Playing stealther with Cata client


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Does anyone else have problem targeting and landing PA/BS on targets? or its just me ? ive tryed cata client for the last 3 days and the numbers of PA failed or bs are kinda high.
Either i line up and prepare to PA and when im about to atack i got " u enter in combat bla bla ...u miss" or i just simply atack with garote and miss.
For example today : line up to PA Cocopop on bridge atack result = u miss
Line up to PA Privacy atack result = u miss

I know this doesnt belong to rvr discussion but i just want some answers

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Minstrel said:
Does anyone else have problem targeting and landing PA/BS on targets? or its just me ? ive tryed cata client for the last 3 days and the numbers of PA failed or bs are kinda high.
Either i line up and prepare to PA and when im about to atack i got " u enter in combat bla bla ...u miss" or i just simply atack with garote and miss.
For example today : line up to PA Cocopop on bridge atack result = u miss
Line up to PA Privacy atack result = u miss

I know this doesnt belong to rvr discussion but i just want some answers

It's an NS nerf, next is Remedy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I've had targeting problems with the Catacombs client with my sorc, which is why i RvR with the ToA Client :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
Ok I havent thought about this really, but now when you mention it the delay on hitting styles and they actually opening seems horrible, could be the client.
Get shitloads of misses out of range out of veiw. Where it hasn't been that bad before.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Minstrel said:
Does anyone else have problem targeting and landing PA/BS on targets? or its just me ? ive tryed cata client for the last 3 days and the numbers of PA failed or bs are kinda high.
Either i line up and prepare to PA and when im about to atack i got " u enter in combat bla bla ...u miss" or i just simply atack with garote and miss.
For example today : line up to PA Cocopop on bridge atack result = u miss
Line up to PA Privacy atack result = u miss

I know this doesnt belong to rvr discussion but i just want some answers

Hah, i wondered what going on with that. Is that the one on the bridge or the one at the tower?

On the tower the hit landed, as it pierced my bladeturn but for next to no dmg 162 iirc.

Then the time on the bridge, i was nice enough not to kill you though i was playing games with you by sticking 1 pet on you at a time :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
aye ive even been stuck onto a player infront of him pushing pa and....nothing


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
jiqnox said:
aye ive even been stuck onto a player infront of him pushing pa and....nothing

Uhu, had the same thing happening a few times.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 17, 2005
Imo its just to get used to the new looks and stuff and its ok. Toa is a little better yes but if u get used to cata it should be ok. thats my opinion.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
the cataclient has some builtin lag, thats why you get these strange things happening. I RVRd with cataclient for a week and came to the simple conclusion that its total bollox for a tanky type, running _right_ behind someone and miss due to "out of range" etc is simply not acceptable at all, especially when it happens more often than not.

SIclient is by far best for RVR when it comes to clientlag, TOA is decent, cata is total shit and unplayable for me, even with a good PC and a good connection.

My suggestion to the threadcreator is simple, try out SIclient, then TOA, then catas, and feel the difference for yourself... TOA isnt too bad, one can get used to the lag in it pretty fast and adjust with the lag in mind but.. catas is horrible.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
That accually proved my thoughts that more got the same prob ill keep using toa/si then to sad really imo that cata is to laggy but i only got this problem with stealther since thats when u notice this small glitches


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ive experienced the same problem with casters/seers...

Ive experienced the same problem with casters/seers.

When you start your casting it takes 1-2 secs before any kind of graphic shows. But once you get started the spamming commences.

Im not sure if there is an actual delay or if its just a graphic engine problem. But for me its annoying like hell that I cant see that Ive already started casting so I play TOA client only in rvr. (even though I would like to play catacombs since I played money for it basically for the added graphics and nothing else. Feels abit suprising not beeing able to use a product you payed money for.)

Might be something for GOA/Mythic to think about...


ps. Problems with targetting has been since patch in august. (they changed the targetting from click down mouse button to get target, too Release mouse button to get target. This means that if your target is moving fast you will have problems with targetting unless you are really fast with the release of the button. I my self am having horrible problems with this. About 75% of every fight I have im spending the first 2-3 seconds just trying to get the right target (the other 25% of times are when nearest target is usable))



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
got the same problem with cata, takes a sec or two from pushing a button to actually something happening at times.

got tons of logs with:

You prepare to perform Perforate Artery!
<wait some more>
Sorry, you just got PAed! :D

so, for performance-RvR use the SI client, for fashion-whoring, Catacombs!

(...atleast I get to die in my pwetty leather suit, hah!)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
This is a major bug, should really be top priority imo. The stick/lag is bugged in cata as all say, stick = to far away nonstop, even thou you sprint and he dosnt.
I got told to run SI but i just cant live with that bad gfx and no UI. So is toa same as SI, just abit more laggy? or is it still close to Catas bughell?


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Id say its more like SI

Wazkyr said:
This is a major bug, should really be top priority imo. The stick/lag is bugged in cata as all say, stick = to far away nonstop, even thou you sprint and he dosnt.
I got told to run SI but i just cant live with that bad gfx and no UI. So is toa same as SI, just abit more laggy? or is it still close to Catas bughell?

Id say toa works more like SI than Cata. Cata is just horrible...but atleast you get to die in a fashionable sence!:)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Shike said:
SIclient is by far best for RVR when it comes to clientlag, TOA is decent, cata is total shit and unplayable for me, even with a good PC and a good connection.

you are right 100% there but what happens if your pvefreak bard or minstrel or healer in-group, has bound volcanus haven and you are running SI client when he ports you back? i tell you what, half group crashes , 5 minutes rb and stuff, when that thing goes on and on and on, you end up getting used to toa client , whatever happens ;D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
I've noticed the "not in range"-bug on several occasions with Cata-client too. And it's not like I have a bad connection (10mbit both directions).

I'll try using the TOA-client instead. Has anyone tried to just remove the Cata-graphics inside Cataclient and run with that? Does it help? Sucks to play old client.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I use ToA Client, i don't get timing problems or targeting problems with that client. Runs just as good as the ToA Client too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
toxii said:
you are right 100% there but what happens if your pvefreak bard or minstrel or healer in-group, has bound volcanus haven and you are running SI client when he ports you back? i tell you what, half group crashes , 5 minutes rb and stuff, when that thing goes on and on and on, you end up getting used to toa client , whatever happens ;D

You force him to /bind in Ligen/sauvage and slap him twice ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
You can nerf cata client graphics and take SI trees and classic underground for example.. This does help with the lag but does nowt for the crap cata targeting and the stick bug... Sux tbh cuz im sux a sexeh luwi in cata :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Minstrel said:
Does anyone else have problem targeting and landing PA/BS on targets? or its just me ? ive tryed cata client for the last 3 days and the numbers of PA failed or bs are kinda high.
Either i line up and prepare to PA and when im about to atack i got " u enter in combat bla bla ...u miss" or i just simply atack with garote and miss.
For example today : line up to PA Cocopop on bridge atack result = u miss
Line up to PA Privacy atack result = u miss

I know this doesnt belong to rvr discussion but i just want some answers

sounds like lag issues to me.

ive had it aswell, but just hitting button abit sooner then usual.
also knifeedge PA's are hard as hell to land due to the lag ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
toxii said:
you are right 100% there but what happens if your pvefreak bard or minstrel or healer in-group, has bound volcanus haven and you are running SI client when he ports you back? i tell you what, half group crashes , 5 minutes rb and stuff, when that thing goes on and on and on, you end up getting used to toa client , whatever happens ;D

like pupp said.. slap em hard and tell em to bind where they actually will show up after a /release :)

TOAclient is ok to RVR with though. Its Catas that is really really shitty compared.. havent tried with Darkness Risingclient yet but I cant say I have high hopes on it, will probably be pretty equal to Cataclient :s

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