


Anyone played it yet?

Give some info. :) And what pc did you run it on if so?


I'm playing sometimes its just LAG CITY, playing a sniper now on and with a rifel you have to relod after each shot, and that relod take over a min, you are dead. Otherwise its dam fun.

Its fun to see thoose hackers attack your target with a knife they stab and you shoot. Target dead. After that you better move or you are dead. Had a big transport ship land on my head last night. :)


What specs does your pc, have to lag like that? ;o


How does one go about getting in the beta for Planetside?


You pay for a Fileplanet account :) All subscribers have access to the Planetside beta, just installing it now myself (I actually got a FP account *just* to get the PS beta - hey, 7 USD isn't that much, and if it sucks I will save money by not buying it when it's released).


I'm playing it atm, and enjoying it tbh...and Fafnir, the lag you're experiencing must be a client-side problem, cuz it runs fine with me. Played it on 2 different PC's, one being an AMD Athlon XP 2100 with 512 MB DDR & a G-Force 4 ti 4600 and the other one being a P4 2,26 GhZ with 512 RD RAM and an ATI Radeon 9700 PRO. Runs fine on both systems here.


Great game, I'm somewhat disappointed about the graphics but the idea is great.

The Kingpin

just started downloading it..
6 hours for 1.3gb bleh


does this game have a public url? and is it a open beta?
I'm not going to pay a dime to play a beta :p


Yeah you need to be a _paying_ Fileplanet subscriber to d/l beta...

I was just wondering how its running as ive heard alot about people with awesome pc's getting lag, probably just problems on the games side, beta an all.


Played it for about four hours last night, and I'm very impressed by the game :) Were part of some very itense and exciting large scale battles, and it was in my opinion well worth the 7 USD for the file planet subscription cost :)

I run it *relatively* fine on my TBird 1,333 with 256 MB RAM and a GeForce 3 card with 64 MB Vram. It will lag a lot when I first enter a new area, but after a few minutes it will run pretty smooth. It's certainly playble, but a some more RAM wouldn't hurt...


I've been playing the open beta for a few days now, very good fun. The graphics aren't great but the sheer scale of it is unbelievable. You have to get xp to recieve certifications which you then spend on either weapon skill, armour skill or a vehicle skill. Also have the choice of being a hacker, medic or engineer. Haven't been in a huge battle yet but have been in a fair few medium sized ones and it's far more satisfying than any of the FPS i have played so far. Lag hasn't been an issue even with a ~200 ping. Obviously the pings will drop when they get a uk server. My system is AMD XP2000, 512 mb 2100 ddr, GF4 Ti4200 i'm using the resolution up from 1024x768 (can never remember) and medium - good settings and it runs fine but i do think it's pushing it hard.

As far as i know you can't get the open beta anymore as Fileplanet have run out of keys.

I'm considering leaving DAoC and playing planetside till WOW comes out.


Originally posted by eynar
I'm playing it atm, and enjoying it tbh...and Fafnir, the lag you're experiencing must be a client-side problem, cuz it runs fine with me. Played it on 2 different PC's, one being an AMD Athlon XP 2100 with 512 MB DDR & a G-Force 4 ti 4600 and the other one being a P4 2,26 GhZ with 512 RD RAM and an ATI Radeon 9700 PRO. Runs fine on both systems here.
Got a P4, 2.8 Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9700 PRO, Broadband, and its funny if its on my end the lag is, since the times its lag city most of the people complain, and then you have the zone crashes. I'm usually the first to get back online and can hack the tower or what we are attacking before any enemy makes it back online then its just to sit down and wait for the enemies to log back on and blow them to bits.

Dalton is the server i find is the most lag free of them all.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Got a P4, 2.8 Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9700 PRO, Broadband, and its funny if its on my end the lag is, since the times its lag city most of the people complain, and then you have the zone crashes. I'm usually the first to get back online and can hack the tower or what we are attacking before any enemy makes it back online then its just to sit down and wait for the enemies to log back on and blow them to bits.

Dalton is the server i find is the most lag free of them all.

i don't see how that's funny...? :rolleyes:


bet all you people weren't part of the first 10k that signed up over a year ago :/
bastards :p


It's great!

6 hours to download (1.3gig) and now 2.5 hours to download the patches. Hope the game plays as well as the downloads ;)


Originally posted by eynar
i don't see how that's funny...? :rolleyes:
Well if my comp is not enought to keep up, then there are a lot of players that are not albe to do it. My guess is its the servers that can't handle the preasure. They fixed 2 crashbugs just 2 days ago. Bet there are some still in.

Dont think this is a game i'm gonna buy, but who know's.


fafnir, if you aint playing, givf logon deatils plz! :D


Well I love the game.

Of course it lacks the "goal" but so far no massive multiplayer game has done a goal (as in conquer the world or whatever) in their game so no big loss.

Umm surprisingly good fps, but there is temporarely loads (not in combat though) like opening a door and such.

Ping is so and so since it is an american server.

Umm what else... fighting over a bridge with 100-150 people and numerous tanks/airplanes firing towards the other side in hope of hitting the enemy spawn truck is fun :D

Pentium 4 2 GHz, GeForce ti 4600, 512 RAM and ADSL connection.

Oh yeah infiltrating armed with the shotgun pistol is fun, nothing like sneaking up behind someone waiting until they find a target and assume the zoom in, then go up point blank and fire 3 rounds in to him and hope his friends didn't notice where you stood.

Going in with a anti infantiry max suit into a Terran Republic spawn tube spot only to hit the friendly inf hiding amongst 10 terran soldiers ain't fun +75 + 25 and viola I quadrupled my grief points :(


Well the basic idea is quite fun. It has some problems like ramming people with vechiles is much easier than actually shooting them with the weapons (or so it seems, even some damn pilots in gunships choose to ram you when you walk on the ground and fly away with you dead). And NC seems to have somewhat weaker weaponry even though it says they have more firepower *shrug*. Taking out a tank or MAX with your light infantry is fun ;)

A lot of potential but needs some fixing to be good enough to be attractive for long enough.

Oh yeah and don't even dream out playing below minimum spec... I'm quite below it and it's a nightmare when the action gets hot.

The Kingpin


Can get to the page to enter my cd-key..

Always get,

Please enter a unique handle for this Fan Club

what the hell that mean?


I just went to Planetside..I am bieng considered for beta-testing and I haven't been asked to pay $7 yet. Have I done it properly ?


You have to download from fileplanet for the open beta, this means you'll need to pay a months subscrition though cos it's for paying customers only. I think all the beta CD keys are used now though so you won't be able get it (not 100% on this). The full version is due out in a couple of weeks anyway so it's not too long to wait.


Finally got it downloaded (for those that do the Fileplanet download there is a good 2-3 hours worth of patch files on top of that (aDSL connection)).

It is fun, as the other posters have said, not too many problems. I had the occasional 'chug' but otherwise it ran fine. Only had a quick blast but struggled to find a squad so was running solo in my Max-pounder armour.

From a quick run, seems good. Could be a lot of fun if you get into a good group but frustrating solo (just like DAoC ;))


Originally posted by The Kingpin

Can get to the page to enter my cd-key..

Always get,

Please enter a unique handle for this Fan Club

what the hell that mean?

I had the same problem at first, here's how to solve it.
- Start installation
- When the login screen is displayed, click register account, which will take you to the screen where you can enter station login.
- At this time open up explorer and go to the fileplanet site and click your account, which should display your key.
- Keep explorer open at this point until you get the screen where you can enter the key.
- FInish installation


Hmm, Haedric, I downloaded my version of PS just two days ago, and got a beta key. And a friend who DLed yesterday got one as well, so I think they are still in supply :)

As for soloing it is actually possible, but seems very slow - I spent most of last night solo sniping during a base defence, and even though I got quite a lot of kills my xp bar just moved one or two 'squares' (the equaliant to DAoCs 'bubbles'). But it was quite fun, and if you don't care much about xp and levels (which aren't near as important in PS as in DAOC) you can still play the game solo and enjoy it.

But yeah, a good squad makes it ten times more fun and rewarding :)


someone give me a key i am dieing to play :(((


Im playing it and yes it rox!

although VS MAX's need a nerf imo :p

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