PBAOE on Albion



Greetings all,

I would like to make an observation. Since I have played on Albion I have noticed there are a severe lack of PBAOE groups. I have played on Hib and have found without question this is the fastest way to level without a shadow of doubt.

I have xp'd with various groups both High and Low level and one thing that is apparent is the use of mezz and the killing of mobs 1 by 1. This is a safe route I guess however with a proper PBAOE group the xp is 2-3 times faster.

I understand the Ice Wiz is the PBAOE class on Alb...I have just rolled one as well as a couple of mates. I have even spoken to a few High Level Ice Wizzies and they had no idea how to use PBAOE in a grp properly.

The below is a quick explanation of an ideal PBAOE group and how it works:

2 full specced Ice Wizards (their pbaoe line).
1 Theurg with PBT
1 Minstrel for mana regen
3 Paladins with chants (or other tanks are fine)
1 Healer

The idea is the Mobs are pulled.....all mobs are picked up by a tank to get agro and brought next to the Wizards.

The Wizards then spam pbaoes and the mobs will drop extremely fast. PBAOE works as an area of effect spell radiating out from the wizards. The closer to the wizards the harder the hit. It effects all mobs within the vicinity.

Due to pbaoe being mana cheap and mobs dropping so fast you have almost zero downtime and drop purples in 3's.

PBAOE Grps are great for power levelling as well. Also PBAOE is great in Keep Defence and general rvr if used intelligently.

If anyone is interested in forming this type of group please send me...My new Ice Wizzie is called Raphael. Or send Jephtha who is my friar.

Please post thoughts

Madonion Slicer

Would this not also work with any AE, if the tanks have the aggro of the 3 Mobs and are all together then any AE eg Fire Wiz will drop all 3 mobs.

But still your plan is sound as long as you dont attract 3 mobs agrro as you will drop faster than you can click the help macro.



Yes it would work with any AOE though PBAOE is far better as it hits far harder and is also faster to cast. It hits more or less the same as a Fire Wizards Bolt does but to every Mob.

As for the Agro that is very rare. The reason I said 3 tanks is for them to taunt and make sure they get the agro first. The PBAOE works by evenly spreading out the agro amongst all the mobs it hits therefore not build much upon the caster, it is therefore the tanks jobs to make sure they have built up enough agro either by using taunt styles or running chants.

Of course once in a while we get hit and go down...but it is very rare and of course thats half the fun :)

Madonion Slicer

I have read that the Ice Wiz PBAOE is very power full, your see many high lvl wizards casting it randomly in RVR to check if there are any stealthers near by.

But the Ice Wizard is a rare breed with not much love from patches, Earth is the next to get love with some nice GTAOE and a DOTAOE.

Good luck and if you need any help with wizard items or advice let me know.


I have been in groups in keltoi in the ant room i think its called we pulled 4 purps tanks got hold of em we only had one ice wiz with pbaoe he comes in 2 secs later all dead and we pullin again, I went from 20 to 22 in 35mins on my paladin shame he's gone now oh well but pbaoe rocks


Also worth noting that the aggro rules for pbaoedd are different to those with ranged aoedd.

If you try this with ranged aoedd, you'll just end up with dead fire wizards, as they'll attract too much aggro.

Pbaoedd, generates less caster aggro.

Plus it does more damage.


The reason we have very few pbaoe groups, is unforturtunately very simple, we have almost no ice wizards, and no other serious pbaoedd capability. :(


I have been in a group with a ice wizzie in catas, and it rocked, also when I played a little hib I noticed that pbaoe is called for almost more then a bard (no entirely true, but almost)

Pbaoe = 3 red/purp mobs drops in seconds

We want more Ice wizzies :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by rhin
I have been in groups in keltoi in the ant room i think its called we pulled 4 purps tanks got hold of em we only had one ice wiz with pbaoe he comes in 2 secs later all dead and we pullin again, I went from 20 to 22 in 35mins on my paladin shame he's gone now oh well but pbaoe rocks

Remember trying AoE (started with PBAoE... but my wizard Ererim is mostly earth.. not a huge lot of ice) groups in keltoi :) good xp but I think everyone else was very confused ... :)


This type of group will work with most mobs as long as the agro of the mobs are held!


This type of group will work with most mobs as long as the agro of the mobs are held!

We used to do this in the EZ in Hib with 10-15 Glimmers on us....IT does work - We just need to change the way of thinking! On Hib you will see more and more PBAOE casters appearing...this will show up in RVR.

I am going forward with this type of group. The best way to see how it works is experience it yourselves! Just think of getting an auto and using these techniques for killing the mobs...The xp will be great.


Nah Easier is go to tangerls, get peeps there, and yes those AOE boys what u wanna, lvl 50 arms running in middle of tanglers, and then back, and let the show begin...( effects none plz )


Used it on hib with my eldritch all the time (I was mana spec), very rare on albion, because ice wizzies are so rare. PBAE isn't greatly useful in RvR (run up to a tank and cast? yeah right!) and since keep doors because targettable with spells they aren't much use in keep defence either. :rolleyes: Also ice wizards only really get damage, they lack some of the other spells mana chanters/elds get, meaning if they can't pbae they are useless.


I was thinking of making a 2nd char as my main is taking ages
to lvl these days ..
So basically what exactly do I need to spec to make one ? It could
be interesting if we got 2 or 3 going together as alts

I dont anything about casters at all , apart from what Ive seen them do , so basic info is required here .

Is their many in game at the moment? who can i spam with
stupid questions ?

Anyone else interested making an Ice Alt ?


Well I would like to disagree with you Dannyn...

Yes Ice Wizards are rare that I agree with.

As for PBAOE not being useful in rvr as I stated in my first post it is all to do with the way you play the Wizard...The usual tactics cannot be used....but there are ways and means of making it very effective!

As for Ice Wizards not being very useful for anything else I guess debuffs/ aoe snare etc aren't any good hmm! as well as a fast dd nuke as well! So I guess if you believe us useless fair enough!


I guess you are def open to new ideas.....I can see you have grasped the concept well :)

All I can say is that I KNOW this type of group works. If you want to carry on xping the way you have feel free....If you want to try a new experience and a far better way of xping try my suggestion. In the end of the day it's entirely upto you how you want to play....and if yes you want to be a lvl 50's Arms and run into the middle of the tanglers to pull them I'll galdly watch :)

You do need a bit of intelligence to do a grp like this! and of course if you are at the tanglers and you get a load you mezz and free up 3/4 at a time! The PBAOE only has a radius of 300


The only debuffs in the ice line are cold debuffs (good for the ice wiz, but nor really for anyone else :p), the AE snare is tbh, not very useful - eldritch has it, I ever really used it. Root / mez are far more useful, and the wizard's AE root is earth line (which also has AE snare, gtae, dot, shield, dmg buff, bolt). The extra utility mana chanters/elds get is things like their stun, AE str/con debuff, AE disease, damage shields on their spec line, a pet, etc. Ice wizard gets none of these, hence it lacks a lot of the utility of the hib casters. It's still a nice class, but that explains the lower numbers somewhat.


Someone above wrote that Earth wizards are about to get an AoEDoT. Afraid not my friend, only matter cabs get aoedot's.

Full Wizard spell list up to 1.52....

Principle Earth loving is...

1) GTAoE. A spell that if used correctly out does pbaoe at keep defense/attack.

2) Bolt moved onto a seperate timer from the fire spec bolt. This means fire/earth or earth/fire wizards will now have 3 bolts on seperate timers.


icewizard is a "rare breed" b/c they are no good in anything exept keepdefening.

i am a firewizard


Hmm how can I answer such a well thought out considered reply!

To be honest as I have said it is all down to how a player "plays" his chosen class - A good player will make effective use of the tools he has......To some people a fire wizard is the only effective wizard because of their 'Uber' bolts....hmm I wonder in real world how many times these bolts miss!

The people who are slagging off Ice Wizzies I wonder if you have ever played them! If you are taking peoples conceptions from posts on places such as VN Boards I take it you have also read that peoples ideas are now changing that Ice Wizards are bad, and are actually looking at the best way of utiising the skills available. What is the point of comparing a class speced for twototally different purposes....A Fire Wizard for long range and an Ice Wizard for Short range.

All I can say is I wish people would actually try out a class and see how they are rather than jump and say cause no one plays them and cause I play a fire wizard I know they are bad!

I started this post to see if there was anyone interested in exploring a new playing style that works! I didn't really want or need to start explaining why I think Ice Wizards are not useless!


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Someone above wrote that Earth wizards are about to get an AoEDoT. Afraid not my friend, only matter cabs get aoedot's.
It was me and I said single target dot, not AE, which, according to classes of camelot, wizards get in their earth spec line.

As to ice wizards being useless, that was maybe a little strong by me, but they do lack much except for their PBAE, when compaired with the mana line on hib, which is full of spells (like earth is for wiz), you can see why a lot less people spec ice here than mana there. :p
If you can get a pbae group going regularly then well done, you will level very fast on it, the problem is it's not that easy to do with so few PBAErs. With respec coming up though it would be quite feasible to spec as ice for PvE, then respec as fire or earth for RvR.


Originally posted by Jephtha
Hmm how can I answer such a well thought out considered reply!

To some people a fire wizard is the only effective wizard because of their 'Uber' bolts....hmm I wonder in real world how many times these bolts miss!

The people who are slagging off Ice Wizzies I wonder if you have ever played them!

first of all. if you know how to use your bolts you will not miss.
second. i have done a icewizard!

and why icewizards are bad in rvr is b/c its main weapon is point blank and if you have played RvR with a clothwearer you will know that if you come to close you are dead, and therefore pbaoe is shit at RvR



It is well known that a ice wizzy does more dmg than a fire wiz, but as Arctic said the Wiz needs to be right in the enemys face. So until albion learns to protect its support players in RvR dont expect to see many ice wizzies.

not slagging of ice wizzies, Think the number 2 wiz in the realm is ice speced so it can be done.

Radghast - lvl 50 wizzard

officer of Equilibrium

"if a battle cant be won, don't fight it" <sun tzu>


just one litle thing, pbaoe does 325dmg dd at the point blank range and the bolt does 331dmg bolt..


yea but it dont have a 20 sec timer and has a extremly quick cast rate. could maybe get 2-3 of in the time it takes to cast bolt


i havent bothered to read most of this thread, just gonna state some observations :)

a) PBAE is really fun to xp with, i gotta admit it :) It is fun

the downside:

b) if pbae was the fastest way to XP, then why was it mids had first 50's, then albs, and hibs not until ages after? :p

my two cents :)


well try to get of your 2 pbaoes at a , lets say mid zerker and see if you live and i will do the same but with 2 bolts then dd.

and it will be a zerker of equal lvl, he is free to use his abilitys...

will you live? :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aaa :m00:

/edit/ one spelling thingy (/edit/


Mezz> pbaoe

Still its hard to be able to cast the pbaoe since the wizards havnt got the stuns that hibbs got :p

w/o that stun the zerker or moose will chopp u down in 5sec


yes but this is a pbaoe thread not a mezz thread.


I'd love to take part in an PBAOE group...

For 1 specific evening, every one thats in that group starts his alt and groups together... No excuses... Then I'm in :D

Wouldnt mind playing any of the needed classes except for a theurgie (their too boring really, and I can play one at high level already)...

Played with an Ice wizard already... Works great... But he rarely used it since I'm a polearm armsman... And frankly I missed too many distracts... (wizzie got agro, died)

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