Patch 1.87i


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Eithor said:
Funney stuff, the only usefull solo ML ability (although on a 10 min timer thanks to the cb timer) just went away for my class - no, one don't use end or power tapping styles, that use huge amount of end, when one got dd proc styles that use huge amount of end, and got about same amount of HP that a squirrel got.

Only BG left thats is usefull, and thats only if grouped, and it's a boring, pretty OP thing to have.

Seems like camping at towers and bridges with StormLord is what i could do, to have use of my ML line...

tuut tuuut! How fun, mby i could camp a corner at a bridge letting some SM kill inc stuff while i BG him/her... Wow, thats an intresting and challenging gameplay, lol.

Semi-usefull ML-line (StormLord with nice spells with casttimes that will allow lvl 20 assasins to lvl up, buffup, travel to brynja and PA me before i'm done casting) or groups (BG and grapple in the oh so fun BattleMaster line).

Crap, i think i made my very first real whine at FH, go me go me, go go go!



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The one minute reuse timer on grapple is a bit over the top, it's turned a useful ability into something that can be used once in a fight, or twice if you're lucky.

30 seconds would've been more appropriate.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 17, 2004
44 nuture for spec af, Cheers for that totally fu*ks up my bards spec and probably 99% of all other bards.

Giv more spec points and ill be happy :D


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Belgerath said:
44 nuture for spec af, Cheers for that totally fu*ks up my bards spec and probably 99% of all other bards.

Giv more spec points and ill be happy :D

omgz they gave me abilities! KILL THEM ALL!

maybe I'm crazy but didn't they give you lower versions of these spells too.. so like, you know, you've just all got more AF even if it's not the top level buff..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
omgz they gave me abilities! KILL THEM ALL!

maybe I'm crazy but didn't they give you lower versions of these spells too.. so like, you know, you've just all got more AF even if it's not the top level buff..

You should know there is 2 viable specs for bard as main ccer in a grp, and none of them includes the 44 nuture one, so yeah hibs, unless they get one more bot will not gain full advantage of that gift that albs enjoy since so long.

Grapple nerf is the best thing from this patch tbfh :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Septima said:
You should know there is 2 viable specs for bard as main ccer in a grp, and none of them includes the 44 nuture one, so yeah hibs, unless they get one more bot will not gain full advantage of that gift that albs enjoy since so long.

Unless albs have 2 bots they miss out on the 20% haste that hibs have enjoyed for so long as well.

Most RvR specced clerics don't have red AF either, so for in field buffs it's now about even.
Soloers tend to have 1 bot, hibs get haste albs get spec AF, then use charges for the one they are missing, no change here.
Groups can simply swap one of the buffbots with a bard bot to hand out bases and spec AF since most groups will run more than one bot.

If anything albs actually got shafted here since they lost the spec AF bonus while gaining haste on a class that is only really included in groups that already had it. Stop assuming that the yellow spec AF is completely worthless and you'll be just fine.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Ballard said:
The friar love absolutely defies all rational logic. Why would give a class that is typically only used in caster groups a haste buff? Especially when those caster groups almost certainly already have a theurg. Especially when Minstrel is in need of love and is in direct competition with theurg for a group space. If it had of been given to minstrel instead this would at least have taken one of the many many advantages theurg had in their favour. Also would have saved the solo minstrel some money in haste charges :p
Giv Friar Casting Speed Haste :) there be a friar in every alb grp then :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
[HB]Jpeg said:
Giv Friar Casting Speed Haste :) there be a friar in every alb grp then :)

because.. casters really need to cast faster? :)

(sorry, I just dont really see any reasonable logic in your post at all, hence the question)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Golena said:
Unless albs have 2 bots they miss out on the 20% haste that hibs have enjoyed for so long as well.

Most RvR specced clerics don't have red AF either, so for in field buffs it's now about even.
Soloers tend to have 1 bot, hibs get haste albs get spec AF, then use charges for the one they are missing, no change here.
Groups can simply swap one of the buffbots with a bard bot to hand out bases and spec AF since most groups will run more than one bot.

If anything albs actually got shafted here since they lost the spec AF bonus while gaining haste on a class that is only really included in groups that already had it. Stop assuming that the yellow spec AF is completely worthless and you'll be just fine.

what you miss is that specAF is the best botbuff to have overall, for casters, what do albs mainly play? Yeps, casters. What do a sorc need a hastebuff for? Does everyone (more or less) in alb benefit from specAFbuff? Yeps. Now flip over to hibb, does everyone in hibb need a hastebuff? Nope, casters dont need it, druids dont, bards dont (except the few battlebards ofc..), haste is nice for tanks and stealthers, this means a lower percentage of the classes in hibb have a benefit from their special concbased buff. Albs didnt get shafted at all tbh. Everyone got it better overall, mid still comes out worst overall sadly but its now better overall for them aswell. Dont be so negative, see the good things here :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
The spec AF buff should make no difference to mid at all really. Spec AF charges have exsisted for a long time and those that care already use them.

Current aug healers run 42 mend 33 aug and so will only get the blue spec AF buff. Charges will still be superior in this situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Golena said:
Unless albs have 2 bots they miss out on the 20% haste that hibs have enjoyed for so long as well.

Most RvR specced clerics don't have red AF either, so for in field buffs it's now about even.
Soloers tend to have 1 bot, hibs get haste albs get spec AF, then use charges for the one they are missing, no change here.
Groups can simply swap one of the buffbots with a bard bot to hand out bases and spec AF since most groups will run more than one bot.

If anything albs actually got shafted here since they lost the spec AF bonus while gaining haste on a class that is only really included in groups that already had it. Stop assuming that the yellow spec AF is completely worthless and you'll be just fine.

Hmmm i thought at least one of the clerics would have 44 enhancement in a rvr fg, my bad then ~~

And i'm not assuming that yellow spec is wortheless, or useless, it's still an improvement. I'm just questionning the classes in hib and mid that got it, since it's not usual to bards and healers to have that high aug/nurture specs in fg's, when you find a lot of shammys and in a lesser extent druids with that high nurture/aug spec. So why not give to them instead?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Cadelin said:
The spec AF buff should make no difference to mid at all really. Spec AF charges have exsisted for a long time and those that care already use them.

And are higher value than top spec AF buffs anyway. Especially if you swap in +buff items before you use it.



Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Shike said:
because.. casters really need to cast faster? :)

(sorry, I just dont really see any reasonable logic in your post at all, hence the question)

it it gets friars groups in rvr the i dont care how fast they cast,


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Golena said:
Soloers tend to have 1 bot, hibs get haste albs get spec AF, then use charges for the one they are missing, no change here.
Which is why i think shamen should have gotten the spec AF. :p
As it is now, i spend twice as much gold on charges as alb and hib soloers.

Most mid groups will have an aug healer bot for haste already, so this wont affect mid groups much at all, except for rebuffing after a death, but then i doubt spec AF will be first priority anyways.

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