trying to xp there nowdays..


Hmmm i'm one of those running around with a lvl 33 Warrior atm with Damon buffing and healing him..But have to say I prefer having a group any day/time.. running around like that is DA BORE..But getting a group even when I can offer lvl 50 shaman buff's is tough...tis is sad :( But when you use " look'ing for group and your the only person who use it , and after sending 5-6 random /send's I usaly just give up.. kill a few mob's for half an hour and then log , running around solo killing oc/rc might be ok xp, but I dont play this game to make xp , I play it to have fun and talk to peopel , so if you see Damon following a char close to your lvl ask for a group :) I'm usaly up for it , if im not logging the next 10 min :p


I think its pretty well known that Buffbots are ruining midgard, and as for some1 saying Gm's banning buffbots? Our GM has a buffbot! they really annoy me. trying to get a group with my 35 Shammy neflec (wave if u see him!) is a pain... it just might be the end of mid. every1 will not talk unless its on /as to say there is a RR then every1 will go there with Buffbot + SB and die a slow painful death :p


Same in alb

Thats exactly the problem in alb too.. Barrows is crouded with lvl 50s with a grey con follower.

And Lyonesse.. omg those cabbys.. Theres a hill where about 20+ mobs stands.. Its a really great exp spot in early 30s.

Until those damn cabbys comes, pulling hole hill at once.. kill them in a sec.. and rest a few sec..

And when it spawns the exp group pulling 3 mobs.. and the cabby(s) takes rest..

Its not only that the mobs arnt enough.. It ruins your camp bonus pretty fast too.

So please PLers (of any kind, not only buffbots)
Go somewhere else and dont take "normal" exp spots


Tesla Monkor

Having a buffbot doesn't automatically mean you're an a-social player. I have one. Two at times.

Yet I still group with people (If I want to -- Getting a shammie of the same levels as my character is great. It makes it a lot easier to kill mobs)

The difference is that I actually PLAY the character I'm levelling. The bot(s) do nothing but keep buffs running on my pet. (I am levelling a Summoning SM)

Last night I was grouped with a BD 2 levels lower and a Shammie 14 levels lower than my L33. Lots of fun and the level flew by. =)


Last night in Vendo was a fucking joke tbh. 3 tanks with 3 buffbots in entrance competing for goblin guards who wandered through, 1 BD with buffbot taking all the cave crawlers and bears - move to bear cave and we have...1 buffbot taking EVERYTHING from bear cave and snake pit leaving 2 poor low lvl tanks who were trying to xp with fuck all mobs.

Where does this leave us? Well people think fuck this, can't get a group I'LL GET A BOT TOO. Sad.

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