Petitioners, flamers and whiners



There is serious problems with GOA, and anyone that can't see them or choose to ignore them because they are happy to give them money they definately don't deserve, only because they can log in, are the ones that are screwing the game for everyone alse not the other way around.

I like DAoC i think its the best game out at this point, but having absolutely no ingame support, having problems that take ages to get solved, if they ever get solved, and beeing totaly ignored by the company is not acceptable by me.

You say i should quit well i might or i might not it all comes down to how i choose to spend my money. At this point DAoC is the only online game that interests me, the only one i wish to play so in the end yes i will too continue giving them my money for a product that i deem worth it, but i am totaly unhappy with the product support. But that doesn't mean i will not voice my troubles and take any action i deem necessary to make my troubles go away.

When people understand that GOA is ignoring us because we let them do it the better the situation will be. And Mythic won't just go and scrap the acounts of thousands of players if they decide they don't want GOA managing european DAoC, they won't throw away all that cash believe me.

What might happen is that Mythic forces GOA to pull their act together and give DAoC the attention and the investment they should, not the best solution but better than nothing, or Mythic gives the game to another company, hopefully and probably better that GOA again not perfect but i believe better than the previous option, or Mythic takes over European DAoC which at this point i believe is the best that can happen.

Personaly i don't need ingame support anymore, but i did when i started, did i get any? NOPE. I have used Rightnow 3 times and after some totaly uninteligent responses at 2 of those instances i had to find a solution for my self, and at one i had to buy DAoC again because the first one i bought went unusable. Did i get any help then? Nope.

If you think im screwing you because i strive for what i believe would be the best for the game then think again, its your tollerance and acceptance of totaly crappy service that screws the game for many many more, especially new players.

Thank god for the European DAoC player community because i have found alot of help among all these people. They are doing a hell of a better job in a matter that should be GOA's responsibility in the first place.

Jonathan Kemper

I think you are misinterpreting the whole petition idea.

It is a shock tactic to hopefully kick GOA's ass into gear and sit up and notice there is a big problem.

If this isnt succesful, there is also a backup of anyone wishing to move their chars to the us servers this is covered in the petition.

Oh and btw i have been playing since the beta. I am not a n00b . I have spent lots of my hard earned cash for a sub-standard service.

In my house we have 2 aacounts, 1 for me and 1 for the wife.

add up the cost of the initial game purchase + SI addon, then add on the subs for the period since the game launched. you are already talking £300 +.

Would you pay £300 for a cooker that breaks down quite often, and when they come to repair it they say oh it wont be working till next week, only to be told the next week, ooops we still cant get it working.? NO you wouldn't. This is what im trying to get people to open their eyes to.

I work as a Service Engineer and if i treated my customers the same way GOA treat theirs, I wouldnt have any customers left.

As for Mythic and the Euro servers, if mythic didnt take over ownership of the servers think of how much money they would be losing out on. take the average population of each server being approx 2000, multiply this by £7 average subs cost for 1 month. you get a figure of £14000. This is the income for each server. English have 2 servers, French have 4, and Germans have 5, so multiplay £14000 by 11 and you get £154000. I dont think Mythic would let this money just dissapear, they would be very eager to include it into their own income.

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