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I think it sucks.

It won't achieve anything.

Now my new PC is unlikely to be delivered on Saturday.



Shut up you prick. Only bothered about your new PC from Tiny or some shit?

I'm all for it. The Govt need to know that it's essentially THEIR fault for the uproar in the 1st place.


here here tug
and i would love to see tony leave No.10
on a micro scooter
LOL :)
i would also like to see the police bring back the old police cars that run on 4 star
like the rover p6 3500S and the sd1 nice

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 13 September 2000).]


I think its fucking excellent, tony blair woz a complete and utter knob to let the pricez go up that much and now he deservez beatz along with gordy brown and vertially everyone else in the houses of parliament
stupid bastards doing fuck all shud hurry the fuck up and do something before the protestz get worze and gordy has to leave his jags at home and cycle to workz...
they all deserve to be farted upon by the largest and most toxik arze ever

also skoolz might cloze in meh area ;)


On a slightly different note...

The government spokesmen wheeled out to condemn the protest (all reading from the same script), frequently mentioned how 'schools and hospitals' would be affected by a 2p reduction in price.

I'll be interested to see how the upcoming tax cuts (aka pre-election bribes) can be implemented without affecting the aforesaid institutions.


Well, he'll have to do something to win back the unhappy public and they usually do promise the world in their pre-election promises.
It'll really have to take something special to win back public opinion ............... apart from mine of course :D

[This message has been edited by Ch@meleon (edited 14 September 2000).]


We only have high indirect taxes (such as fuel duty and VAT) because successive administrations (yes, Conservative ones as well) made low direct taxation (such as income tax) a central election issue.

BTW, John Prescott is JagMan, not Gordon Brown.


The fuel protest is ridiculous.
People are boycotting so that they can get cheap petrol. Petrol which is polluting the atmosphere, destroying the ozone and depleting the oil within the planet, which is likely to last about 30 years, when the whole planet will be completely empty of oil. The effect of which on the planet core is completely unknown.

The government has to tax those things which are genuinely bad for the world, otherwise what do they tax? Food? Clothing? Put income tax up? It's like people complaining about cigaretee prices. They are doing damage ffs! These are the things that have to be taxed. I'm a driver and a smoker, but still beleive that the government are right.

Fewer cars have to be on the roads and this can be done by making running a petrol driven car cheaper??? Err, no!
Some clever people have come up with great ideas for electric vehicles and many other types of power/sources of fuel for vehicles, but have these taken off in a big way? No! And why not? Cos no one will invest capital in a new venture when there is so much money to be made from petrol.
Sooner or later someone will turn around and say "ooo, we could make lots of money here. These people dont want to pay £XX for petrol" and invest big money in alternatives. As long as petrol is cheap, they wont do this and the number of vehicles on the road will continue to increase and more and more people will develop asthma and other respiratory problems at an early age. Everyone knows that smoking and using petrol driven vehicles are bad for us and the planet and the government realises this. The government tries to reduce the use of both by increasing taxes, but people complain that it's expensive! Of course it's expensive!! How ignorant can people be ffs!?

Imho, haulage companies and other transport related indusrty shold be given subsidy by the government on their fuel, like agricultural vehicles get the red diesel atm. The rest of us should have to pay the price for doing the damage. Subsidy to the industry can eventually be faded out as other methods of transport/power become available.

I am embarrased for the boycotters for their sheer ignorance and can't wait for the fools to go home!

Well, that's my thoughts on it anyway :D



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
tony blair woz a complete and utter knob to let the pricez go up that much

16 pence in 2 years? Hardly an enourmous increase.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
We only have high indirect taxes (such as fuel duty and VAT) because successive administrations (yes, Conservative ones as well) made low direct taxation (such as income tax) a central election issue

Lower income taxes win votes. Sad but true. The average voter is won by putting an extra few pounds in their monthly wage packet. They rarely understand that they're actually worse off after a fresh batch of 'sneaky taxes' hit elsewhere.

Withdrawing tax credits on pension dividends, now that was a good one. Shafted most of your pension schemes and you didnt even realise :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
The government has to tax those things which are genuinely bad for the world

lol you can't be serious :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
no one will invest capital in a new venture when there is so much money to be made from petrol

lol again.

Have you seen what the US pays for petrol? Wasn't it around 6 months ago they all lost the plot when the price hit $1.50/gallon.


Is Ch@meleon the bastard son of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown? The one which Jack Straw helped out on the conception of?

Just a thought, but think how much more expensive it will be with all those extra people on the dole because rising fuel prices have caused hauliers, couriers and anyone else who has to use a vehicle for work purposes to go out of business.

Tony Blair should start house hunting now, he wont get re-elected.


We were having this discussion on Savage

A couple of links from bbc website which ar general in depth.

Gov using reasons such as environment to justify higher fuel tax dont wash. If ppl were to use more public transport and either sell or leave cars behind , that would mean less money for the government. And of course the Government already knows this.

Most people are pretty decent. It's just that some of them end up looking like Prats online


The point still remains ........ taxes have to be raised and you'd have to be blind to not see that things like petrol and cigarettes have to be taxed high. Have people started to give upo cigarettes since the government insisted on warnings on the packets? Have people started to buy less cars, share cars for travelling to work, utilise public transport, etc since the it was identified that damage was being done to our health and the ozone layer? Have people become concerned since it was realised that all the oil in the pockets within the planet would be completely empty within a short number of years? The answer to all these is no, because people are ignorant and only consider the short term and the money in their pocket and how far it will get them in their fume spewing car. The facts have been explained to the general public, but only a small minority have had the intelligience to recognise the concern, the rest have to have the message slammed into their face and the only way to do this is to hit them where it hurts ........... in their pocket!
What is the world coming to !!


Go hard or Go home!
The Brotherhood of Pain


you fucking green bastards make me want to vomit :mad: .....................

have you ever actualy bothered to read any of scientific "papers" relating to our "alleged" impending meteorologicaly doom ? if you do, you might realise how much shit is actually spouted about this whole topic ....

certain members of the research community get bucket loads of cash to "investigate" global warming (which they probably spend flying arround the world in super efficient planes and then ben driven to hotels / conferences in nice big cars .....) this gives them a vested interest in hyping up the whole topic.

there is plenty of reasearch out there which disagres with the current "in theory" but for some reason it never gets any publicaty ... i wonder why ?

iam sure the fact that it makes poor news headlines as nothing to do with it ?

also if you were to magically transport your-self to the 70's you would find the same "types" going on about our impending doom - from "global freezing" a new ice age was about to start.

on the ever decreasing oil frount i would use the same kind of argument .... plus there are always sustainable replacements (which might keep some of those whining farmers quite (id rather they grew a petrol substitute, than XXXX under a eu subsidy)

anyway the upshot of this is that you should fuck off and live in some "nice" hippy commune (no doubt you enjoy lentels as well) and leave me to drive arround in me nice big (un)polluting Jag. :(


k, mini green rant over :) ..... answer to the questions are

yes - i want cheaper petrol.

no - i dont want sriking twats stoping me from using my car.

yes - electric cars would rok (if they dident use acid based batery's and had a range of more that 100 yards) - but of course they would STILL polute (unless of course the electricy just magically appears).

no - i dont want the uk to end up like france ie the country grinds to the halt every time a farmer/train driver (insert interest group here) is not happy with something.

yes - its not just labour whos to blame, all the parties have been saying that petrol should cost more (for green reasons of course, not to simply give them more money).

no - you can never win .. if they drop the price of petrol, they will only nail us with some other tax

yes - the police should have real cars again :)

yes - i want the speed limits increasing to 150mph (to bring us in line with germany) :)

yes - i want gaint 10 lane moterways dumping on ares of out standing natural beauty (that way i get a nice view as i drive past at 150 (see above) :)

yes - i want all those anoying small cars taxed of the road so real cars (like mine :)) have more room :)

yes - i am not green and proud of it :)

[This message has been edited by sjp (edited 14 September 2000).]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
you fucking green bastards make me want to vomit :mad: .....................

anyway the upshot of this is that you should fuck off and live in some "nice" hippy commune (no doubt you enjoy lentels as well) and leave me to drive arround in me nice big (un)polluting Jag. :(

Oooo, have you thought about anger management mate? Very hostile, very angry. It's not good for you, you know.
I don't know who you refer to as a 'green bastard', but seeing as my comments seem to be referred to, I'll assume it's me. That is funny as f#ck mate. I am not in the slightest bit green.
Whatever research you think contradicts the environmental issue, the whoel crux of the argument is this;

There are pockets within the planet that contain oil. They are there naturally. There are very few left cos we draw it all out of the planet to use for our own purposes. We do not know what effect it will have on the delicate structure of this planet when it all goes. When we use it all, that's it! Gone! No oil, ever! If we EVER, EVER need oil in the future, we're f00ked. Simple as that.
This is not conjecture, this is not guess work, this is fact! There is no evidence to contradict this. No one denies this.

I am no hippy and I do not support or follow green party policies. My opinions are how they are, because I appreciate these things by viewing them in an objective way. It is all very well to say "Petrol's really expensive, it's costing me a lot of money, please reduce the taxes". This is narrow minded and selfish.

I will say in support of some of the green parties environmental issues though;

The reason their ideas seem wild and far out in a hippy kinda way is because of ignorant basta##s who choose to dismiss their ideas cos it would all be a bit too much of an inconvenience to actually have to get up off their fat arses and do something.

I'm not a green, but if this ignorance is the alternative, fetch me a pair of sandals and sheep skin waist coat right now!

sjp, u need to work on that anger mate. And try not be so presumptuous. This thread was started as a discussion I thought!


Go hard or Go home!
The Brotherhood of Pain


What a sad state of affairs that when a person expresses some concern over important issues like the state of our planet and it's natural resources, they get branded a green vegetable loving hippy.
How very narrow minded and a fine example of how we got ourselfs into this situation in the first place.


That's not just one point you've raised , there's more.

The issue of ppl having the freedom to choose to harm their health by smoking or drinking, and whether at the end should society be picking up the tab.

The idea of ppl destroying the ozone layer. Are you suggesting we alone are responsible?

Look at Enviromental Catastophre's - Volcanoes spill out Ozone depleating chemicals into the air
They dump up to 200+ billion kg of HCl in the stratosphere(570x's world CFC production)

How long has the ozone layer been measured in some way? Yup, since the early '70's....that may not be long enough for solid conclusions.

There have always been Geological cycle where temperature rises and falls along with sea levels, Evaporation also releases chlorine all over the planet.

*It's the poisoning of rivers that particularly bothers me.*

Goverments wont allow ppl to continue using oil if as you say it will run out in a short number of years.
For example, there are no identifiable BIG finds in north sea, just lots of subtle stratigraphic traps which can be idenitifed with more high resolution techniques like 3D Seismic and Petrofacies combined etc.
Still plenty of oil there in North Sea, its all smaller finds and better techniques are required for extracting it.

B4 oil completely runs out there will be other energy sources and transport in place. Goverments are kept informed by Industry on what's out there.

Everyone has had a wake-up call.

"The facts have been explained to the general public, but only a small minority have had the intelligience to recognise the concern, the rest have to have the message slammed into their face and the only way to do this is to hit them where it hurts ........... in their pocket!"

Question still remains, where will the government get the money it would lose if many went to use a public transport system
which needs improved to service them anyway.

** Mobile Phone taxes perchance? **

They'll just hit the countries pocket somewhere else in order to fund their "Project" , and the Dome - (Cheap shot I know)

I understand what your saying and I agree, attitudes need to change quickly on all fronts. Even if all countries are doing well, in the end its our natural resources which are paying for it.

"We do not know what effect it will have on the delicate structure of this planet when it all goes"

Not sure what u mean, afaik in North Sea drill sites are "filled in" (water/cement)once done. Maybe that doesn't happen everywhere.

[This message has been edited by Delboy (edited 14 September 2000).]


Yip, there are many other factors involved too, but those which we consciously contribute to are those which can conscioulsy change too.

Society are already picking up the tab. Our income tax already pays for the health service to treat people with resporitory problems (caused at least in some part to pollution and smoking).

My point about the oil pockets being emptied and not knowning the effect refers to what impact the lack of oil within the planet makeup will have on the stability of the planet. To use an analogy;

Doctors used to remove tonsils when a person suffered from tonsilitis and they were of the opinion that the organ served no practical purpose and so it made no difference if they removed it or not. Years later they realised that the tonsils were there TO become infected and thus prevent infection travelling further down the throat.

My concern is along the same lines;

They remove all the oil and might even fill the holes with concrete, or whatever and they may be of the opinion that this has no negative lasting effect, but in years to come will we also realise that these oil pockets were there for a good reason too? By that time, it will be too late.

The general point I was making was that the current methods of transport/power are having a downward spiral effect on the environment and although in the short term it may effect jobs and the individuals pocket, things need to change. Demanding lower petrol prices will simply prolong the problem and solve nothing.


Go hard or Go home!
The Brotherhood of Pain


Ch@meleon, that was anger management mate :)

and the bit about .... "a green vegetable loving hippy" .... roks, i will use that alot from now on :)

ps. the discusion was in the second post, ill re-cap...

yes - i want cheaper petrol.

no - i dont want sriking twats stoping me from using my car.

yes - electric cars would rok (if they dident use acid based batery's and had a range of more that 100 yards) - but of course they would STILL polute (unless of course the electricy just magically appears).

no - i dont want the uk to end up like france ie the country grinds to the halt every time a farmer/train driver (insert interest group here) is not happy with something.

yes - its not just labour whos to blame, all the parties have been saying that petrol should cost more (for green reasons of course, not to simply give them more money).

no - you can never win .. if they drop the price of petrol, they will only nail us with some other tax

yes - the police should have real cars again

yes - i want the speed limits increasing to 150mph (to bring us in line with germany)

yes - i want gaint 10 lane moterways dumping on ares of out standing natural beauty (that way i get a nice view as i drive past at 150 (see above)

yes - i want all those anoying small cars taxed of the road so real cars (like mine ) have more room

yes - i am not green and proud of it


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
Ch@meleon, that was anger management mate

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
and the bit about .... "a green vegetable loving hippy" .... roks, i will use that alot from now on

Glad I could help :)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - i want cheaper petrol.

Not in this life time it would seem!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
no - i dont want sriking twats stoping me from using my car.

no - i dont want the uk to end up like france ie the country grinds to the halt every time a farmer/train driver (insert interest group here) is not happy with something.

yes - its not just labour whos to blame, all the parties have been saying that petrol should cost more (for green reasons of course, not to simply give them more money).


Here, here. The government will not bow down to pressure from it's own ppl any more than it would give in to terrorist demands. They were voted in and now they make the decisions. If we don't agree, the only way out is to vote them out, but no matter what Billy Hague says, the conservatives would screw you too!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - electric cars would rok (if they dident use acid based batery's and had a range of more that 100 yards) - but of course they would STILL polute (unless of course the electricy just magically appears).

No one will invest the millions it would take to come up with a decent alternative, all the time they compete against some of the most powerful companies in the world who control the oil and petrol reserves.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
no - you can never win .. if they drop the price of petrol, they will only nail us with some other tax

Yip, that's the way it works. The people who are effected complain, but the money needs to raised all the same. If it's not one thing, it's another

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - the police should have real cars again

I'd swap mine for any one of theirs! They'd never catch me in a Volvo and them in my Nova GSI. LOL

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - i want the speed limits increasing to 150mph (to bring us in line with germany)

But have them change to driving on the proper side of the road presumably :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - i want gaint 10 lane moterways dumping on ares of out standing natural beauty (that way i get a nice view as i drive past at 150 (see above)

Being "a green vegetable loving hippy", you know how I feel about that :D

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - i want all those anoying small cars taxed of the road so real cars (like mine) have more room


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sjp:
yes - i am not green and proud of it <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sandals are quite comfortable though ............. apparently ;)

Well, I've enjoyed the chat, even if we have bored the BW community to tears :) and total hijacked Ono's original post :p


Go hard or Go home!
The Brotherhood of Pain

[This message has been edited by Ch@meleon (edited 14 September 2000).]


If duty were to be cut on petrol then the government would have to either:

Raise the revenue from elsewhere (direct or indirect) or

Cut public spending on services.

I would rather the tax remains on fuel, but I think that the government MUST spend more on the infrastructure of our public transport.

The other thing is I think that maybe people who use fuel on a day to day basis 'wholly and exclusively' for trade (ie. lorry drivers and taxis) should get a tax break out of it whereby they are not unfairly penalised on their livelihoods. Maybe a proportional reclaim on the fuel duty in line with,say VAT at the moment could be considered.

I am against this protest because as someone mentioned above - it does not achieve anything. The government will not give in to any type of mob rule or it would set a very dangerous precedence. (ala Le Frogs).

cc. Tony Blair


Someone at work mentioned they had received an email from
"Win a car (of some description) and £1000 of fuel!!!!"

Might have seemed ok at the time, but it's a very good prize right now


i remember the poll tax.
this petrol thing could have done the same to tony in scotland, just hope ppl remember.
is it only germans that can drive at 150mph
do we in the uk lose control at over 70mph
lol :)


Yap yap yap ..... I don't need to worry about petrol.


Basically, if you don't like the cost of fuel, or can't afford it, don't fucking buy it. Get the bus, or the train, or fuck off to a different country.

I personally would like to see the cost of fuel more than DOUBLE in the next year for the private user. Why? Because I wan't to see less people on the roads, especially the poor people in shite cars, who let's face it, are the ones complaining anyway.

Cut tax for lorry drivers/NHS/taxi drivers and the like, sure, that's fair, and double it for the rest of us.

There's VERY few car drivers who NEED cars, they could get by on the Bus, or the Train. Owning a car should be a privilidge, for the people who will pay a lot of money for that privilidge.

I personally would never get public transport, but then again, I can afford to run a car, and I don't complain about costs, or block the roads when I don't get my way.
I wonder how many people out there would pay 700 quid a month, yes, 700 UK pounds a MONTH to run their car like I do, jeez, and they complain about a few pence on a litre of petrol?

To the protestors: The goverment will not back down, and you will not get your poor arse, skiv bastard way. Pack up and go home so us law abiding tax payers can fuel up their car without any hassles.


you love it
fuck off you cunt
lol lol lol
:) :) :)


Trust me Exor does have some wise words of wisdom in his reply ;)



o sod it here goes...........

can i appologise to "all green vegetable loving hippy's" out there and i would like to change the (slight) bias in my early post to


you fucking *Exor* bastards make me want to vomit :mad: ...........

........ anyway the upshot of this is that you should fuck off and live in some "nasty" arsehole commune (no doubt you enjoy the love that dare not be mentioned) and leave me to drive arround in me nice big very polluting Jag.


:) :) :) :)

[This message has been edited by sjp (edited 14 September 2000).]


being sensible for a sec, tax on petrol is NOT the way to stop ppl from

a) clogging up the road and getting in MY way
b) killing mother earth

please select appropraite answer from the above :).

The real way to do it is to make public transport so bloody cheap, that most ppl WONT wont to use there cars AND make pubic transport nice and clead (so the afore mentioned cheapos are not put off) ie. get rid of the smell of urine and ban all those mad old drunks that seam to live on them... :)

this would lead to a wonderfull utopian state where everyone is happy -

-&gt; jonny el cheapo saves money

-&gt; jonny el grean save the planet

-&gt; jonny 2 jags gets very cheap (and now plentiful) petrol which he (or she) can burn up at ~9 mpg :)


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