PHP Images



Hello again!

I have put my xml on hold for a bit, while I update my 'GirlZoom' site. (

I was wondering what librares are installed ready for me to use...

I want to join lots of 256 by 256 pixel JPG image tiles into one big image! (see example images: www,jrd,barrysworld,net/gz/newview,html (I can't post url's!))

Here's what I found at phpBuilder:
"XXVII. Image functions
You can use the image functions in PHP to get the size of JPEG, GIF, and PNG images, and if you have the GD library (available at you will also be able to create and manipulate images. "

So, any pointers, (even if it's 'no chance!')?


Hi LazyJim

BarrysWorld has all the necessary libraries you need to create and manipulate images via PHP :) The only thing it doesn't have, as far as I am aware, is the library needed to use your own fonts in the images made or edited, but that sounds like it won't be too much of a problem here.

What exactly are you trying to do with all your different images? One thing you should bare in mind is that if you start putting a lot of images together in a complex manner, the strain on the server can be considerable. That said, if we're only talking a few fairly small images, though, then I doubt you have too much to worry about :)

Kind Regards


hmmm, and GirlZoom.

hello, thanks for the prompt reply again...

trouble is some of the images are made up of well over 100 256 squared images (belonging to, and I want to join them into a single big image. The biggest complete image I have seen so far is 5185 by 3844 pixels cut up into 336 individual jpeg images and stored in the FHM magazine web space.

background of my site: website has a section called 'girls' which has a section called 'zoomifier' in which large images can be viewed in a small window using low bandwidth technology from
I thought o myself, "a bit awkward using such a small window, I want to see the image fullsceen!".
About every month more pics are added (a new model each month, each model has about 5 pictrures), but after 3 months or similar, the oldest model is removed from the website, so only the last 3 or so models can be seen at any one time. - But the actual pictures are not deleted.

I set up 'GirlZoom' as a site to index all the high resolution images I could find on the FHM websites. And provide a fullscreen viewer.

The zoomify technology used by FHM till may this year was a nice and images where stored as a single .pff file requiring the zoomify decoder to view them. (Can be viewed in Internet Explorer with just an ActiveX control plugin).

FHM have now changed the zoomify technology to a new version with no .pff files, the large high res images are split into lots of small tiles.

I think you can see where I'm heading...

Although I have written a new viewer for the large images, I no longer have the 'save as jpg' feature that was standard in tho older zoomify technology, and was hoping to create an image joiner myself.

According to my stats, I get on average 5 site hits per day. I shouldn't imagine many will want to use the 'save as jpg' feature, but I would like to make it.

If you can think of a client side technology that works easy (wtihout the visitors having to install a plugin or anything), then I will use that instead.

What do you think?


my first tip would be to grow up...

but other than that, find a more resorce friendly means, such as a thumbnailed gallery...

It wouldn't be too hard to do that, just make it so uploading a high-res image automaticaly creates a low-res thumbnail, and adds it to the list, with the addition of a data base the images would only need to be edited once then there paths saved to the db for printing to the page later.


The system does sound remarkably inefficient and probably wont be welcome on cheap webspace like BW (I don't work here, but it sounds reasonable). You'd probably need to work out your final system then get in touch with webhosts to see if they're prepared to host it.

Erm, you also need to check out the legal implications - as you say, the images belong to FHM, so it's worth checking that provided such software wont get you into legal trouble. E.g. Ask for their permission.


hmmm i spose I aught to ask permission, erm, the trouble is i don't think it will be the answer i or my regular visitors want to hear!

wyrd_fish this is only needed as a way to reconstruct the images and give my visitors an easy download tool.

I've already created a viewer that put's all the tiles in order on a web page.

I just wanted to glue them together if the users want to save the image on their own machine, and as a programming excersice for myself.

seeing as it would put a strain on the servers I will leave this feature out.

I'm starting to convert my GirlZoom site to xml, check out how it's going at


you could make all teh thumb nails the same size and shape, then put then in a huge table, thus:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

you could even use <a> tags if you wished, but I only thought of this afterwards...


lol wyrd_fish...

yes that was my current solution which works fine!

I was specifcally looking for a way to join the tiles into a single JPEG file for downloading and saving on to disk (without needing the table and tiles to view the result).

As this was only an additional feature I will not use PHP to impliment it (as it would slow the server down when/if used).


Just hit printscreen with them joined in a table and then save that :)

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