People want even more unbalanced classes?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Bubble said:
good for you
Feel free to make another thread about it, since your way off topic and just trolling.

who voted for this? you want more mission npc's? nice one guys, imho expansions should have new Class/Race and Zones/Epic mobs.

Another ToA style expansion would be great imho.
weird but i kind of agree with u... if im buying an expansion for a game i wanna see new classes :eek7:
but something like toa...nah fuk that, thats walking the line imo


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
I voted : I do not see my choice listed above : 8%

I woud like to have less PVE and more RVR.
Running around and killing "dead" mobbs intead of other player is just so boring.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
less pve? they've nerfed the bollocks off of toa and you can solo to 50 in the blink of an eye these days.

How about a button that gives you level 50, all the artis you'll ever need and ML10 in your chosen line?

And if you get that I want a button that grants RR13 so I can "finish RvR and go back to PvE" ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
And if you get that I want a button that grants RR13 so I can "finish RvR and go back to PvE" ;)

I can just see the posts if that happened.

"OMFG Flim soloed PvE!!"
"Which part?"
"All of it!!"



Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
If Mythic were to introduce more classes I would hope they would fuck all there staticits that they have and actually look at what realms have got.

Hopefully they'll pull there finger out there arse and either listen to people or make a good descision.

I also would like to see more classes as it would gimmy something to do


I would like to see more classes and perhaps (shock horror!) the retirement of a few unpopular/unworkable classes:


I see it as a trade off. One new for one old

Other things I would like to see have been mentioned in previous threads, but one idea I've had recently is a bit of fluff.

High RR characters can be retired. They then become either NPCs and replace current ones or have statues placed of them in 'halls of fame' around the world. The size and quality of the statue depends on RR (e.g. marble for RR6, silver for RR8, Gold etc)

So for example. I decide druid is no longer my 'thing' and retire him at RR6. Now here's the catch - its semi-permanent. So if you elect to retire then and are a suitable RR you get a place but can only get your character back by doing something special - well you get the gist

I just think it would be fun to be walking around TNN and see a 10 ft statue of your long retired GM looming over you evoking memories of the past - or for someone to roll a new druid and to go see your trainer called 'Benedict The Silverhand'


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I like that idea Benedict. I like it a lot.

This is provided, of course, that only retired characters with sensible names can get this kind of treatment. I really would get tired of going to see any trainer called "Roxxor" or "Pwnz0r" or any character name that sort.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
if they retired those chars they would have to give you an insta 50 of any charatcer with a similar RR or you would be pissed that your character has been deleted


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Be better if you could get someone else's char's that would be funneh!! 1 Hit uberpwnage !


Apr 5, 2004
Benedictine said:
Other things I would like to see have been mentioned in previous threads, but one idea I've had recently is a bit of fluff.

High RR characters can be retired. They then become either NPCs and replace current ones or have statues placed of them in 'halls of fame' around the world.

great idea ;) im sure mythic will get to work right away on a bit of pointless fluff that ENCOURAGES people to leave the game...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
Not a bad idea imo, Benedict. :)
Another twist might be something like this:

You have a character with say RR7+ that you are a bit fed up with. You decide to "retire" him (assuming it's a he) to Purgatory (or Valhall or whatever). You do this by going... somewhere... and doing... something... some ritual suicide-thingy maybe.

The character must stay in this place (e.g. Purgatory) for a set amount of time, or until he is redeemed back to life... (More about the redeeming part below.) If he is not redeemed within this amount of time, maybe 6 months, then he will be Deleted.

While in Purgatory your character, from time to time, has a chance to return to the land of the living in some ghostly form. Nobody controls him ofc, he will simply pop up at random locations in the Frontiers. He will have greater powers than he had when he was alive, maybe be lvl 60 or so.
He will stay at one location for a set amount of time, then pop up somewhere else, unless he is redeemed or killed.

He will be Friendly to his old realm-mates, Neutral to mobs/NPCs and Neutral (but attackable) to enemy players. He can't communicate with other characters, except to enemies through fighting.

If he is killed the ones killing him will get a substantial amount of RPs. The character will then return to Purgatory. (12 hours or so later another character from Purgatory will appear in the Frontiers.)
If he kills the attackers, then a substantial amount of RPs will be given to a RP pool on the character. If the character is later redeemed, then this RP pool can be used by other characters on the same account.

Only 3 characters (from different accounts) from each realm can emerge from Purgatory, to the Frontiers, at once. These 3 are selected through some random means, like lottoing among all the characters there.

To redeem a character a group of 8 characters must perform a ritual next to the character. One of the 8 must be on the same account as the character being redeemed.
This ritual involves sitting down, and takes quite a bit of time. (Being seated and occupied with a time-consuming ritual could be risky, so caution is advised.) If the character being redeemed disappears during the ritual, then he must be found somewhere else and the ritual started again.

If a character is redeemed then he can't travel to Purgatory again, until 6 months have passed.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
(invisibletank) said:
i that poll there was a 2nd page m8..was a button down the bottom left of the page...
and i voted more races... gif celt NS ;)
Aye I saw the 2nd page, and I voted for something. Hmm think it was "more equipment, equally or less powerful than current equipment".

What I tried to ask was: Do we only get to know the results of the 1st page, and not the 2nd?


Jjuraa said:
great idea ;) im sure mythic will get to work right away on a bit of pointless fluff that ENCOURAGES people to leave the game...

Wasn't thinking it was about leaving the game necessarily, perhaps just when you elect to re-roll (as many do) - what this does is take some of the high RRs out of the game giving the lower RRs a chance. Of course there would need to be a huge incentive - I would suggest a free RR1 level 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Benedictine said:
I would like to see more classes and perhaps (shock horror!) the retirement of a few unpopular/unworkable classes:


Stay away from my friar! :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
where was the option

`create NOTHING new before fixing existing issues ` ?

they should have made the poll `what don`t you want to see`, not `what do you want to see`.

what good is it if 20 % of the people say they want new classes, if 80 % would say `no new classes ever again`.

good attempt from mythic, but utter failure to really archieve what they tried imho.

Also, they asked europe what they thought of DR before DR came out ???


mythics polll is even more worthless than most polls on FH imho.\


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
What I also like to see is a Universal vault that you can use on any character on the same realm on that account.
To store Gold/Plat and items in it so if you want to make an alt you don't need to log 2 accounts or find someone that doesn't go 'LD' while he transfers your stuff.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
wow had a good idea where you mailed it to your other character, this can be setup easy enough....i think


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Andrilyn said:
What I also like to see is a Universal vault that you can use on any character on the same realm on that account.
To store Gold/Plat and items in it so if you want to make an alt you don't need to log 2 accounts or find someone that doesn't go 'LD' while he transfers your stuff.

Housevault :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Fana said:
Housevault :)

You have to pay for a lot (300g), a house (1p) and a vault (500g?) and you need to keep paying the rent which is hard if you play on multiple servers and play one server for 6 weeks then change to the other etc.
Also can't put money in your housevault or CM so impossible to transfer money without a second account.

Wouldn't be hard to do and most 'new' games have this like WoW and GW and I am sure other games have this aswell.
They could make it so you have a slash command like /vault which would pop up a screen with everything in your vault and you would be able to take out anything (both items and money) that you put in with a different char on that account.
Your personal vault would of course still be there and the Universal vault wouldn't have as many storage as your personal vault but enough to transfer certain items (like 15 slots) and money.

That would imo make things alot easier and you don't have to run to your house everytime you make a new char (easier now with the medal merchants selling all market tickets but still) to bind at your house and check the vault.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
i think hib and mid should be given another 2 unbalanced classes each, just so it forces them to choose which unbalanced classes to run with ;/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Equador said:
Stay away from my friar! :mad:

and mine too.

Though a few extra pts so i can get a decent amount of rejuvenation would be nice


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
One thing still strikes me, why dont they give a fuck about wizards. Instead, lets make a warlock and a bainshee, with even more instas, and lets give the thane 100000000 different instas and nukes, but hey, lets continue ignoring albion, maybe if close our eyes, we can pretend it isnt there.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
albs, seriously, stop acting so squeaky clean . there are serious class imbalance in all 3 realms.. sorcs/warlocks/shees.... for starters.

Stop pretending you are so hard done to and you might get a bit more respect :(

and for the record i went with "new ways to make RPs", like the repairing etc which is inc soon cos there wasnt a "give valks lots of love" option


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
New Classes would also conveniantly give them a cash cow stick a new class per realm in a shiny box and charge us all £ 20 for the pleasure.:(


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
fettoken said:
...why dont they give a fuck about wizards...
Because Wizards are just fine, maybe? They whine - well, some of them do - about their 'lack of utility', while failing to see that their very high nuke damage is their utility. They're a damage caster, pure and simple. Not like Albion doesn't have enough utility casters, is it? Think of it as a ranged Savage, and you've pretty much got what a Wizard is.

And Mabs has it right, there are things in Albion that seem at least as overpowered to the rest of us as things in Hibernia and Midgard appear to you. You whine when you get killed by a Warlock's chamber-dump, or Rejecta's CAE through walls, or a keep full of shrooms? Well, think on this: how do you think we feel every time we get killed by a Sorc's insane mez + LT, or a Scout at clip range, or chain-stunning pets, or a sneak group with CC...?

The grass is, in fact, about the same shade of green all round...apart from the way nerfs are applied, where Midgard gets class-gutting mega-nerfs and Hibernia + Albion get tiny slaps on the wrist if they get anything at all.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Mabs said:
albs, seriously, stop acting so squeaky clean . there are serious class imbalance in all 3 realms.. sorcs/warlocks/shees.... for starters.

Stop pretending you are so hard done to and you might get a bit more respect :(
Repped for that.

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