Peace Treaty




Its late, I'm on pryd not excal :/

So please feel free to ignore my words and get holding hands, I guess thats acceptable on Pryd? :rolleyes:



I think this would be a good idea since when you join forces alot of your spellcasters wont be able to use your aoe spell. If you use them you will just start killin of your allies.. But please do, help us defet yourself...

You are your own enemy.


What really makes me laugh and wonder is why we see hibs and albs on our frontier, when they should be spending as much time as possible trying to get their own keeps back.
I know if it was Midgard that lost their relics/keeps, the alb/hib frontiers would be empty as every last man would be trying to get our keeps back, but I guess thats the difference, Midgard seems to be the only realm capable of finding its ass with both hands.

Blain 3x Healer
Modi's Marauders


Originally posted by Blain
What really makes me laugh and wonder is why we see hibs and albs on our frontier, when they should be spending as much time as possible trying to get their own keeps back.
I know if it was Midgard that lost their relics/keeps, the alb/hib frontiers would be empty as every last man would be trying to get our keeps back, but I guess thats the difference, Midgard seems to be the only realm capable of finding its ass with both hands.

Blain 3x Healer
Modi's Marauders

Baah.........and we have not tried taking our keeps back? Problem is that most of us dont find any equal con Mids in our frontier, only real high lvls taking and defending our keeps or camping our gates or the Alb MG or PK.

We leave the keeps undefended for a little minute and they are back at Mids hands. Only time Mids attack a defended one is if we take Crauchon. I mean explain to me one thing. Why keep nagging on bad RvR on Prydwen and then take Bolg AND Crim? Its like saying we are at the end of this road at the usual spot, and we do really really want company at our little party. And then put up roadsigns saying "Constrution work, follow redirection to Yggdra if not owner of a 4x4 truck"


Blain you are a genius...

Right lads, listen up...we need to stop killing our equals in the Middie frontier, and start repeatidly dying to the superior levels and numbers in emain.... great plan

However, we are getting there, our levels are increasing, and alts of people on excal seem to be swelling our numbers. Unfortunately a lot of our highier levels have retired, or gone on extended vacation, due to the problems getting groups together to get through the 4x blues.

Many people have mentioned we need to use tactics to take the keeps, but unfortunately I don't know any tactic that lets me take a defended keep, with a inferior levelled, and an inferior number of troops. Until one is invented discovered, then retaking our relics will be almost impossible Dont get me wrong, we'll continue to fight, and level to improve our chances, and hopefully start to hold our own.

in the meantime, we will continue to take xp/dying breaks in Yggdra.

Kerram Darktyde

There are loads of 3x's and a fair few 2x out on the Frontiers and Emain looking for RvR but normally they run into one of the Uber gank squads of albion or high level Hibbs , the only time i see greys/greens/blues and yellows is in packs with Purples..

Did meet a nice group of Hibs a little higher than most of my group Low 30s and we had one mid to high 30 was a tough fight and great fun :)
Was very very close , Sorry Mr Hib healer person but i was only doing my job :)

Emain does seem to be the domain of the Powerlevelers So come to Yggdra and odins especially if you are level 25-35 if you come in small enough numbers the big guns might not bother to hunt you and leave you to us 25-35s to deal with :)


Am I missing something here? Is it harder to level on Hib and Alb???


Originally posted by Cedig
Blain you are a genius...

Right lads, listen up...we need to stop killing our equals in the Middie frontier, and start repeatidly dying to the superior levels and numbers in emain.... great plan

However, we are getting there, our levels are increasing, and alts of people on excal seem to be swelling our numbers. Unfortunately a lot of our highier levels have retired, or gone on extended vacation, due to the problems getting groups together to get through the 4x blues.

Many people have mentioned we need to use tactics to take the keeps, but unfortunately I don't know any tactic that lets me take a defended keep, with a inferior levelled, and an inferior number of troops. Until one is invented discovered, then retaking our relics will be almost impossible Dont get me wrong, we'll continue to fight, and level to improve our chances, and hopefully start to hold our own.

in the meantime, we will continue to take xp/dying breaks in Yggdra.

No cant think of a tatic yet but something like D Day might work?


Originally posted by Blain
Am I missing something here? Is it harder to level on Hib and Alb???

Different players say different things in this issue,

Mid players will argue against me on this but the SB I play on Excal is specced after "oh that skill has funny name" style and still solos alot easier then my champion in Hib. Ok they are NOT compareable classes I know, just stating what I experienced so far.

If you read some more posts here you will see other reasons for the situation being as it is, such as numbers, beta guilds and so on. But we will keep dying so dont worry ;)

Will keep an extra look out for ya Blain :)


As Hibernia proved tonight,we can take care of ourselves and we do not need a peace treaty or a cease fire. Make no mistake about it, we WILL kill you and we WILL try to take down your keeps:D


Blah, thanks for albs for repeatedly camping our MG in Odins and stopping our reinforcements from reaching Bledmeer. At the same time other group of albs was attacking Crauchon. Think that about shows how serious albs really are with this treaty.


oi we didnt know abotu the treaty at the time. sorry. but then we tryed to help out. we got to the blde road and danced and chased a few middies then u start mezzing us but we still dont retaliate thinking it was only friendly then some heros ganks us. and we didnt fight first. and we was making it obvious that we where here to help because i was walkin near alot of hibs and didnt attack em.

after we got killed we decided to camp the MG and kill all that walked near. and then a group of greys come past me and i just let them run past but a blue among them decides to hit me so i hit back then i kill him and the greys with him.

so now im just gonan kill on sight.

plus it wont work out coz some iditos will attack us


Yes I was one of the unfortunate "Greys", I got charged down and killed, all I did was open the door :(, ha i evaded you teh second time though ;-) unfortunatly I ran into some purp middies :D:(


Yp, Kladen, unforunately there are always people who "wont know" or will "have a bad day" or will "be angry". So an all-out peace treaty is not going to work, but I am sure the three alliances (2 in albion and one in hibernia) will work together on retaking relics.


Aye, if a treaty is being formed, it will only be in place when co-organised raids are underway, and we can only guarantee that the people in the 2 alliances will not attack you ugly, smelly, peopl...errr things ;)

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