People selling RA/Career respec stones



Trying to stop the whines

"Very well. Sea," cried Canute, "I command you to come no further! Waves, stop your rolling!. Surf, stop your pounding! Do not dare touch my feet!"

He waited a moment, quietly, and a tiny wave rushed up the sand and lapped at his feet.

"How dare you!" Canute shouted. "Ocean, turn back now! I have ordered you to retreat before me, and now you must obey! Go back!"



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
[02:55:31] <[fc]gorre> ik wil je hard in mijn gat jij lekker beest
gifv translation :p

If I translate this I will get banned, its dutch, its very pornografic and its very rude.



Originally posted by Fagane
If I translate this I will get banned, its dutch, its very pornografic and its very rude.



you will not get banned, it is not rude and its not very "pornografic"

are you 12?


Fagane is right
many ppl tried before
all got banned

btw nerf gunnerz his chatlogging :p


I can't come to most DR's because I work during the day and I live in the States. Still, I can't afford a respec stone and even if I could I would rather try to obtain one from a raid rather than buying off of someone who clearly didn't need it from the lotto.

I don't have all the time in the world anymore to farm plat and can only come online during the weekends. Also, I'm not desperate for a respec stone and I also don't feel that I specced all wrong and therefore am undeserving of one. I can't be bothered to quote whoever said it, but just because I want a respec does not mean i screwed up my initial spec. Sometimes people just want a change, u know...

And uhm... whoever said the only point of going to a DR was to obtain loot is speaking for themselves I guess - personally I go with my shammy because I know a DR needs all the support people they can get for rezz/buff. I do it to be nice, I suppose... and because I want to help. Not because I'm hoping to get something material out of it.


So you wanting a change is more important than someone wanting an sc set so he can compete in RvR?


no dear... you want to quote where I said that?

Plz don't twist my post into a knot.. i'm simply stating my opinion, thanks.


Originally posted by Nichneven
I can't be bothered to quote whoever said it, but just because I want a respec does not mean i screwed up my initial spec. Sometimes people just want a change, u know...

maybe i mis-understood


okay, but I did not say anywhere that my motivations were any more important or valid than those of someone wanting SC armor from selling off loot.

Originally posted by pez
So you wanting a change is more important than someone wanting an sc set so he can compete in RvR?



Its a pretty pointless arguement we've got into so i will defelect slightly and say that If someone did want to try a new spec, which in my opinion is perfectly reasonable yet they didn't 'need' a respec they would never be able to if no one was allowed to sell respec stones which i think is very limiting to characters in general who have to wait for free specs in patches to really change anything about themselves


Originally posted by fl_gorre
Fagane is right
many ppl tried before
all got banned

btw nerf gunnerz his chatlogging :p

heh it's ok I got a translation over irc

*dies laughing*

*wonders what the lines around that one were...*


[02:55:31] <[fc]gorre> ik wil je hard in mijn gat jij lekker beest

I tought I was the only one for you Gorre :'(

ps: can BW-mods read Dutch? ^^


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Frankly, I think you suck ass. I believe I am right in saying it is wrong to lotto for something you didn't need in the first place, simply to sell it to people who DID need it, who were on the raid and also had a legitimate claim to it in the first place.

And it DOES make them a selfish moron. Have you ever heard the phrase, 'One realm, one goal.'? Because you obviously don't agree with it. 'Every man for himself' is more your style I guess.

Its wrong to lotto for something you spent 2-3 hrs taking part in?

I honestly cant beleive the mentality of people playing this game, you honestly think the world owes you a favour, what poor misguided souls you are.

I cant beleive this, you are insane to think I should just GIVE you something because you WANT it.

People on the raid had a legitimate claim to a shot at the stones yes claim to the stones per se NO.

It does not make them a selfish twat, it makes people that say it ignorant of the basic facts of life, no more no less.

I have been playing this game for some time and I have never seen such a bunch of individuals in my entire life, I have willingly given valuble things away and some tosser says I subscribe to "Everyman for himself" theory.


One big difference I see here is that you WANT a stone (Or at least did) whereas I have frequently had them and given them away. Even though I have given all that I have got (bar the last) away...go figure.


Originally posted by kirennia
re-read my comment m8, that particular first part was a reference to one situation where if person X didn't like it then they should leave their guild, pure and simple. Your quote left out the line after which explained that.

It wasn't calling some1 in a random group selfish, it was a claim that IF (IF, NOT WHEN) some1 in your guild took it from a guild raid AND YOU DIDNT LIKE IT then leave the guild, pure and simple.

My comments weren't really a biased comment, it was a case of if you don't like summit your guild is doing, then you might be in the wrong guild and if you joined a random group to go to the dragon raid then it's your own fault. Trying to stop the whines :p

I apologise for misreading your statement :)

Just a bit would up that I and other are being told that

1. Even if I dont need something I must not lotto for it (Even tho I spent hours on a raid), I mean why the hell should I waste my evening...
2. Rather than sell stones you should GIVE them to people that were on the raid, people can keep going back till they get a stone,

grrrr, sorry for taking it out on you.


Originally posted by quinthar

1. Even if I dont need something I must not lotto for it (Even tho I spent hours on a raid), I mean why the hell should I waste my evening...
2. Rather than sell stones you should GIVE them to people that were on the raid, people can keep going back till they get a stone,

Just a that principle does that mean next time I go on a Sidi raid I should be able to lotto for any drop, regardless of whether I need it? I mean, I could always sell it for a few plat to someone who does need it, right? ;)

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