People running away from 1v1


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
i'm hc and solo with a merc none shield.

I solo'd till rr5+ on my bm without a shield and still people ran from me. People whinged at me for using SoK aswell. This is vs every fotm class and perma swapping assasins. Rr11 reavers, merc's, etc with friar heal proc (5 heal proc'ing armour parts) and resists etc, etc. Must do everything to win i suppose.

When you realise the game is all about timers (ra's, som, cele charge, ms, wh, etc) it starts to get boring really soon. Add in that the skill nowadays is too strafe out of los so your opponent doesnt land a swing within it's swing timer and you have a game which is mucho fun for everyone, but the casual player. People using envenomed weapons on shield classes is fairly common aswell l8tly. Buff shearing is "ok" on the US servers aswell. Have fun fighting wardens i suppose.

Also, for example. I came across a couple of assasins that swapped almost every swing they took. Ws/con debuff + dot, then haste debuff + str debuff, then desease + crippling, etc, etc, etc. I REALLY don't understand why you would make such an effort into playing this game. I mean repoisening your 10.0000 weapons every fight, add in timers for som, etc, etc, is just ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzz.

Water bug abusing, not moving from certain spots, insta porting back and forth within labby, rolling your fotm class and whatever. The game isnt about having a "fair" fight, but how to kill someone no matter what "tactic".

The problem is the casual player doesn't get a chance to stand a chance to "win". Then again you could add on fights ofcourse, but.....


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Ohh and fight vs high rr skalds where usually:

Fight, Mezz, kite, heal up use First Aid. Fight some more, SoS till where ever, heal up, come back, fight again. Snare, kite, heal up, fight some more. Mezz again if needed. It's really fun, really.

Yes mega m8 i use my ability's to win! Do you wont me to sit down and die or something?

ZzzzZZzzz. :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Try a single player game m8, you won't find people straying away from your expectations of an ideal fight that way.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Try a single player game m8, you won't find people straying away from your expectations of an ideal fight that way.

Fact that gives you a sad face is ppl with rr11 under their belt having to do so to beat people at rr3-5 -.-

On Eu i saved firing ras when some1 lower rr fought good and deserved a win tbh.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
Really champs ain't that horrendously OPed that you should just leg it from them.

Their debuffs is what makes them tricky, but you can debuff+disease them aswell during a slam to even the odds, and with fsls you can 30% haste debuff them to. On .DE I had to kite this troll warrior and some valewalkers like this to win on my arms. Have to say disease + d/q+s/c+s debuff was awesome sauce after a slam and hit hit hit snare kite.

He never won a single fight after I started this on him xd.

Got tempted now making a 1v1 temp for the ol valk seems I'm not getting any 8 man any time soon anyway :)..

Would be funny to run around with fsls, sok, traitors, cl weapon and zimmerons + dragonfury on back :ninja:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Sadly this is a very common thing on the US servers , i've never meet such bad loosers as the US playerbase , if they not manage to run of they will moan about it on VN for weeks instead :p givf transfer from EU to US already and we might get a decent playerbase back :twak:

Ps: i saw the response you got in /reg yesterday Mirt when you asked about why ppl run when loosing

Seconded :p rr11 SM ran away from my rr2 sorc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
there are some truely aweful sneaks on this place. Rr10 ns jumps me, and ends up on the floor with me still on 60%hp.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
Class doesn't matter. They run from everything. My RR2 NS, my RR2 hunter, my RR4 hero, my RR4 skald. Its what is known as doing a Wilson (not sure where the name comes from) but it happens a hell of a lot on US servers.

I never run unless they bring m8s or dump all on inc then i use CHEEEESY tactic of doom :p mezz restealth PA all over again :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
You see I don't have a problem with that, Sarumann: it's playing to win.

Simmilarly kiting to heal and then comeback is also playing to win and is fine IMO. Disengaging and runing away is zzz.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
So I've got a baby rr2 champ (50lw 42s 39v). It's damage output is not that great yet but the debuffs with 18% debuff bonus wreck things and it stands a good chance vs most classes.

The problem is if it becomes obvious I'm going to win a lot of players run away. I'll use the snare but that sets immunity and it's hard to catch up if they cc me. This has happened a lot, it's annoying and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice? Even if it's play your vw instead!

Play your vw instead and you'll get alot more respect.. me for one never respected people who played cheese classes with cheese speccs :)

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