Pets seeing through stealth



Anyone know if there are any plans to fix this bug?

Drives me up the damn wall and totally negates my very expensive vanish RA if theres a pet class about.


sux dont it :( must be one of the longest running bugs in the game:9 and as u say a royal pain in the ass.. if a stealther can get farenough away to stealth then he shouldnt still get aggro from pet :( also it doesnt help that when it does de-stea;lth u again that it chases you for feckin miles , even though the owner aint close :(


As far as I can can remember I saw it in some patch notes or other that it'll be sorted. It'll probably be done by 1.60. (End of the month) :lol:


Don't forget Mythics golden rule,

Its a feature up untill the point we decide to fix it, in which case it becomes a bug ;)


Thanks for the posts guys, but the two contradictory views just confuse me more - can anyone else confirm its being fixed in 1.6 (I havent read anything about it in patch notes).


hoho its fun doing it, but ofc it gotto be annoying when it happens to you =P

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well, for the sake of "realism" - Lynx and Wolf druid pet should be able to see or rather "sniff" through stealth.

A stupid golem tracking you down through stealth is just ridiculous.


its not bugged... working as intended... was in patch notes about pets following an attacker to infinatum.


Not exactly awful though. Stealth is overpowered in it's own way. So you assassins got to stay on your toes close to pet classes? Well boo hoo, go home to mommy and cry...


It's not bugged,Pet's are magical creatures so they see throught stealth.

Animal with druid
Some silly underhill(magical creature!)
Cabalist(Animated thingie)
Spiritmaster(Spirit,ofcourse he should see people stealthed as he's not even on this world)
Bonedancer(Ghosts again)


With my Sorc in BG any pet i used could see through stealth so thats that argument gone ;).

Roo Stercogburn

I've got mixed feelings on this one, as obviously I can benefit from it so may seem biased. I understand it might be annoying though - 1 failed PA and you've got the Terminator after you.

However, there should always be an element of fatal risk in anything you do RvR-wise in game and if you go after a pet class, you know the increased risk you take in advance (not just because of this issue). I don't think there's anyone that plays a stealther that isn't aware of this <cough> feature. No offence, but stealthers already have it pretty easy in most situations with casters so I don't see the big deal over one well known situation where you can lose if you don't kill the caster fast enough.

The only consolation with spirit pets is that they have no ranged attacks and unless you wasted RA points on "Whip of Encouragement" the pet shouldn't catch up to you unless you stealth so you've got at least some chance to get away.

I will confess though any time a pet takes down a stealther is generally regarded on GU as something to cheer at and generally chuckle over :D

The Real Redi

It's true, lets face it, the casters have to have SOME sort of defence against an attack they cant even see coming - they have no armor, and besides, ive seen so many stealthers either one or two shot a caster (with the PA its pretty close to fatal anyways), at which point the caster will die, thus his pet will perish.

Ive watched a single buffed NS take out several 50s tanks in a row, and on more than one occasion seen them go toe to toe with a seasoned Armsmen and beat him soundly, so your not telling me you guys can't take a couple of whacks with a simulcrum, surely...


Caster defence against assassins = competent tanks in group


Like I've stated earlier, I'm willing to discuss "nerfing" my wolf the moment you bastards lose your ability to stealth right in front of my nose after a 10 second chase.


Originally posted by Haedric Griffin
With my Sorc in BG any pet i used could see through stealth so thats that argument gone ;).

shhh, goblins are clever :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Caster defence against assassins = competent tanks in group

the average lvl 50 caster is dead in 2 secs from buffed SB, No tank is gonne save you


Originally posted by Sibanac
the average lvl 50 caster is dead in 2 secs from buffed SB, No tank is gonne save you

hmmm slam and sprint? =P

(needs a cleric ofc =P)


i have no problem with killing the owners of the pets (they die so quick anyway =))

but my biggest concern is that when you attack somebody else, you have to make sure there isn't a pet class in a radius of 20 miles because if there is you're dead meat. all other targets you kill, then run away and stealth, but IF a pet class can see you, there is no possible way to kill.... :/ because it doesn't matter if the caster isn't near you, he'll just send his pet and then there's no way to escape.. :/

Roo Stercogburn

Yeh it must really suck not being able to kill with impunity wherever you want ;)


Originally posted by Sneo
i have no problem with killing the owners of the pets (they die so quick anyway =))

but my biggest concern is that when you attack somebody else, you have to make sure there isn't a pet class in a radius of 20 miles because if there is you're dead meat. all other targets you kill, then run away and stealth, but IF a pet class can see you, there is no possible way to kill.... :/ because it doesn't matter if the caster isn't near you, he'll just send his pet and then there's no way to escape.. :/

Well, its not quite 20 miles:)

When I set my pet to attack, I have to be pretty darned close to do it - I reckon within 1500 - anyone know exactly?


Originally posted by Sneo
i have no problem with killing the owners of the pets (they die so quick anyway =))

but my biggest concern is that when you attack somebody else, you have to make sure there isn't a pet class in a radius of 20 miles because if there is you're dead meat. all other targets you kill, then run away and stealth, but IF a pet class can see you, there is no possible way to kill.... :/ because it doesn't matter if the caster isn't near you, he'll just send his pet and then there's no way to escape.. :/

oh c'mon pet attack range is about 1000 (well less then dd range at least)

Roo Stercogburn

Pet range to attack I believe is 1500. I've tried it out with ranged attacks etc and pet and it seems pretty similar, even if its not this.


Heh, i used to love this when i played my Spiritmaster.
Then i tried a Shadowblade for a while - damn it is SO annoying. :)


So there you go - the range aint that far. Just pick a target without a pet class close by. I dont think they ever anticipated stealthers moving into a FG, nailing someone and then sprinting away with impunity (maybe Im wrong but my idea of an assassin is to pick of people daft enough to roam from their group or who are running around solo).

TBH it seems fair enough to me - if you stealth into a group, one shot a caster and sprint off with 2 or 3 tanks chasing you, why should you be able to restealth? I mean, the tanks have their eyes on you and are determined to chase you down and pull your arms off, its not like you duck behind a rock or something is it?


Hi there :)

I play a nightshade and don't personally have a problem with this issue, like has been said before if you think about it, pets should realy be able to "sniff you out" (well thats how I think of it anyway).

As has been said above I think in certain respects we do get it pretty easy (no need for name-calling though :( some of us scummy assassins are realy quite sweet and when not "pwning folks with impunity" help old ladies with their shopping and such other good deeds) and having pets go "terminator" on us is a small price to pay in my opinion.

To make a sweeping generalisation people should stop worrying about owning all and sundry and you just might start to have fun with what abilities you have.

Spivvy Travolta:cool:

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Brennik
Like I've stated earlier, I'm willing to discuss "nerfing" my wolf the moment you bastards lose your ability to stealth right in front of my nose after a 10 second chase.

I agree that this is so damn annoying, fortunately most stealthers are overconfident, and unless they have vanish, will stand and take the chance, until they get at least one kill, or at the least, get their DoT off.

Why can't stealthers accept - they have very few things to complain about, compared to virtually every other class in all three realms. You can PA, poison, crossbow, stealth, climb walls, 2 handed... look at yourselves for gods sakes!

As i've said a million times, If an armsmen hits an assassin with his sword, or a paladin swings at the head of a Nightshade, your telling me that leather armour, wrapped around a skinny, but dextrous fella, would deflect a blow to that degree??? I firmly believe that ALL assassin types need to have their damage looked at, or have a big cut in HPs...

flame that, i know you will, but if you want to try it, get your friend to dress in Plate, and you dress in leather - hit him with your dagger, then let him swing a broadsword or a two hander at you... then come back here and type an apology with your stumps ;)


Originally posted by The Real Redi

flame that, i know you will, but if you want to try it, get your friend to dress in Plate, and you dress in leather - hit him with your dagger, then let him swing a broadsword or a two hander at you... then come back here and type an apology with your stumps ;)

Unfortunately none of my friends seem to want to dress up with me anymore ..but I digress. Using that same analogy do you realy think the leather wearer would stand around to get hit? (unless they were a masochist, though I guess the leather kinda ties in with this) or if they chose to run away the "master of pain" with the plate and broadsword would be able to catch them?

It works both ways :)


The Real Redi

Originally posted by old.Halfpint
Unfortunately none of my friends seem to want to dress up with me anymore ..but I digress. Using that same analogy do you realy think the leather wearer would stand around to get hit? (unless they were a masochist, though I guess the leather kinda ties in with this) or if they chose to run away the "master of pain" with the plate and broadsword would be able to catch them?

Oh, i have no problems with evading and dodging and parrying til the sun rises and falls a hundred times, but to watch a leather wearing assassin go toe-2-toe one on one with a 50th armsmen and win just isnt funny - seeing a 50th armsman and a 4*th paladin hit one 4 times each, and him to still beat them down - thats either one bugged set of buffs, or stealthers are badly unbalanced <shrugs>

It used to be a case of the whole "food chain" thing where one class owned another class, but was always owned by another, now it seems Assassins are the all singing, all dancing uber killers, with fear of nothing, when buffed.

You can even see hidden - WHY? Surely keen eyed archers, rangers and hunters are more entitled to skills that involve perception - NOT assassins who use poison and stealth...

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