PC Gamer article



The company had no comment to make, other than to confirm that legal action has been taken as a result of the incident.

GOOD! atleast its out in the open. but sasly i feel this wont be the last episode of hacking we'll ever see.. Goa seem a bit lax about dealing with it swiftly.../sigh i can only hope WoW comes out soon otherwise i may get bored crafting.


Ouch. An article like that is not exactly going to lure in new players so that we can get a 3rd English server. I mean, if I was thinking of buying DAOC, I would without doubt get the US version instead.


what a load of crap.
Theres loads of factual errors in that (were not 5 patches behind US for starters) and it is by no means representative of the whole community, if it was, why are so many people till playing?!


Also, to those who say, "but all the replys here are negative"
The people who think theres a problem are vocal, and BW is by no means all of DAoC Europe
I would guess that 80%+ of the people who even read that and have np with GOA's service won't even bother to reply, its generally only the vocal, dissatisfied minority who feel the need to cry.


Tilda u are I no the only reason people keep on paying is because there is no alternative in Europe

And as for patches my friend wtf do we have be behind the americans anyway?????


So why the fook do we have to wait???????

If another DAoC company license propped up you watch the people leave in droves

And I remember very well from my moderator days that this is not a gung ho community when GOA has done well they are told so

Hell look up the recent thread about them actually moving into marketing DAoC people are well happy and making it known

So we not all a linch mob :clap:


Originally posted by Tilda
what a load of crap.
Theres loads of factual errors in that (were not 5 patches behind US for starters)

It doesnt say 5

'They are currently three patches behind their US counterparts'


"She said the company had decided to let the experts host forums but added that the company browsed the forums regularly."

Since when did GOA browse these forums? :eek:


just waving and agreeing with Tilda on this.
just because the whining masses post here, doesn't mean the majority things GOA is the source of all evil...

Sharp Thing

excellent article, sums up nicely what we are dealing with here and hope we get some reply from mythic!


the motto of the story is that that goa are end story


All you bum fluff kiddies moaning about this, if you think that was bad service, you have got a nasty shock coming to you when you leave the nest for the real world :rolleyes:

Cap'n Sissyfoo

They browse it regularly enough. When I was a Community Manager I would look in on the forums every day but only bothered reading/replying to the threads that were of any importance because, omg...I had IMPORTANT stuff to do. Reading bitchy and whiny posts from players was not an effective use of my time.

If you notice, when a Sidi raid goes tits up and someone makes a complaint on the forum then the problem is dealt with pretty swiftly. Well, that problem is in the past now but still...

GOA aren't the best company in the world but we could do far worse. I think they would do a lot better to employ some more PR/Community Managers who can interact with the community on a much more frequent basis. Nothing panics a herd like not knowing what is going on. Even then they will have a problem with high community manager turnover rates because nothing turns a nice guy into a raving, drooling, homicidal, mother fucking killer than a bitchy, whiny community.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
GOA Boss Man: Hmm...this be bad. Where is our PR man?! We need him to write something quick!!
GOA Lackey: Greenpeace kidnapped him and released him back into the jungle, sir.


Originally posted by Coim-
It says regularly. I have never seen kemor browsing these forums...or, for that matter Zargar. I'm sure they do, but nowhere near regularly. Look at all the "FAO: kemor" threads around.

They probably have their forum accounts set on that 'Invisible Mode' thingie.

As for the article, well i won't comment cause its to late to stay up and listen to all the 'your opinion doesn't mean shit' 'stfu n00b' flames i'd be likley to get for saying somthing that doesn't conform to the majority of peoples opinions.


Originally posted by Tilda
Also, to those who say, "but all the replys here are negative"
The people who think theres a problem are vocal, and BW is by no means all of DAoC Europe
I would guess that 80%+ of the people who even read that and have np with GOA's service won't even bother to reply, its generally only the vocal, dissatisfied minority who feel the need to cry.

You'd be quite vocal too if you hadn't recieved any information or replies from GOA about your account for FIVE weeks.

I absolutely love how some on BW take digs at those complaining about GOA's service. Funnily enough, those same people generally only missed a few days of game time and had no problems getting their passwords. What about the rather large section of us who have been completely messed around with absolutely no way to get a satisfactory response of ANY kind from GOA?

Damn right I'll cry about this whole situation. I've sunk 2 years into this game, PAID a HECK of a lot of money to play it and had ZERO help from GOA to the extent that my account now appears to be lost due to their incompetance. Now tell me again, why do I not have the right to moan on the one place they may actually read once ina blue moon? If they happen to read my posts, I damn well want them to know what I think of their pathetic customer service as this is the only place where they may actually hear me. :/


Originally posted by hellraisermk2
If they happen to read my posts, I damn well want them to know what I think of their pathetic customer service as this is the only place where they may actually hear me. :/
Do you actually think they're going to read all these whine posts? They'd be here till christmas. Send a complaint to them or something...:eek:


Originally posted by Coim-
Do you actually think they're going to read all these whine posts? They'd be here till christmas. Send a complaint to them or something...:eek:

Would that be to the e-mail address that they don't reply to, the one they send auto- responses out from, or maybe via the rightnow tool I can't access and that would take a month or two for them to respond (with an an auto- response)?

The whole point it this is the_only_ place where we can complain and they may actually see it without actually going over to France and banging on their door.


i have complained about bits and bobs in the past, but honestly i felt goa were doing an ok job.

however the recent events have made me seriously consider just cancelling my accounts much like the guy in the article.

~the hacking incident

~the lack of a 3rd english server

~no pendragon style test server for all servers/realms to try

~the poor testing of patches (crit strike BT bug, caster AF bug etc etc)

~the ill concieved weapon drops introduced for the 'event'

~poor communication from goa to their customers

~the awful herald: honestly just freaking fire the guy that does all this flash PLEASE and take 5seconds to look at US and Korean heralds...

~slow patching

~lack of game features: herald was not updated for an obscenely long time this year..

blah blah etc

i'm not whining, i'm just FED UP with this shit EVERY FU*KING WEEK!!!!

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Tilda
what a load of crap.
Theres loads of factual errors in that (were not 5 patches behind US for starters) and it is by no means representative of the whole community, if it was, why are so many people till playing?!

Biggest load off bullshit ever.

Where did it say 5 patches behind :confused:

Apart from that I kinda agree with most of what Jiggs said.

The way they handled the recent problems was atrocious. But I still play and am happy to pay GoA my subs. However if there was an alternative I might be tempted.

For a while there Tilda I thought you was growing up but on most recent form I guess I was wrong :puke:


Originally posted by Coim-
It says regularly. I have never seen kemor browsing these forums...or, for that matter Zargar. I'm sure they do, but nowhere near regularly. Look at all the "FAO: kemor" threads around.

iirc you can brouse without your name being shown in the line of names :p

Originally posted by Bleri McThrust
Where did it say 5 patches behind :confused:

Apart from that I kinda agree with most of what Jiggs said.

Ok, i got that bit wrong.
Just reading through to me, as a history scholar , it positivley oozed bias and exaduration, they had very little positive counterballancing evidence to oppose the numerous whines they quoted.
I cba to go though pointing out single little errors but i felt the article did not paint an accurate picture of GOA at all.


tilda the article goes on about how people were in the dark for x weeks, while thats partially true. Goa did say contact our email when it goes up. Also it says many people still dont have their passwords, while its most likely only 1% which is still many but its misguiding. Besides it says something about email not being up till subscription were running again, which wasnt true their email was open before that happened iirc. Anyway i skimmed past page 1, cant be bothered to read more as I am tired and its 90% old news and mostly is twisted and the article is hardly objective.

Bleri McThrust

The article originates from a disgruntled playre contacting them.

However IMO they checked his story and gave GoA a fair amount of space to put there side of the story.

History books through the ages are written by "The conquering heroes" . Similar with news storys, one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist.

Bit simplistic maybe but hey :)

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