Peace Treaty



Hello All,

I am from Albion.

I propose a peace treaty until all relics are recovered.

I really think we need to stop tit for tatting each others forts and concentrate doubling up our efforts On Midguard. We need our relics back, Midguard have had them for far too long.

Of course those that break the treaty should be killed and vice a versa. However I believe that the treaty should stand even with naughty people being an exception.

When ever I come to you realm I always head for the Mid outpost, there have been some awesome albion v mid battles on your frontier. And I have never touched a Hibernian.

I bumped into a Lurikeen stealthed in Mid when we were trying to take a fort I thank him for not killing me as he understood what was going on + I think he was midly amused watching the battle.

Perhaps we should gather our armies together meet in Mid and try to take Midguard together because their strength with their no.s levels and all the relics is pretty harsh.

Let me know what you think I know you will.



:) Ohhh....

Won't do you any good, we will still whoop your butt's


Begone Middie... ;) :rolleyes:

I don't know, so far we have largely avoided attacking Albs for this reason anyway. It's just that when we need catapult parts Benowyc is easiest.

I only speak for a small part of the Alliance anyway, but after Alb turned on us the other day I wouldn't expect too many niceties.


Nice up for it, them damn middies are gonna be so big one day we wont be able to fight them at all. Getting the whole of hybernia and albion to work together is the tricky bit, also deciding when we atack together ect might be a bit tricky. Any way im up for it ;)



Sorry Wicoa, but who do you speak for here, which guilds, how many people... no point the Guild Alliance agreeing this if theres not a similar number in Albino land.

Of course as per any peace agreement we reserve to break it at anytime ;-) (afterall you are still the enemy)

The main Hib/Pryd guilds have an alliance forum on here :-

get Para and the boys to post something here, and see what happens


Fafnir huhem you guys took one of our forts yesterday within two minutes it was back in our hands. This is the first time by the way that I have ever attacked a Hibernian.

I am not here to say who attacked who or even who's better than who. I love albion you love hibernia lets just leave it at that. And Im pleased you do otherwise it would be a pants game.

Yes there is a mutual treaty atm and I cannot speak for mercenaries but for the majority of us we need a holding, forgiving peace that sole purpose is to hold off the midguards and to hopefully induce an environment in which we can take back our relics.

We need to secretly form a joint raid on midguard without them knowing what we are up to.

We really need maturity on this one otherwise it will fail and they will laugh their faces off till they are blue all over. They have been laughing for too long anyhow.

May I remind you gentleman and ladies this is war not a game a war and in order for both of us to have any chance of winning we both need our relics back first.

I need to xp a few more levels but I hope my alliance and guild read this. I have put a post on the alb forum asking them to read this.

If you have any spies in Albion get them to contact me somehow even by setting up a one off character in a free slot just to organise this.

Lords Of England

P.S Thank you all for your patience.


damn you Albino's post to fast, see my above post


I am in the biggest alliance with the Pheonix Legion at its head and one of if not the largest guild in Albion called the Lords Of England. The three biggest there are Lords Of England, Servants Of The Lake and Pheonix Legion.


Bah! you're all tincan head to me!

Send me a link to your web page, so I know who not to hit lol



I HATE HIB, I HATE ALB, so can u guess now where i come from, yeah thats right, the MIGHTY MIDGÅRD


Fafnir okay, if by chance midguard is the mighty realm then why are they the lame realm on excaliber, last time I checked Albion there had all Mids relics.

Your reign on Prydwen will come to an end soon and then all the idiots who joined you now will leave. I am NOT talking about those who have painstakingly organised from the start.

Yours Wicoa


I don't want or think we need any help from Hibernia in retrieving our relics.

It is going to be a huge ball ache trying to organise a dual relic raid, and will be more trouble than it is worth.
I would be happy to have a truce on each others keeps, you don't take ours, we don't take yours, and yes, it might be easier for you to get parts from benowyc, but if you are gonna stand a chance at getting your relics back, you are gonna have to prove that you can successfully defend your merchant keep against the mids...or they wil just walk straight back through your realm and retake your relics as soon as you get them home.

It is true that albion has never taken a keep and held it either....but we have successfully defended our own keeps when we have wanted to.

So back to the point, by all means leave each other alone, but I will not consider working with hibbies to regain my relics for a second. When we get them back, it will be all down to us, with nobody else getting the credit, I don't want to be seeing any, "Albion only have relics cos of hibbie help" threads when it happens.
So I am against an alliance between the realms, but a truce is fine with me.


Agreed with the above post.

It would be a logistical nightmare.

Lets keep a truce going, or to reinforce it anyhow. Of course there will be sporadic battles between us but on the whole lets concentrate on keeping our own forts and organising ourselves to move against mid

Good Luck



Originally posted by Wicoa
Fafnir okay, if by chance midguard is the mighty realm then why are they the lame realm on excaliber, last time I checked Albion there had all Mids relics.

Your reign on Prydwen will come to an end soon and then all the idiots who joined you now will leave. I am NOT talking about those who have painstakingly organised from the start.

Yours Wicoa

Just checked the chronicles out, and mids have taken one of their Relic's back and one Alb relic belongs to them to.


This sounds cool to me. From experience I might say that since there's no way of communication in-game, try not to do any of those "sudden moves" in the battlefield if you don't want to fight. I feel such a lamer for killing a newly rezzed highlander last nite. Was purp to me, didn't see me at first. When he saw me waving, he started running towards me. I don't know if he was gonna kill me or come closer to greet, but I paniced and hit mezz. My 2 stealthed friends saw that, cut his throat and plugged some arrows in him. No RPs, no BPs, just a lame kill.


Boo hiss and all that, we're at war you Tin cans and Tree Huggers..

Boo Hiss

/me wanders off


oops I guess last nights RvR showed there was no Truce...

great fun by the way, haven't seen so many people in Emain since Beta


Um I would have to agree with Ardwan on this issue (though from the Hib side), I think that any alliance, successful or not would be the wrong way forward here.

Before even even contemplating something like this I would reccomend having a read of the RvR boards for excaliber and taking note of the amount of division it has created in both realms that allegedly organised a joint raid against the Mids on Excal.

It would be in my opinion be a hollow victory to any realm that allies with another to try and defeat the other (soz losing work and have to keep looking over shoulder..damn bright green background ;) )

The most I think anyone should expect is that each realm stays out of the others..that way no-one wil have cause for whinging if they ket killed in emain or snowdonia (er..or whatever the alb equivelant is called)

thanks for listening


hate to be the one to say it but if i see a hibbie or a middie then i will take them both down, although it will be the middie i go for first :p both in my eyes are enemies and just because i have never had much confrontation with the hibbies doens't mean i will show them preferential treatment. an enemy is an enemy whether it be an ugly troll or a tree hugging elf :D

have fun and may the RvR continue to grow and prosper


I'm with Krillin here. All things being equal, kill the Mids first.

While Online
If RaidOrganised Then Raid()
ElseIf EnemyInHib Then
If CanSee(Mid) Then Kill(Mid)
Elseif CanSee(Alb) Then Kill(Alb)
Else MoveTo(Enemy)
Else Hunt()

BTW, for those of you who didn't know, Emain is a part of Hib.


ok sure, I propose a treaty, please feel free to peruse it and comment on any suggestions I make.

1. Stay out of Hibernia and we won't kill you.

2. See point 1.

Thankyou for your time


We should only make an alliance for a short period of time, if we make one. When we both have all our keeps back, we'll start each other again:D
Although I think that the idea of a non-aggression pack is better...I will also agree with a temporary alliance.

Kerram Darktyde

Midgard has a great team spirit going at the mo,
as you have no doubt seen, take a fort we deem important then within minutes a battlegroup has been raised and is headed in that direction at light Speed :)

I myself am ammazed by out Information network,
Well done guys and myself often Lurk around Spying on the enemy.

but the impression I get is that the some Albions and possibly Hibbs are waiting for 1.50 before worrying about relics..
Ie i think there is a realm status reset and also Relic keeps of winning sides get easyier to take (less Uber Guards)

Things have been getting very interesting recently RvR wise which is great :)
Shame as a blade i have little to do if holed up in a keep undersiege..

and with no-one xping on your frontiers you only know about keep raids by luck or by the /realm changing
Not that i want more enemy out on your frontiers to Hunt :) honest :D
but not having people out on frontier means your information about invaders is slow..

as for an Alb Hib alliance , well good idea but as the above comments show you will always get someone that does not see the big picture or is more worried about personal gain to stick to an alliance or does not want an alliance for whatever reason. Joint Raids would really hurt the other realm but you only need one person to attack one of the other Co-op realm to set off a huge fight thus killing the raid..


One reason why this will never work........

All of Hibernia and all of Albion gather near an enemy fort and wait for the attack. Meanwhile among the crowd, an idiot Hib or Alb decides they should gank a grey con for the hell of it.

The guild of the now dead grey con retaliates against the idiot. That idiots guild then decides to retaliate against the dead grey cons guild. Then a guild in an alliance with the idiots guild attacks.

Pretty confusing I know but as you see, with any game of this type you get idiots. Any kind of gathering of two major realms forces will result in a mass war. Then the greedy Mids show up and finish us off.

Lets just kill each other on sight.


Originally posted by cerebus
Lets just kill each other on sight.

I I just can't bring myself to agree with an smelly Hib.

But I have a great idea....lets just kill everything on site. ;)

Lafala Arifel

Hmm, although an inter-realm alliance is a nice idea, I have to agree with the others who say it'll never work...
Two enemy realms who cannot communicate (except via not very expressive emotes like /dance or /kiss) trying to work together to defeat Midgard...? I foresee the Albs and Hibbies doing much running around in confusion whilst the Middies simply laugh at them and then kill them all!
In fact the only effective way of ganging up on a realm that I can think of, would be for the two main alliances of each realm to contact each other and synchronise their keep attacks - but on different keeps. That way, the main Hibbie force and Alb force will be seperated (so no confusion), but more importantly, the Middie defense will be separated too.

Has something like that ever been done before?


Originally posted by Lafala Arifel

Has something like that ever been done before?

Well we got you tree-romancers to retake all of your own keeps, while we took ours and attacked bledmeer, so it is possible, just need to make damn sure the forces keep away from each other....or we end up with the huge mess like at the "relic raid" ;)


> But I have a great idea....lets just kill everything on site.

Aye, lets do that.

Were at AMG in Emain some time tonight. Considerable force somewhere near PK, a bit less at AMG. I take a quick tour around the bowl to spot archers and what do I see - one hib, one alb, busily ganking at eachother. Killed both ;)

Inter-realm alliances, as far as I know, have never worked. Not that it would do much good for ya. We have been fighting on two fronts all along and despite what Bismarc said about such thing, doing pretty well.

Ottar, Skald


Please let us know if u die ally...

And we'll be straight along to screw it over.

Seriously 1 realm not enough to organise for u?

Need another to hold your hands?

Do the math:

2 realms beat 1, glorious underdog for the 1
1 realm beats 1, great fight, noone bitter
1 realm beats 2, you were good enough to overcome amazing odds

Don't you guys get why you can't understand the enemy's language yet?

Because you're supposed to be killing him, not wearing a dress and shouting 'chase me'.

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