PC Gamer (Issue 111 page 110)




no flame

Its not the hardware set up that Mythic or GOA have that makes the game lag like hell when you put even 40 people on the same screen.

There is rumoured to be a mmory leak in the game client and added to that the NetImmerse engine was not really optimised for the game and was kinda bolted on and not twinked.

Those 2 dfactors make the game lag and indeed entire zones crash when lots of players are doing RvR together


Originally posted by chesnor

And imho GOA have not impressed me at all, in any department. They are a company that have so far sold (estimating here) 20k copies of daoc EU wide and have had (to be kind) 10k 3month subscriptions. That equals (20k * £18) + (10k * £18) = £540000. These figures are obviously a wild guess, but my point is they have merrily collected half a million pounds, and have provided us with a quite frankly poor service. Sometimes you can take heart that a service genuinely seems to be improving (GOA could post some long term targets as to when they expect to 1.49, 1.50, PvP etc..) but I see no evidence of this. Their website is rarely updated and when it is the updates are inadequate.

Quite frankly, I can't imagine that anyone is satisfied.

500k isn't a great deal of money in coporate terms.

Tehy are probably working on tiny margins with poorly paid staff (the gaming industry is on the whole a vocation rather than a career ;) )
As for updates, the news section is updated almost every week and the xml pages are dynamicly linked ot the servers.....

I do however disagree with vell on one point. It's researchers who have to find both sides of a story, journalists are paid to be biased ;-)


Originally posted by yaruar
I do however disagree with vell on one point. It's researchers who have to find both sides of a story, journalists are paid to be biased ;-)

Yup So true So true

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Charybdis
Not really. The kit's there now, it's ultimately a matter of plugging it in and switching it on.

No it's not. I can't and won't say more. But you're wrong on that.

As for posting about upcomming events. I don't know how many times I've told people on this very forum that event announcements will not be posted on the official website or on these forums.

GOA stated from the start that they would hold all their servers as RP servers. As in the End of Beta Event, if someone (happened a few times) started talking to me in leetspeak then I would RP respond that "I know not what you mean my child.". if someone started being stupid and saying stuff like, " Do you love me? Why don't you love me? Am I not pretty? marry me? Give my gold.", etc. I ignored them.

Events are first and foremost ROLEPLAYING SCENARIO's. That means, you have to explore the game to find them. When the 2-way war happened in Myrkwood, people heard about it by word of mouth. Stating that they must notify you of events make me think you can't RP. Because if you could, you wouldn't say that. Kemor, Zargar and the guys put a LOT of work into some of these events, and they're going to get a lot bigger and better. For you to say that "that's not good enough, I want to be told so I can put it in my diary" is just lame.

As for the LFG list. My gawd. I've NEVER seen more than four or five people on it. Not even in beta. Did you know that if you're in a dungeon it ONLY shows people IN the dungeon LFG? And recently, yes, there are a lot less people riding around. Why? because 99% of us are bound in Huginfell and ride either to Gna and Malm, or to Svasud to port to wherever. (don't know what realm you play)

Yes. People will leave. But, you cannot blame GOA solely for this.

Getting hold of DAoC a problem? Huh? Well, I didn't have a problem popping out the one day and buying 2 copies for friends. Nor was it a problem to order it from Amazon/Game/EB, etc. to have them deliver it. Yes, there was a severe lack of advertising, but FFS, I don't know how many times it's been said. THAT WAS WANADOO's ISSUE.

Anyway...to continue.

You said you tried to get hold of GOA. Well, HOW? Who did you send an email/letter to? What did you ask? I've sent lots of emails to the CIA...never once got a response. :p

Also, can I ask you a question? Have you ever worked in testing patches? Surely you'd know that combining multiple patches into one always adds new problems? We even saw that happen with 1.45 after Mythic themselves had been involved in the testing. Waiting for you to blame Mythic for something...

Go read those VN boards. And see how many happy people you count.

Anyway...enuff of my grilling you. Nice of you to post your explanation. Still think you've got a got a few "FACT"s wrong.


Roo Stercogburn

I agree about the powerlevelling thing, when you get to the point where there's nothing to be gained from PvE, there's only RvR and helping guildmates for the most part. And some people just want someone to blame for the reason their bored now. Yeh, GOA, like any other company don't and won't ever get it right all the time.

I'm really not bothered. Well ok, when the server kicks me out during a big pitched battle I do splutter a bit but thats a different issue (cablemodem and still booted gah)

This game is a blast. Yep, it lives or dies on its population base, but from what I've seen, DAoC Europe has a good community of peeps there and each time I go on to play, I'm not short of new things to do or peeps to talk to or group with (well usually lol) or talk to. In the future everyone might sell up and move to Mars, til then its fun.

I think a lot of the grumblings about the US servers are just green eyed monster issues. The fact that you don't have future content doesn't diminish the current game you are playing. If you're not enjoying the game now... you probably still won't.
Solid is right when he says Content Rules, but aside from Darkness Falls, most of the updates are tweaks to game mechanics, rather than new things to do in the realms. I think there's too much weight placed on the importance of these updates. More GM interaction and event style content would benefit the game more than patches and updates. These are the kind of things that would get the interest of even jaded Lvl50s I think and bring flavour and variety.

Hehe I have noooo problem letting the US find out all the problems with the updates then we get the patches afterwards ;)


Events will be key to GOA's and DAoC EU's sucess because its an element of surprise.

No amount of forum trolling or guide reading will tell you how a well played event will go down. That event in Uppland with Gunnar was fun and that was classed as a super mini event by the eyes and ears themselves, imagine how good the real epic events will be?.

Brannor mentioned asking Kemor for control of the Dragon for a day, if such a thing is possible, OMFG the possibilities are endless.

I was being kinda negative but if Events kick off in a big way after patch I will be content as ling as they are interesting and fun, it will be a good thing to ease the wait or DF imo.


/em thinks how much aggro you could cause being in control of the dragon and doing a flyby of emain


Imagine revenge on the Alb PK Elite guards, esp the M@A?

Can AE Nuke the whole keep from a flyby, that would be therapeutic :D


"No it's not. I can't and won't say more."

Fair enough, I suppose.

"As for posting about upcomming events. I don't know how many times I've told people on this very forum that event announcements will not be posted on the official website or on these forums."

That was an argument that didn't appear in the story. My argument is that the US version pushes the concept of a developing world much stronger, even if it is primarily just about the next little patch on its way. This article was written 1.5 -> 2 months ago - which major events happened before then? And events don't necessarily have to be real-time things, there's odds and sods like the Lurikeen races that are planned well in advance (I wait impatiently for MMORPGs to start including bulletin boards and things in-game for this kind of situation, but that's a later argument...)

"GOA stated from the start that they would hold all their servers as RP servers."

I didn't say they didn't. I said that I found it hard to find roleplayers. Different argument. Then came talk of the role-play zoos and so on.

"Stating that they must notify you of events make me think you can't RP. Because if you could, you wouldn't say that. Kemor, Zargar and the guys put a LOT of work into some of these events, and they're going to get a lot bigger and better."

I didn't say that either. I LIKE that kind of thing. However, at the time of writing the article in question, the argument was still basically "We are looking at introducing events". They were still to take off, and the ultimate focus was on the Euro Vs. US games as they stood at the time of writing.

"As for the LFG list. My gawd. I've NEVER seen more than four or five people on it. Not even in beta. Did you know that if you're in a dungeon it ONLY shows people IN the dungeon LFG?"

Yes, I know this. I also know that I've spent a great deal of time pounding through empty valleys, through empty forests and so on without encountering people, or if I do, just a single soul zipping off into the horizon. I know that I've spent more time alone than with any other MMORPG that I've played, barring Ultima Online. The LFG display is merely the most quantifiable element, since for just about every argument that someone disputes the answer is immediately 'Provide exact proof! Screenshots! Blood!' ;-) Oh, and my normal realm was Albion on Excalibur, although I played quite a bit of Mid on Pryd. Never liked Hib much. When I talk about my experiences in-game, I generally meen Alb/Exc since I spent more time there. Mid feels too cold.

"Yes. People will leave. But, you cannot blame GOA solely for this. "

I didn't. I said that the European release had suffered difficulties. My only mention of GOA was was as the game operators - the 'Game Offline Again' gag is not mine, just one that I've heard plenty of times from players (and one which I ironically disagree with, since the server uptime was decent enough apart from the odd catastrophe) - and as the officials that need to be contacted in the event of in-game issues. I didn't take a shot at them directly.

"Getting hold of DAoC a problem? Huh? Well, I didn't have a problem popping out the one day and buying 2 copies for friends. Nor was it a problem to order it from Amazon/Game/EB, etc. to have them deliver it. Yes, there was a severe lack of advertising, but FFS, I don't know how many times it's been said. THAT WAS WANADOO's ISSUE. "

I didn't blame GOA. I said that it was hard to get hold of a copy upon release. This was my experience, and that of plenty of people looking for them. Apart from anything else, with EB/Game making such little fuss over it beyond a promotional stand in most stores, many casual dabblers didn't even know the exclusive deal was in place.

"You said you tried to get hold of GOA. Well, HOW? Who did you send an email/letter to? What did you ask? I've sent lots of emails to the CIA...never once got a response."

E-mailed them. Don't remember who it was off hand, it was a couple of months ago and I've had a change of computer since then, or I'd dig it out for you.

"Surely you'd know that combining multiple patches into one always adds new problems?"

Sure. I also know that when it came, it knocked the server out for the best part of a week. I spent most of it trying to download the patch ;-) I didn't assign blame to GOA for that one, I said that it was a problem with the European release.

"Go read those VN boards. And see how many happy people you count."

The day that a MMORPG community gathers together in praise of the creator is the day that Planet Earth turns into a small asteroid field ;-)

"Waiting for you to blame Mythic for something... "

I'm willing to blame Mythic for a lot of things. I have plenty of problems with DAOC as a game, just as I think that a lot of it works really well. Nor do I have any interest in bashing GOA, who I'm sure are doing their best. That wasn't the issue.

The news story in question was a quick piece about the European version of the game, only about twice the length of this paragraph. I didn't even say that it had been badly handled by anybody in particular - Kemor in particular I've seen taking a lot of undeserved flak on the various boards. If things pick up as a result of the events, if the patches begin to speed up and so on, I'd be perfectly happy to say so. I've been on a break from it for a couple of months due to having to focus on a different game, but once that's out of the way I plan to keep my account a bit more active and hopefully see things develop for the better.

(Ironically, I'd prefer a world where the developers kept changing stuff and running unique events over a string of patches that added a new bit of land here and a few sharp knocks with the nerf stick. If GOA can pull it off, nobody will be happier. Well, except for the guy over there with the Prozac)


Originally posted by Solid

/em wonders if Vells exceptional person he/she didnt enjoy conversing was is Solid???:eek:

Awwww bless, no of course not! :fluffle:

I was referring to the idiot who demanded the patches by august at the very ltest.


Originally posted by Vell

In fact, GOA have, in three months, achieved much much more than Mythic did in the first three months of the US game. That is something we should be thankful for, not ungrateful.

They achieved NOTHING. Mythic made the code, GOA just translated it.
As I've said before, "we should've been patched up from DAY 1".

Why ?
Because the game is allready under continous development from Mythic who are testing, correcting bugs, add content, etc.
I can't understand why I should wait 4 months to get what's old on US servers. Don't want to repeat my opinion on translation issues.
No I'll not start playing the US, lag enough on EU servers, don't need more of that and the timezones is also to different.
When I quit DaoC it's to play Neverwinther Nights and UT 2003.
At least I know Epic and black isle got a good support and last but not least, listen to their customers unlike GOA (Greeders Of Arrogance).


"Surely you'd know that combining multiple patches into one always adds new problems?"

Sure. I also know that when it came, it knocked the server out for the best part of a week. I spent most of it trying to download the patch ;-)
Now, play fair. The way I remember it, they had about 8 hours of problems with the patch, and then another day and a half of network misery when they realized they were under a DDOS attack and they tightened up their network to allow them to defend against it. Three days after patch day everything was back to normal.

Since I have no access to the original article, I can't really comment on it, only on Charybdis' remarks here. I am kind of mystified that you found the server empty - and you were playing Albion/Excalibur, the most populated realm on the larger of the two UK servers. That has definitely not been my experience in Hibernia/Excalibur, I've met a TON of people. Sure, if you get off the roads and away from the big campsites you can find yourself alone for a bit, and I for one think the game is better for it. But, as you say, that's a matter of personal experience and taste.

For many of the points you mentioned, the fact that this article was written two months ago explains a lot. And I think that people may well be surprised at how the introduction of the camelot chronicles with guild and player rankings could well spark some new interest in the game, even amongst players who are feeling a bit bored at the moment.


Originally posted by Solid
Chesnor hit the nail on the head on most points.

Sad but true fact is out of the Uk DAoC gamers, most are playing US version, and so its kinda obvious the English servers will be poorly populated.

Kinda Mythics fault in the first place cos Europeans dont like to wait for a game just cos its made in the US. A lot (and I will stick my neck out and say prolly 3-4K of the US populous is Europpean.

Is that not like shooting urself in the foot before u even begin?
Thats a sizeable chunk of a player base in EU that will not be on EU servers.

GOA started out at a disadvantage cos of this, but they aint done emselves any favors and now the player bae is dropping its gonna be a self torturing process till noone but hardcore GOA fanbois remain on these servers.

Those that absolutely love the game will more than likely move to the US, those that prefer eu players over yanks and dont wanna continue with poor service will quit DAoC altogether and move to pastures green.

Its evident Mythic has some major competition upcoming in the next few months with release of NWN and Shadwbane and SWG all tabled to go live before Sep 2002.

Whereas Mythic will have a reason for US subbers to stay (expansion pack and PvP server and patching) GOA will not have that luxury.

My speculation is EU DAoC will die a horrible slow death when new games are released whereas US DAoC will not suffer as bad.

once again, this is my opinion, not fact, I am not claiming I know best, just my opinion

Flame on (no doubt I will get some, I have come to expect it on this forum, esp in recent days)

think you're right in your opinion. Many will leave as new games appears on the shelves, from companys with better reputation than GOA.
Maybe GOA is not to blame solely but all these unhappy customers is unhappy for some reason, that can't be ignored by GOA if they want to keep these customers more than a couple of months before they leave for US servers or other games.


"I am kind of mystified that you found the server empty - and you were playing Albion/Excalibur, the most populated realm on the larger of the two UK servers."

Taken from my forthcoming book "How To Get Bricks Thrown At You In The Street". Priced £350,000,000. I have high hopes for good sales.


Reasons To Never Talk About MMORPGs - #565:
Your experiences will never match everybody else's. All that I can say to that one is that I spent a lot of time scouting people out in the game, reading through the bulletin boards, and a lot of time playing. You may disagree with the sentiments, you may not mind them, or you may simply never have encountered them. But people NEVER agree with you ;-)


Anyway, I'll duck out of this one at this point I feel, unless there's anything else specific. Otherwise I have a feeling that I'll get the credit for every anti-DAOC/GOA statement in this thread ;-)


Charybdis can you recommend an MMORPG that has better patching/customer service than this one and that is a decent game + populated decently. This is my first mmorpg and am not sure I want to continue my a/c here. My mind hasn't been made up yet but my foot is certainly one step out the door.


Originally posted by Wicoa
Charybdis can you recommend an MMORPG that has better patching/customer service than this one and that is a decent game + populated decently. This is my first mmorpg and am not sure I want to continue my a/c here. My mind hasn't been made up yet but my foot is certainly one step out the door.

To be honest, at the moment it's pretty difficult - most of the really exciting ones are still to come and there are none that exactly stand out as perfection with pings. DAOC US has a decent record patch wise, along with plenty of new content heading across in the near future, and I've never had many problems wiht it. Yes, I have played on those servers ;-) However, many of these patches go down like a ton of bricks, the game is more or less the same despite this, and if you're bored of the European version there's nothing that will really inspire you. So, looking further afield...

Everquest is probably the 'best' on the market at present, but purely because each of the others have aimed at individual bits of what it first did rather than take it on as an all-rounder. It's always been a favourite of mine simply for the amount of space and number of quests to go on, although the CSR team is famously slow to respond to things (unless you shell out for the bazillion dollar Legends service) and the production values are locked in about the 1970s, even with Luclin. Again however, it's easy to try - the Kunark disk is only a tenner on budget, with all the expansions for £30, and IIRC that comes with a 30 day free trial. It's the most 'complete' of the MMORPGs out there at the moment, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll enjoy it. I don't still play, and haven't for a while though.

Anarchy Online has come on one hell of a lot since its launch - not in terms of the storyline, which is still stuck in neutral, but it's now a lot easier to get into, the gameworld is nicely varied and I still think it looks great, and I've had a good time with it in the last couple of months. Especially if you can find roleplayers, the socials and other such actions can really lend a lot to it. Nowhere NEAR perfect though, and both much harder to pick up than DAOC. Don't bother if you want an RvR style thing writ large though - the warfare angle really isn't there yet, restricting you mostly to smaller skirmishes that lack much sense of purpose. Worth giving a shot for the 7-Day trial if you can find a copy of the client or have a decent connection.

Asheron's Call is really long in the tooth by this point, although I have high hopes for the sequel. There's a 30 day trial available on the main site which could be worth a play, but after DAOC you'll probably find a lot of it quite simplistic. It's very fluid though.

Ultima Online is very, VERY hard to get into these days, and I'd put that about last on your list. I was playing it a while ago to cover Lord Blackthorne's, and left every session with a pounding headache and general feeling of dissatisfaction.


Mythic just did the english version, but new bugs come up with the translation, eg. the "codeword" for a quest doesnt work, even if you say it. The translation obviously takes alot of time when you consider the amount of spoken things there are. I must saysome of the translations (at least the german ones) are a bit weird (literally translated so it doesnt make much sense) but does it matter if a mob's name is weird?

I play the game because its fun, i would still play it if this was the final patch.

And one more question to everyone: what if the US servers didnt exist? Would you complain about patches? NO so get over it, this isnt the US, we will see how far GOA will be with the patches once DAoC has been out for a year in Europe. If they dont have patch 1.51D by then, flame away. If they do, then you have nothing to complain about. I know many problems will already have been fixed by Mythic and so GOA should catch up but think of the new problems with translating.

Just my thoughts

Good night everyone


Hey Rich :D

Any idea when the PCGF is gonna be back online?

And is Neocron really as good as it sounds?


Hiya Silver. Small world ;-)

No exact date, but shouldn't be long now. As for Neocron, only Rosstradamus can say. If released as it is - no. The diary series is a little story that in game time lasted about an hour and a half - the hobby of most players around was roughly chit-chatting until Loki or another GM turned up to spawn some cool monsters to fight or something similar (there was originally a Loki in-joke in Diary 3, but I ran out of space) But that shouldn't be seen as too damning, because it's not ready for release, and many of the best features are the ones that haven't been implemented as yet - like Soullight. I'm actually dropping out of the beta now (actually, as of a month ago) until release so that I'll be able to take a fresh, unbiased look when the review copies land.


been following shadowbane for the last year or so too... was mentioned a few issues back, whats your view on that?

And how do you get into so many beta tests? is it cos your "journo" status?


"been following shadowbane for the last year or so too... was mentioned a few issues back, whats your view on that?"

Let's just say that it would be 'unfair to comment at this time'.

"And how do you get into so many beta tests? is it cos your "journo" status?"

Thanks for the flattering "speech marks" ;-) And yes, basically. Quite often companies invite journos to join the beta tests so that they can preview the game, or get a feel for it prior to going live. In my case, I try to play everything that I might be asked to review well in advance so that I'm au fait with the system by the time it comes in officially - for instance before writing up AO for PCG, I spent most of the beta playing it, likewise for DAOC. In the case of games like UO and AC, I don't play them regularly, but I've played them enough to be able to judge expansion packs that turn up and how the game plays well in advance. You don't generally get a specially created character to jump you into the inevitably high level new content, so it's important to know how to advance quickly, and what you might be missing on the way.


Hahaha GOA is getting worse and worse reputation and hopefully they will never be let to host a good game anymore.


Shadowbane seems to me to have the ingredients to be the most varied, roleplayable and fun mmorpg to be released.

One thing it lacks is polished graphics which are important to me as I see anything less as a waste of technology.


Shadowbane has a lack of craft skills.
The developers themselves have said they won't put them in, in order to rattle out the game quicker.


the screenies I have seen look as bad as Everquest (a game thats seriously old now) and so I aint impressed with their gfx engine.

Lack of crafting or tradeskills in nsome guise is a shame, it adds to the non linear aspect of a MMO game



Doesn't look that bad


And there is a crafting discipline

Races Available: Aelfborn, Aracoix, Centaur, Elf, Half Giant, Human, Irekei, and Shade

Classes Available: Barbarian, Bard, Crusader, Prelate, Priest, Ranger, Scout, Templar, Thief, Warlock, Warrior, and Wizard

Golgrim the Clever walked North out of the Valley of Ardan, toward the vast mountains, fighting Giants and bears as he went. Finally he met a Stranger, whose face was grim and stern. Long was his beard, dark as night were his eyes, and his left hand glimmered and shone like the Moon. Golgrim gazed at him in wonder.

"What troubles you, Golgrim, Man born of Earth?" The Stranger said.

"Who are you, who know my name?" the All-Father's sixth son replied.

"I know your Father, and have served him long. Call me Shaper. Now answer, why have you left the valley of Ardan, that your Father set aside for you?"

"Great Shaper," Golgrim replied, "I wander to seek help for my people. How shall we prevail against the Wolves and Beasts? We are strong, but have no claws. How shall we find food in the winter? We are clever, but the answer eludes us."

And the Shaper laughed. "I know little of food, child, but here I give you an answer to your first question." With that he handed Golgrim a stone.

"What good is this?" Golgrim asked.

"It is called Iron, boy. Look around you - as water turns to ice and twigs to trees, so too even stones can change, into new forms wondrous and terrible. From iron will come claws for your people, and shells, and tools against famine. You must learn how to craft them."

"I know not the answer to this riddle.' Golgrim said, despairing.

"Fear not, True Man!" The Shaper said. "My children know, and will teach you. Seek them in the shadowy deeps." With that, the silver handed stranger turned and walked away.

And so Golgrim wandered far, and crawled through many caverns until he found the dwellings of the Stone Folk, and they did teach him the virtues of Iron and of Steel. Golgrim returned at last to the daylight, and brought this wisdom back to his people, and the Men of Ardan became strong."

- From the Chronicles of the Ardani

Golgrim was the first learned the secret. Iron and steel are born from the bones of the earth just as the Sons of Men were. As the All-Father wrought the World in ages past, so the Blacksmith tinkers with the forces of creation, and builds things of permanence. Men were made without wings, claws or fangs, but tools of metal make the difference. Most think that swords and suits of mail are the greatest of tools, and our most important works. This may be true, but imagine our lives without nails to hold our houses together, without iron cooking kettles or horseshoes or plow blades. We Blacksmiths not only make weapons and armor, we also forge the things that hold our lives together.

A good Blacksmith must be many men, all at once. He must have the eye of an artist, and the steady hands of a sculptor. He must have an alchemist's knowledge of the elements, of fire and metal, and how the two mingle. Finally, he must have the strength and patience of a laborer, enduring hours of toil and thousands of hammer swings to finish a single piece. Only a fraction of a blacksmith's time is spent pounding metal; running a shop and forge involves dozens of tasks, some hopelessly mundane. As an apprentice, you will come to learn them all. Perhaps, in time, you will come to have a forge and apprentices of your own. Watch in the meantime, and learn, and be careful.

A busy forge is a dangerous place. Fires hot enough to melt iron are kept close at hand, and sparks fly from the anvil. Acids and oils for etching are also close by. And finally, the labor itself can be a hazard - a moment's distraction while hammering will leave you with a broken thumb, or a spark in your eyes. Touch the wrong end of the tongs or the wrong bar of iron and you'll crisp your hand in a heartbeat. There are dozens of men lamed, blinded, or scarred who thought they had a Blacksmith's concentration. Be careful and you won't have to join them. A Blacksmith is no fair prince - we're left black by smoke and coal, and we often shave our heads and beards - best not to tempt a stray spark. We're strong from our labors, but raw strength isn't necessary to master a forge. If you've the stamina of a mule and the patience of a mountain, you'll do well. May it truly be so, for there have never been enough master smiths.


Originally posted by SilverHood
"Who are you, how do you know my name?" the All-Father's sixth son replied.

Does this mean you wont be able to see a players name above their head? I hope so. The more mystery the better!


Silverhood, I am well aware of the nice story they wrote for blacksmithing, but it was written a long time ago.

The developers have since decided that there are not enough player interested in 'sitting by a forge mindlessly churning out item after item' to warrant spending time to put it in the game. Blacksmithing, along with all the other trade skills, has been pulled.

They are thinking of implementing a different system, where you hire an npc to make items for you. You can set the npc to make items even when you are not present, or even logged in. So the reward for dedicating yourself to crafting is zero, because everyone will have a little man churning away in a sweat shop for them, because it doesn't take any play time to do.


look at those screens

the whole atmosphere is so baron, its not a world that feels alive, i dont liek the look of it at all, sure the character skins are nice, but the game world aint, how u say....."sexy" enuff imo

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