Patch seems to have upset a few people !



Well, judging by the official forums I can only say that CCP must have done something right, it seems all the powergamers who wanted to 0wn everyone in their uber-battleship finally got told EVE was not going be another levelling game after all.

Basically weaponry has come of age, you have to _think_ before you fight, there is no "ultimate combo" anyone can just stick in their ship any more, combat is moving towards a rock scissors paper model that it should have been.

Oh boy, those Hybrid/Antimatter junkies sure are mad now !

The pirates are finally moving out to non-empire space, into the badlands, where they should have been all the time. I enjoy PvP but when you have hoards of PK'ers podding random n00bie frigates in ther middle of the Empire, then I think something is wrong.

Opinions on the changes anyone ?


The changes this week are good, fairly well balanced and IMO overdue to make this game run even better.

There are some serious outstanding issues still to be resolved..won't go into them here, but this is a great leap forwards.


Most of m0o are leaving due to the sec changes (which I have to say are *way* over the top).

I have mixed feelings on them leaving - yes they were ganking PITAs but hell they actually *were* the content over the last month!

The sec status changes are to be quite frank dumb. Yes they may be 100% accurate if you wanted to roleplay but I don't. I have a positive overall sec rating but like most of you the npc pirate corps hate me. Now have any of you tried going into npc space where you have a perfect -10 rating with the faction that controls the gate/station?

Ummm - someone didn't think this through too well I fear.

We'll see what happens - the range/tracking modifiers make the game a lot better but I have to say that unless some serious thought is given to how system sec ratings actually work then I think the game is dead. That would be a major PITA for me given I'm subbed until Sept and the amount of time I have put into it :(


Originally posted by adslrizla
Most of m0o are leaving due to the sec changes

Yes they may be 100% accurate if you wanted to roleplay but I don't.

Well the members of MOo clearly wanted to roleplay, that was what they allways fell back to when they explained away there lame cheating *sorry exploiting* actions.

Im sorry but eve was too much of a soft target for the majority of the tosspots that made up MOo, they pushed and pushed and got what they deserved in the end.

As per normal though they spoiled it for everyone, but hey thats what some people are all about.

CCP should have banned the lot of them soon as they started cheating *sorry exploiting* it's not like they did it once, they did it again and again and again.


Aye and now we're left with a game which in 99.99% of situations you could fall asleep and nothing bad would happen to you.

Ah well I'm subbed until Sept but unless they pull a rabbit out of the hat I can't see me paying them any more money.

Shame really - this game had a lot of promise....

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