

Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Dorimor1 said:
Lol ok next time I see an old lady being robbed by someone I know I won't tell the police.

I agree with any more than 3-5 emotes in a row as being an action of someone setting out to upset the other player on the other character and these idiots should be kept in line by being reported and issued with a 3 day ban :D

But posting on fh over it is abit much , maybe im an evul bastard but i would take more satisfaction in knowing that by stepping out of line i got the last laugh on the idiotic 2nd party ... no-one else really needs to know ;)


Jan 22, 2005
Punishment said:
I agree with any more than 3-5 emotes in a row as being an action of someone setting out to upset the other player on the other character and these idiots should be kept in line by being reported and issued with a 3 day ban :D

But posting on fh over it is abit much , maybe im an evul bastard but i would take more satisfaction in knowing that by stepping out of line i got the last laugh on the idiotic 2nd party ... no-one else really needs to know ;)

Yea maybe this thread wasn't necessary, and I think the same, I don't let people get the last laugh.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Lol ok next time I see an old lady being robbed by someone I know I won't tell the police.

You can't compare a robbery of a helpless OAP to someone annoying you in a computer game. Thats like me comparing this mornings wake-up fart to the A-bomb.

Your actions are more petty than those of the original offender, he simply emoted you in game, you are making a concerted effort to exact retribution and going to great lengths to see it done on forums and by reporting the player to the authorities. Hence you are not only as bad as that person, he may be childish, but you are something much lower.

The old lady analogy is correct in one respect, you do moan like one.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 30, 2005
Oo this is getting kinda old. Can you just report us if you are and get us banned for the 3 holes day and then shut up?


Jan 22, 2005
Heartless^ said:
Oo this is getting kinda old. Can you just report us if you are and get us banned for the 3 holes day and then shut up?

Already have xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
The Truth

Let me put this situation in perspective so those commenting know the full story.

Firstly, Killerpenguin (Dorimor1) hijacked an earlier thread flaming my guild FSR and me personally, in addition to being damn right insulting to me and Pdq.

He then logs ingame one evening and adds on the alb caster zerg to kill us then claims on FH that he owned us repeatedly with just hes skilled duo/trio.

Naturally, given the chance to kill this guy in thid, we will take it and enjoy it.

With regards to the topic of this thread, Yes pdq and I killed him solo, yes we gave him an emote or 2 (not quite as bad as he makes out) and I will continue to kill him ON SIGHT...

As for his unbuffed cabby killing my BM solo, this didnt happen as I dont run my BM solo.

Draw your own conclusions guys...

Bye for now.

Donlaise - 24 Druid of FSR
Tunderman - 24 BM of FSR


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Its quite sad that people are actually bothered about someone emoting you in game. lets not forget its a game and not to be taken seriously.

People pick up on everything nowadays just to get someone banned. If you dont like someone, why are you showing them it annoys you when they emote you? Just encourages more people to do it to you tbh. Then what? Report all of them too?

I feel sorry for people like you that actually have to take things this far and 'tell daddy' to get someone in trouble!


Jan 22, 2005
GrafenburgMerc said:
Let me put this situation in perspective so those commenting know the full story.

Firstly, Killerpenguin (Dorimor1) hijacked an earlier thread flaming my guild FSR and me personally, in addition to being damn right insulting to me and Pdq.

He then logs ingame one evening and adds on the alb caster zerg to kill us then claims on FH that he owned us repeatedly with just hes skilled duo/trio.

Naturally, given the chance to kill this guy in thid, we will take it and enjoy it.

With regards to the topic of this thread, Yes pdq and I killed him solo, yes we gave him an emote or 2 (not quite as bad as he makes out) and I will continue to kill him ON SIGHT...

As for his unbuffed cabby killing my BM solo, this didnt happen as I dont run my BM solo.

Draw your own conclusions guys...

Bye for now.

Donlaise - 24 Druid of FSR
Tunderman - 24 BM of FSR


I picked you guys off in the alb zerg, but afterwards I soloed you when you chased me into CK, guards charged, I did my job.

Sure you can kill me on sight... If you can xD

Edit: I never said I've killed your BM solo (never seen him solo and probably never will) I soloed you and pdqqmezz

I wasn't the one being insulting, I was merely saying that you were zerging, and adding, and your egos weren't big enough for this universe, you started insulting me, so I faught fire with fire, and I guess you come out the ones crying.

J s p

Loyal Freddie
Aug 21, 2005
Dorimor1 said:

I picked you guys off in the alb zerg, but afterwards I soloed you when you chased me into CK, guards charged, I did my job.

Sure you can kill me on sight... If you can xD

Edit: I never said I've killed your BM solo (never seen him solo and probably never will) I soloed you and pdqqmezz

I wasn't the one being insulting, I was merely saying that you were zerging, and adding, and your egos weren't big enough for this universe, you started insulting me, so I faught fire with fire, and I guess you come out the ones crying.

Do you have any friends ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
tbh i hate readin thro whine threads so i may have missed a few oppions but phuck it, tbh emotin is a bit gah, spammin /rude etc is unneccesary, mebbe once/twice if the guy was cowardly or added on you, but usually i dont emote someone, but tbh if someone /rudes me then it just gives me more incentive to return and kill them, no need to report peeps imo, spammin sux but tbh, its just a game and no need to get peeps banned over a moment of aggro, just my opinion ne way

P.S n1 on solo wit caba tho mate,
dora1 for pres :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
TriggerHappy said:
P.S n1 on solo wit caba tho mate,
dora1 for pres :p
amagawd you got his name wrong :O

Bad Triggerhappy :twak: bad Triggerhappy :p


Aug 25, 2005
TriggerHappy said:
tbh i hate readin thro whine threads so i may have missed a few oppions but phuck it, tbh emotin is a bit gah, spammin /rude etc is unneccesary, mebbe once/twice if the guy was cowardly or added on you, but usually i dont emote someone, but tbh if someone /rudes me then it just gives me more incentive to return and kill them, no need to report peeps imo, spammin sux but tbh, its just a game and no need to get peeps banned over a moment of aggro, just my opinion ne way

P.S n1 on solo wit caba tho mate,
dora1 for pres :p

Might be a bit old, you're getting on my tits lad.

If you hate whine threads so much, dont post here? Buy a dictionary too. :<


Jan 22, 2005
Zdeath said:
Might be a bit old, you're getting on my tits lad.

If you hate whine threads so much, dont post here? Buy a dictionary too. :<

How can you like not love them?

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