PBAoE group



I've been wanting to try this for a bit now, I'm looking 7 other people to try this with...

The idea, see how fast a PBAoE group can level from 10 to 40 (or 50 if we like it)... What we need for this would be:

3 Ice Wizards
1 Earth Theurgy (not really usefull until level 26 though)
1 Cleric (or Friar)
3 Paladins (important, sword + shield spec)

Paladins need to max in Chants and have enough in 1H for taunt moves... Rest should go in shield...

Cleric/Friar should have enough heal power to heal the group, for a cleric this isnt a huge problem, for a friar this might be a problem... (but paladins will run heal chant, so might not be really hard to keep the group alive)

Earth theurgie is useless the first few levels, but comes important at higher levels...

Ice wizards, well nuff said ;)

I would only play this group on, for example, sunday afternoons(or theusday evenings or whenever)... And only as Full-Group... So if someone wants to 'help', then we'll have to work out a day...

Anyways, reply if your intrested, and if so when your usually available and which class you'd like to play...

All I request is that you at least have experience with a char on any server up to at least level 30... So you have a knowledge about game mechanics and what baf, etc means...


Best of luck to you, but to make your life a bit easier... you don't need 3 PBers by no stretch of imagination, get a Mincer instead for reduced downtime. Nor do you need all tanks to be Paladins, anything that can taunt and doesn't wear cloth works :)


Yes I know you can do it with less... But why settle for less if you can go ideal ;)

The nice thing if the tanks are paladin's is because then they can also run heal chant, this will help keep agro... 1 tank spamming taunt does not guarantee no-agro for the wizzie... (believe me, played my armsman with a ice wizzie for 40 levels, 1 or 2 misses and he was dead)

I personally dont think that a minsie is needed, since pbaoe is a pretty low power spell... (compared to dd's/etc)

The idea behind the group isnt to get 'just another alt at 40+'... Its having fun and proving that PBAoE groups work, even in albion... And that its by far the fastest way to level...

Anyways, reply if your intrested :D


PBAOE owns, and Albion has way too few ice wizzes.
Then again, seems all of sad sod Albion is going the inf way, cannot even group anymore without 2-3 infs in a group, and the rest shouting LFG!
Guess Mythic should take note, and ungimp the other daoc characters, so we can have some fun again, without the assasin class dominating rvr like they are doing now.
Regards, Glottis

PS. Maybe unnerf ranged stealthers... just an idea, so scouts can have "some", just a little... fun again.


I´m in....
I wanna be one of the paladins :) got some experience in that class..

just gotta go buy a new copy of the game ;)

will order it right away


Aye, i could be up for that. Ill make an ice wiz.


i got 2 accts , one with a 7 pala and one with a 10 wiz

contact me ingame on

fatgimp = ice wiz
avenge = pala

wolvon fury

Good Luck wedge, I got my Ice Wizard to level 20 in Albion/Exel

But i got sick of:

A)People in Albion/Exel
B) about 5% of people in Albion know what pbaoe is
C) Dieing becuase tanks don't understand caster has low hp

Well, anyway Good luck, i did tryed, but i failed


my ice wizard is level 20, i would be interested


Why use a Friar as your tank pulls agrro quickly and can heal themselves - fills both roles in an effecient group and leaves a slot free - just a thought :)


If your group get up above lvl 30 and needs another wizzie please give me a call, its getting pretty tiresome trying to teach each new group about my PBAE

edit: note about the group, you might try varying the amount of wizzies, the group should work just with 5 paladins and 1 ice wizzie(and the healer and theurg). the amount of mobs the group can safely do is connected to the amount of taunters and not the amount of wizzies. Like the group you proposed should keep the mobs to 2 or 3 at the time, with 5 taunters you should be able to do 4 to 5, at least safely.:D


No don't do it, Albion doesn't need ice wizzies, pbaoe is crap for RvR and even worse for experience.


Then again, seems all of sad sod Albion is going the inf way, cannot even group anymore without 2-3 infs in a group, and the rest shouting LFG!

If you pay for my account, you can tell me what to play.


Originally posted by Armolas
No don't do it, Albion doesn't need ice wizzies, pbaoe is crap for RvR and even worse for experience.

I'm pretty sure they scrap the idea once every hibbie mage deletes their char :p


Originally posted by Armolas
No don't do it, Albion doesn't need ice wizzies, pbaoe is crap for RvR and even worse for experience.

rofl i especially like the bit about xp, pbaoe grps own i dunno why alb doesnt do pbaoe xp grps when i play my chanter on hib/pyrd pbaoe grps are the best xp ive ever had. also in rvr it rules keep defending and if u can get a few off in the middle of enemy grps (ok i know that wont happen much) they will be dropping like flies, the nuke int bad either in ice line 2 sec cast time and a cold debuff


when i played my ice wizzy and i had a good group, i'd explain them the principal of pbae exping.
and when everyone did his job, it was the fastest exp ever :x

but since i sold my account and i asked frostor to delete my icewizzy (i wanted to use the name :p ) he's no more :D


Albs don't pbae much cus we don't have many ice spec wizzies. Unlike chanters if wizzies spec ice they are gimped in rvr except at keeps.
Chanters not only get uber nuke through walls see through stealth pets, but a baseline stun meaning any single target that gets too close is dead. Oh and they also get a energy and heat resist debuff in the same spec line !!!!!!
Wizzie has to use a single target dd to reduce enemy cold resist, then its only by 5%. Also cold is a much more common resist than energy. Theurg can be cold, wiz can be, runemaster can be cold, not much magic is energy.

The debuffs should be in enhancement spec, like they are for a cabalist.
Either you should get a strong nuke//pbae or you should get a high resistance debuff. NOT both in the SAME spec line !!

Thing with enchanter is the pbae line is the only decent line, where as for a wiz, earth fire and ice are all good in their own way's.

What's the point of specing light, if u can spec mana and get a 50% heat debuff so ur dd's do twice as much dmg anyway :(


Here's an example:

doing clerks at level 30...

mezz pulling - we'd kill one at a time, make 3-5 mil in one pull, takes about 2 minutes, downtime after. they were too chicken to try pbaoe :) (close to level - well 2 bubs ... not that close ;) but hey I was being nice)

my _half spec_ earth/ice wizard (i.e. he only had the level 15 pbaoe!) convinced them to try PBAOE for the 20m left after the wary people dinged.

in the 20m of pbaoeing I made 2 bubbles... about the same as I'd done in the 2 hours previous.

It amuses me when people go 'noo don't aoe!' or 'aoe is crap xp'

funny funny funny :)

now - imagine this with two full spec ice wizards...
was doing the same again last night in barrows, had a level 30 fire wizard aoeing to help.. (not as good as pbaoe - but still not bad damage).

The thing I like most about pbaoe groups is that you can do it with infiltrators/scouts for your taunters.. it's not as efficient, but it's still more than possible. (of course you have to get the scouts to learn to put away their bows first ;)) So when there's no tanks available you're not totally screwed :)


Get a minstrel, pbae does suck the power. I found it quite easy to oop on my mana eldritch without a mentalist in the group (mm, crack and ae dot in a pbae group rocks).
Oh and chanter doesn't get the energy debuff, that's in the eldritch void line. Chanters get heat, cold, matter.


I'm 99% certain that I'll drop a Paladin for a Minstrel... (it will also make RvR 'easier' since this group is virtually a suicide group, run in, and pbaoe away)

I'm a bit worried that if the mobs are too high, the minstrel cant keep agro (and the minstrel WILL be required to tank)... Or gets hurt too much (I think 2 tanks is a bit low)... So we might, just might, be required to drop an Ice Wizard for a tank...

Currently my idea is to play this group on Sunday's... The group will be for level 10's ! Not 'I got a level 20' ;) (the reason is that a few of my guild that want to join actually dont have a char yet, and level 10 is easy to get and you get all the needed skills except for pbt)

And if its all possible, I'd also like to start this sunday... And preferable in a guild made for this group (so we can play as a group with same color + guild name)... (yes we all love our guild, but its funnier if we all have the same guild + colors)

I'll be contacting the guys/girls that have shown intrest... See if we can get this thing roling...

(and for some, this isnt to 'teach' how pbaoe works to 'random' tanks, over and over again, the idea is to make a group that always plays together on sundays and thus knows what pbaoe is etc, and actually ONLY levels by using pbaoe)


my new account is here tonight or tomorrow

so all get ready and hold on tight, Octanion is about to reemerge (is that a word? ;))


Cool, let me know if you want me, and ill get my wiz to 10 asap :)

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Octanion
my new account is here tonight or tomorrow

so all get ready and hold on tight, Octanion is about to reemerge (is that a word? ;))
drop me a line for old times sake tart :p


no level 20s?

bah well you want a level 10 theurgist (earth spec) ?

i like the guild idea, sort of like a breakfast club thing :p


I'd be interested if u can get it workin, and i got minstrel and paladin at low lvls


The reason I'm saying level 10, and not 9, not 12, not 15... Is that we then start at the same level (grouping with higher/lower levels at low levels is harder)...

So far I think I got 1 1/2 groups now... If more people are intrested, I think we can even setup a 2nd fg for this... I'm making a list of people that are intrested and put it here...

The hardest part seems to be tanks though...


Ok, currently I have the following candidates with the classes they would like to play...

Magmatic (Me ) - Paladin / Ice Wizard / Cleric
Taglim - Friar
Enkor - Minstrel / Earth Theurgy / Ice Wizard
Abelardus - Ice Wizard / Friar
Elvo - Ice Wizard / Minstrel
Glottis - Ice Wizard
Exon - Earth Theurgy
Snox - Any class
Baralis - Minstrel / Paladin
Jiggs - Earth Theurgy
Octanion - Paladin
Kronus - Ice Wizie
Mad - Paladin / Ice Wizzie
Jaina - Cleric / Theurg / Minstrel

If you see your name in this list and its not suppose to be there, give me a PM or reply... If I look at this list, then we're not far from a 2nd group...

I personally think a guild just for this group (or these two) is fun... Since it'll mark us as a group more then if everyone is from different guilds... All wear the same color, etc...

Dont forget, the main thing would be, have fun... And you can bet your arse on it we're gonna have a few group whipeouts in the process ;)


All this sounds very interesting. I still have one character spot free on my account so just tell me, which class is needed and I roll one (please, not another pally, though :)). So you can count me in as well.


Ok, group #1 will look like:

Paladin #1 - Magmatic playing Anoob (verified)
Paladin #2 - Octanion playing Octanion (verified)
Cleric #1 - Jaina playing Janeane (verified)
Earth Theurgy #1 - Exon playing Driken (verified)
Minstrel #1 - Enkor playing Forn (verified)
Ice Wizard #1 - Abelardus playing Sinander (delayed :( )
Ice Wizard #2 - Elvo playing Dublo (verified)
Ice Wizard #3 - Glottis playing Pop (verified)

The idea is that this group starts this sunday, from 13.00 cet until we get bored... Get your level 10 ready ! ;)

For group #2 I was thinking:
Paladin #1 - Enkor's friend playing Elvenblade (verified)
Paladin #2 - Wolven playing Sabith (verified)
Friar # 1 - Taglim playing ? (verified)
Earth Theurgy #1 - Jiggs playing ? (verified)
Minstrel #1 - Snox playing Elos (verified)
Ice Wizard #1 - Kronus playing ? (verified)
Ice Wizard #2 - Mad playing Fatgimp (verified)
Ice Wizard #3 - Pouget playing ? (verified)

I've only spoken to 3 people from the 2nd group (Snox, Mad, Taglim)... I'll have to verify the rest... So the 2nd group is NOT certain yet...

Edit : Found a friar instead of a cleric and found missing party members...

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