PBAOE grp looking for ppl.....



Paladin is needed for pbae, but the reason I think reaver is good for the job is that they take the first agro so the wizards can start nukeing fast


My name ingame will more than likley be Phakt or Phixion, i hardly play astas.


Friday 7PM CET!!!!

Hi all!

Just wanted to tell you that the grp will start at 7pm CET tomorrow (Friday)

All shall meet at PkB.

My Char will be name: Natthaga.

Cya all tomorrow.


like Sanar said, go 3 ice wizzies. Also, Friar can be swapped to another Pally/Armsman or preferably even to another Cleric..

I, as a Friar, was 99% stickafk after lvl40 in our group. Sometimes panic healed, sometimes panic tanked. but overall the cleric had to be healing me all teh time because we were doing mainly low-mid purples o_O

And Paladin definately is a must. Maybe even 2x Pally and no Arms.

Also, Sorc will be total waste, unless you give him free PL. Sure, you get good ManaRegen, but ehhh.. mezzing is totally, i mean TOTALLY useless. You can survive insane pulls with 3x Wizzies as you gain levels. (10 pygmy's anyone?)

Plus with mincer you get good speed.

One last tip: Create IRC Channel for your group in Qnet or any other server. You will easily communicate and see when people are online. if you trust 100% ingame communication, you'll be screwed :/

Just gotta love playing Healer in midgard tho :p AE Stun so rawks in PBAOE group o_O

We did a PBAOE team on Midgard. Trust me Sanny, you'll need 3 tanks once you get to yar's or lair, they come in 4's or 5's when you pull there, we even managed double pulls or once even a triple pull (by accident) with 3 tanks. And we had a 50 healer-bot for that 10 sec stun, and even then it could be hard with 3 tanks.

The SM's will suffer a bunch of deaths if you only got 2 tanks at higher levels, trust me

SM's are used to it o_O Besides, there always is DF and other places to go to 50 than Lair/Yar :p We'll cope with it, and survive ;p besides it's kinda late to swap another tank in... And all classes are needed. 2SM simply isn't enuff, PAC Healer is a must, PBT is a must and Shaman is a must ;p

And we ain't got a lev50 Healer bot :/ Otherwise could do 3 x Warriors.


Tell me when U get to lvl 15+ then PM me ingame, got a lvl 17 friar that would luuuve to be in your grp ;)

Main char's name : Greenfingers
(most on with "Tinny")

Friar name : Carlsvognen

Smokee can contact me ingame I believe .. since we are in the same guild *cough* *cough*

If U'r allready lvl 20+ then my Pala lvl 23 can join? :)

check list below



I did lvl an ice wiz this way till 32, went pretty fast.
1 full rejuv cleric
2 paladins (chants maxed for max aggro)
1 theurg (tries to get best bubble)
1 minstrel
3 ice wizzes

Worked pretty well, we had 2 full groups, sadly it all ended after a while (we only played on Sunday, guild was named Point Blank).
So if a wiz drops out around lvl 30, pm Christel/Glottis/Sish ingame, and I will help out.
Regards, Glottis


Many thanks for all the tips m8s, but the grp is now set and will get going today at 7pm Cet.

all in grp shall meet at PkB.


I'll be there!

Minsts name is Ally, I think.

I hope this posts, laggy bastard forums.


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