Petitioners, flamers and whiners



Ok. Try to read this with mature understandment. This is not a flame. This is not an whine either. This thread is just for making u ppl think. Take it easy while reading this note.

Been watching this forum since the shutdown of forums. And what have I seen here? Flame and/or whine threads (95%) agains goa+mythic and now the last thing I've seen is petition against the organizer of the game. Only 1% (or even less) are sense making, unflame/-whine threads.

Have you ppl came in with thought doing this ongoing flaming might some day cause the stop of the service called Dark Age of Camelot? If the petition runs through (which I sincerely doubt), the thing to do with GOA is to stop the game until some1 else takes it under control. (heh, yeah, right, as if the democracy would work, lol)

Would this be time when u ppl are satisfied, when the gaming experience has been disabled for good and for all? Of course, after that u don't need to pay 'em for "bad" and "unworking" services, but u don't even have the choice wheter to play the game or not.

But hey... I believe I see light in the end of the tunnel after all... Can you believe u don't need to pay em for their service u don't like? Just stop paying them. U don't need to suffer anymore about such an crappy system. Go and start playing somthing more fabulous with better service quality. Find it. Make your miserable life with DAoC better without the DAoC. Find something else. And most importantly: stop whining for nothing. :doh:

Your wallet is the desicion maker here. Use it wisely.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...

How can some1 claim that getting their servers hacked (or whatever) is their own fault??? I think most of those claimers are NOT professional IT-workers with reasonable undestanding about the things they talk about... In those cases I'd advice ppl to stfu, if no understandment is found on internet technology and/or structures.

Ok. Now its time for me to sit back and start counting the incoming reply-flames... :rolleyes:

Edit: typos mostly

Tesla Monkor

People are playing with fire (hence the flames! ;P), and don't even realise it.

So, you make a petition. What do you expect from it? If GOA decides to ditch DAOC, you're screwed, because Mythic is not going to take your characters.. they'll wash their hands of the entire affair.

You really have only two options. Vote with your wallet and leave or ride the storm out and wait for improvements. Mind, I hate to see the sub-pages down, no customer support. The E&E boards are down too. It sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it, except toss encouraging sounds towards GOA and hope for the best. Flaming them is NOT going to get the servers up any faster. Trust me, they know the servers are down.


It also screws those who CAN play the game, and ARE happy with the service, because they are unaffected by the problems.

To those ppl who sign the petition, im guessing you havent thought of others.


What are you saying is "pay for nothing"
Well i have an option to play in daoc us servers where the custommer support is better.
What makes my life miserable is giving my money to someone that doesn't deserve them cause they don't do what they promise to their clients.

Yes i'll be happy if goa shuts down and i have a solution to play my game in us servers until someone else with better custommer support takes over in europe.

2 weeks+ main services are out, are you still supporting goa.....?
This is pathetic......

Well keep supporting them I learned in my life to pay those who deserve my money and give me back products or services of high quality not crap.

They have such a serius problem but they don't work on weekends to solve it out.... they just don't care about their clients.......

sorry for my bad english i'm from Greece
I really don't have anything personal against goa but i bought the game in 20 august and i still can't play and there is no excuse for that.


Can't agree more with this , both my accounts are closed , i can't renew etc , do i moan and whine ... NO .
I've gone playing Planetside until the subs pages are back up .
As i've said in another thread , those people that DON'T currently have a subscription ( ie aren't actually paid ) have no rights to demand anything from GOA at all .
Those who have paid and have the wrong ( or haven't recieved ) passwords AND have kept their Email details uptodate have a genuine complaint .
All those whining they can't renew their subs and play need to find something else to do ... surely its not that hard .
Making petitions ... well ... not even gonna go into that .
Suffice to say ... as has already been stated , if you don't like the service , stop paying and go and play something else .

Originally posted by seroth_mythcraf

2 weeks+ main services are out, are you still supporting goa.....?
This is pathetic......

Am i still supporting GOA ... answer YES ...
Why ? because overall the servers are stable , Rightnow is sometimes slow , but they do deal with things .. have played other games where they took forever to deal with customer support things .
As for the subs pages , they took them down for what i think is a valid reason . Yes maybe it is slow getting them back up , but i think they deserve credit for actually taking such a sever action which is losing them money to sort things out , rather than just leaving it and thinking ( maybe security hasn't been that badly breached so we can leave it and hope no-one loses their account from it ) .

Originally posted by seroth_mythcraf

They have such a serius problem but they don't work on weekends to solve it out..

Ok , wheres the proof that they don't work weekends ?
Fair enough i can't prove that they do , but neither can i prove they can't ,


Originally posted by raivothewarden
Go and start playing somthing more fabulous with better service quality. Find it. Make your miserable life with DAoC better without the DAoC. Find something else.
I want to play DAOC, not "something else". But I want to play it with decent customer service. ANY customer service, in fact.

How can some1 claim that getting their servers hacked (or whatever) is their own fault??? I think most of those claimers are NOT professional IT-workers with reasonable undestanding about the things they talk about
I know exactly how customer service is suposed to work, since I work in it...and I can tell you that if anyone at my workplace treated paying customers with the disdain that GOA do, they'd be out on their arse faster than you could say "blatant incompetence".


Dont think that Mythic will let 10 servers out of their 25? just fall into oblivion because some french company fucks up.
They are the owners of the game and Goa works for them.
They could shift the entire operation to another company or just handle it themselves now, they have grown larger and have more means to do this now than they did 18 months ago.

And that would be my ideal solution. Mythic to take over the english servers and run them, patch them up to latest.
Aaaah, dreams...


wow nalikin i paid 45euro to buy the game and it sais one month free and i haven't been able to play 15 days and you are telling me that i don't have the right to whine protest e.t.c

I'm a custommer since i bought the game.....

Tesla Monkor


that would be nice solution if that situation ever presented itself. If Mythic has a soul they'll do that. But I doubt it.. They won't be able to sell their license to anyone else if they take over the European players. The entire Mythic DAOC game is oriented towards the USA. During our playtimes, there'll be less Customer Support around. (Unless you play at ungodly late hours, which I can't do since I do have a dayjob. ;p)

But one can keep hoping. :)


Ok , its badly phrased , but i see those who just bought it and have the month free as having a subscription and a complaint ...


ok if u wanna lie down and take it up the ass be my guest. you'll find plenty of people willing to screw you over in all aspects of life.

PS - are you sure GOA know thier servers are down?.... im beginning to wonder........


I love it when the people who have working accounts tell those who have been unable to play for over two weeks to stfu.

Find something else.

Excuse me, we have had to find something else to do for 2 weeks already. Cant you see those leaving the game rightnow will be hurting the games population? I've recently left what i felt was an even better game than DaoC, Neocron. Why? Because the population has hit rock bottom. Population in a game is one of the things that makes it worth playing. If we didnt care about playercount we would be playing solo games.

And most importantly: stop whining for nothing.

We are complaining about quite possibly the WORST customer service that the majority of people have seen in their lives. Here we have a company who...

> Blocked out ALL contact emails
> Fucked up on the password sendouts (Ive got a friend with an account he's currently paying for but the password they sent him was wrong)
> Given us only 4 news updates over two weeks.
> Had subscription pages + rightnow services down for two weeks, and they're STILL down.
> Told us that they would have the subscription pages and rightnow services back up early last monday. Its now Friday and they said they wont have it fixed until next week.

So please, dont say we are complaining for nothing, becuase its just simply not true.


Originally posted by pitspawn
I love it when the people who have working accounts tell those who have been unable to play for over two weeks to stfu.

Excuse me, we have had to find something else to do for 2 weeks already. Cant you see those leaving the game rightnow will be hurting the games population? I've recently left what i felt was an even better game than DaoC, Neocron. Why? Because the population has hit rock bottom. Population in a game is one of the things that makes it worth playing. If we didnt care about playercount we would be playing solo games.

We are complaining about quite possibly the WORST customer service that the majority of people have seen in their lives. Here we have a company who...

> Blocked out ALL contact emails
> Fucked up on the password sendouts (Ive got a friend with an account he's currently paying for but the password they sent him was wrong)
> Given us only 4 news updates over two weeks.
> Had subscription pages + rightnow services down for two weeks, and they're STILL down.
> Told us that they would have the subscription pages and rightnow services back up early last monday. Its now Friday and they said they wont have it fixed until next week.

So please, dont say we are complaining for nothing, becuase its just simply not true.

Totaly agree :clap:


I agree with both sides here... it's not really useful to whine, BUT it lets off some well-earned steam. GOA has treated their customers with utter disrespect (nooo, I don't blame them for crashing their own servers etc. but any company could handle customer relations after this better than they have done) and they will pay the price. Check out the SWG-section on BW and count people who've given up DAOC for good due to these problems, I'll bet you they're hundreds, if not thousands (all servers considered).
So go on, it's healthy to express an opinion, and it IS legitimate after all this noncense.

Kind Regards


PS Oh, by the way, we can't cancel our subscriptions since the subscription pages are down. Ooops :p DS


There are a number of people who want to do precisely what you suggest and stop paying Goa for a service they are not receiving.

What do you have to say to the people who want to cancel their subscription and have been unable to do so since 18 August?

Those on auto renew, some of them for three or even six months, are being charged in advance for something they don't want and are unlikely to see a refund any time soon judging from Goa's customer service so far.

Paying customers are entitled to complain when they are not receiving what they pay for.. there are consumer laws in all countries to ensure this.

Goa has made it impossible for people to complain to them.. RightNow is disabled, they offer no official forum and have made it very hard for people to find an address or phone number for them...

Of course people who feel angry and helpless are going to want to express how they feel somewhere and currently this is the only place they have to do it...


LOL if GOA aren't IT specialists I weep for the French phone system seeing as they run it :/
If people are flaming it's because they are pissed off - and with no communication from GOA they're only fanning the fire - a bit two bob IMO


tbh, i've seen better costumer service on player run servers from uo, but that's just me :)

and i didn't even payed for it :D


Regards the original post, I agree and disagree with whats being written. Flames et al (or even well-written complaint posts, if they exist!) are understandable, and anyone should at least empathise with the people who are currently unable to play the game they enjoy through no fault of their own. The point I do agree with is the petition is a bad thing.

Seroth, you (and anyone else who says this) are saying you'd be happy if GOA lost the contract to run DAoC? Oh nice, so because YOU cannot play the game, noone should? THATS what the petition is saying, between the lines (anyone who thinks Mythic would take over running the servers, even if just until a new service provider is found, is completly off thier trolley. The additional administration costs alone means they'd probably be happier just to close the servers temporarily)

Personaly I haven't had much experience with Rightnow, a fact that I'm eternally grateful for when seeing all the problems some people are having, but kicking GOA out is not the solution some of you think it is!


we are not 'whining' because we think it will make any difference, we just need somewhere to discuss our various woes with the state of the service we're getting (or not getting). This is a very big issue atm and so of course theres going to be a lot of posts about it. I think the anti-whine brigade need to back off and accept that until 'normal service' resumes theres going to be a lot more discontented mutterings and outbursts :)

Be selective about the threads you read, it takes far less effort to ignore 'password/subs' posts than it does to bitch and moan about them.

edit: forgot to say, i dont think a petition is a particularly good idea, but neither do i think it will make any difference, so if it makes ppl feel better then go for it.


Originally posted by raivothewarden
But hey... I believe I see light in the end of the tunnel after all... Can you believe u don't need to pay em for their service u don't like? Just stop paying them.
Well, how are we suppose to do that when subscription pages are down? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Solarius
Regards the original post, I agree and disagree with whats being written. Flames et al (or even well-written complaint posts, if they exist!) are understandable, and anyone should at least empathise with the people who are currently unable to play the game they enjoy through no fault of their own. The point I do agree with is the petition is a bad thing.

Seroth, you (and anyone else who says this) are saying you'd be happy if GOA lost the contract to run DAoC? Oh nice, so because YOU cannot play the game, noone should? THATS what the petition is saying, between the lines (anyone who thinks Mythic would take over running the servers, even if just until a new service provider is found, is completly off thier trolley. The additional administration costs alone means they'd probably be happier just to close the servers temporarily)

Personaly I haven't had much experience with Rightnow, a fact that I'm eternally grateful for when seeing all the problems some people are having, but kicking GOA out is not the solution some of you think it is!

very good point, to tell you the truth i would rather pay a bad company to play a good game than not at all.
i'm just hacked of with goa's bullshitting all the time... on the + side its friday and just go tpaid :D time to find some whisky :D


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor

that would be nice solution if that situation ever presented itself. If Mythic has a soul they'll do that. But I doubt it.. They won't be able to sell their license to anyone else if they take over the European players. The entire Mythic DAOC game is oriented towards the USA. During our playtimes, there'll be less Customer Support around. (Unless you play at ungodly late hours, which I can't do since I do have a dayjob. ;p)

But one can keep hoping. :)

You know at this point in time I bet you'd recieve alot better customer support from Mythic than you would from GOA during our playtimes.


Having a monopoly for DAOC in Europe, does not mean they can screw up as they like. It does not mean customers have to shut up, because otherwise, there would be no DAOC at all.

Customers pay for a service. This service is not given to all customers. That's why customers have the right complain. GOA has the contractual obligation to do what they promised to do and to take all necessary measures to avoid they screw up.

It's up to Mythic to evaluate if GOA takes care that there are as much DAOC customers as possible. There certainly is a threshold for Mythic too at what moment they take DAOC out of the hands of GOA and give it to another partner.


Re: Re: Petitioners, flamers and whiners

Originally posted by Zebolt
Well, how are we suppose to do that when subscription pages are down? :rolleyes:

Deny payment for GOA from your bank/CC management.



Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
People are playing with fire (hence the flames! ;P), and don't even realise it.

So, you make a petition. What do you expect from it? If GOA decides to ditch DAOC, you're screwed, because Mythic is not going to take your characters.. they'll wash their hands of the entire affair.

You really have only two options. Vote with your wallet and leave or ride the storm out and wait for improvements. Mind, I hate to see the sub-pages down, no customer support. The E&E boards are down too. It sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it, except toss encouraging sounds towards GOA and hope for the best. Flaming them is NOT going to get the servers up any faster. Trust me, they know the servers are down.

if you honestly believe there will be improvements i suggest you cancel your account now, your only fooling yourself, GOA has bigger fish to fry thatn DAOC, it has its own games to license that will generate more revenue than DAOC. DAOC is a stepping stone for GOA who really (and they have shown time and again) dont give a flying fuck about the european playerbase.

Also on the point of improvements, Mythic's stance about game improvements is that if you dont like a class / server then quit and play something else, cos thats how they judge nerfs and class balance, theyre reasoning is if it's broken how come so many people play it...BECAUSE WE HAVE NO CHOICE..either this or move to US servers, which tbh i am SERIOUSLY considering.

So what if GOA gets dumped, i for one would be joyous..mythic wouldn't terminate GOA's contract without finding a suitable host's written into the agreement between GOA and Mythic..its in the small print on the wannadoo portalis site if you read it... so to say that theyre playing with fire isn't true (cept for the flames :whip: )

Originally posted by tripitaka
It also screws those who CAN play the game, and ARE happy with the service, because they are unaffected by the problems.

To those ppl who sign the petition, im guessing you havent thought of others.

A petition will do no harm other than raise the general feelings of the European playerbase as to how they feel betrayed in general by GOA, you may not feel this but i can assure you your a minority... im lucky my account hasnt been affected by all this i renewed the day before this kicked off, if i hadnt id be pissed.
But you cant sit there and say dont bitch because im fine and i dont want to cause a fuss is wrong..this isnt just about a few its about the majority of people who pay the same as you and cannot access the service..what your saying is selfish more like saying .."cry more n00bs cos i can play and i dont care about you".
Anyways...less rants more action....more flames im sure to come.


I think you quoted me out of context there a little..

I said that those who are signing the petition for the end of DAOC... not the end of goa.

If DAOC support was to stop, *I* dont believe mythic would be able to continue supporting it 'in-house'. So either no DAOC, or no support would cripple the ENTIRE player base. Therefore players who are having no problems at the moment would begin to loath those who signed the petition.

Maybe i should've written that in my original post.


Originally posted by tripitaka
I think you quoted me out of context there a little..

I said that those who are signing the petition for the end of DAOC... not the end of goa.

If DAOC support was to stop, *I* dont believe mythic would be able to continue supporting it 'in-house'. So either no DAOC, or no support would cripple the ENTIRE player base. Therefore players who are having no problems at the moment would begin to loath those who signed the petition.

Maybe i should've written that in my original post.

the end of DAOC aint gonna happen for a long time yet... the end of GOA mind you...i'd better nip down mi local bookey and place a bet!


The thing i find funny is that you are actually whining about the people who whine. How ironic. This is a place for people to talk about the game and anything relating to it, at the moment this happens to be the major problems GOA are having. I can understand that seeing so many "whine" topics can be anoying but if you dont like the topic, don't post there...simple. My subscription ran out the day the service went down so i havent been able to play like many others, i havent made any "I hate GOA threads" but i can understand why people would say this as i am in the same boat. All i really have to say is stop whining about whiners, it does no one any good :)


if you want to play on us servers, go order a us copy, instead of try to get the service taken over to the us disrupting all those of us who DON'T have a problem...
i'm glad to see that there are some people who know how to do something more than whine...
raivothewarden, a well needed thread i think, and i really hope it doesn't get flamed to hell by all the people who just want to gut goa...

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