Patch 1.55 XP in RvR and RP's for a rez



Yep, we've started in on 1.55. And this is going to be quite a ride! Wish list watchers may recognize a thing or two:


Dark Age of Camelot

Camelot 1.55a Test Release Notes

Friday, November 15, 2002



- More support is now in the original Camelot client to view the new expansion weapon types and their requisite animations.

- We have made it so you can no longer duel in cities. Peace has once again been restored to crafters.


- We have made it so you can gain experience points for engaging in RvR and killing, or helping to kill, enemies. You will not lose experience when you die, but when you kill an enemy, you will now be awarded "normal" (i.e. as if the enemy was a monster, based on level) experience for the kill. Thus if the player is blue to you, you will be given normal "blue" monster experience for the kill. Please note that we are experimenting with this on Pendragon - we may or may not decide to go live with it.

- Healing-type classes will now receive Realm Points for resurrecting a friendly player. Please note that you will not get Realm Points for resurrecting someone if they did not "give" Realm Points when they were killed. Also please note that the number of RPs you can get from one resurrection is capped at 2x the RPs that you yourself are worth.


In advance of Shrouded Isles, we have taken steps to correct a longstanding spell issue. Several spells allow casters to buff lower-level characters without adhering to a cap of any type, thus enabling lower-level characters to be able to fight monsters far above their level, with almost no danger. This allows low-level characters to level far faster than intended. We want these spells to help low level characters, but not without a cap of some type.

So, these Damage Add and Damage Shield spells are now capped, so they will no longer give 50th level damage-per-second to a 1st level character. However, given that some players are used to being able to do this, we have made the cap higher than it normally would be - you'll still be able to help out lower level characters with these spells, but not to the extremes that existed up until now.

Please note that we have implemented this on a sliding scale as per the rest of the buffs in the game. If you are a mage that has these spells, the lower level you are, the less this change will impact you. The most impact will be from an extremely high mage (i.e. 40+) buffing a 1st or 2nd level character. The damage allowed slides up from there.


Siege damage has been flattened across the entire area affected. In other words, there is no drop off from a direct hit and someone at the edge of the bolt.

Additional types of catapult ammunition have been added to the ammunition stores. Note that the cost of existing ammunition has been raised, to be more in line with the new ammunition:

- A catapult bullet - which is a higher damage, low area shot.

- Grapeshot - which is a lower damage, high area shot.

- A ball of ice - which is similar to the existing catapult stone, but does cold damage.

old.Gombur Glodson

bad news for rejuv clerics since every pala are going to gimp rez to get some rp.

Tesla Monkor

I just 'wish' Mythic would stop screwing the archer classes and let a patch slip by in which we don't get nerfed in one way or another, documented and (most often) not. :/


Looks like buffbots are a bit screwed then... at least shamans and wizards...

On the bright side, experience for RvR should encourage more people to RvR before 50... thus more people for under-50s to kill :)


atlast a reason for alb rezzers to actualy rez now instead of just running over a dead alb body.


So what happened about RP for mez/debuffs? I take it that isn't in this one ...



Originally posted by old.linnet
So what happened about RP for mez/debuffs? I take it that isn't in this one ...


They have taken it out for "re-evaluation" atm. if thats the answer you looking for :p


Yup the need a way for better rezzes to block the weaker ones if the better one is casted first. Alternatively if they gave the player a message.

Do you accept rez from xxx

Warning yyy, is currently casting a superior rez on you which will complete in 2 secs.

The when the better rez completes it over writes the old one and cant be over written by a weaker rez.

This would get the fallen player the option to wait for a better rez.

One other issue is that if the rps you can get is around the same as the dead player was worth to the enemy, then it might be worth sending half the group to their deaths and then rezzing them. Also, I assume that the rps from this would be split accross the group like normal rps, so it could lead to arguements over who gets rezzed first, as if lets say 3 group members die, then the person who is rezzed first gets rps for the rezzing of the other 2, but the person who is rezzed last gets nothing ...maybe make it so rps is split even to members of the group who are dead. (except the one who actually died :) )


Gaining xp in RvR? Seems like a silly change thats just waiting to be abused.

RPs for rezzing? A bad case of Mythic listening to folks whining rather than making the changes that make sense.

Capping damage adds? Yeah - very good Mythic. Completely ignore the infil+buffbot issue and instead make an unneeded change. This isnt a significant power-levelling issue past the first few mindlessly tedious levels.

Apart from that this patch is fine - not that theres much left ;)


rp for rezzin ppl.. that's pretty snazzy :)

as for the xp thingy, anything that speeds up the xp treadmill ain't bad in my eyes. Pretty much the way it works on pvp 'cept you don't have to go through the whole con-loss hell ^^


so they manage to give the Primary CC'rs in Mid and Hib rp's in a new way and at the same time screw sorc :(
guess this shuts up Healers and Bard for a while so we can kiss reward for CC/debuffs goodbye :(


Do mythic even know which buffbots people really HAVE been complaining about?


Got to agree with Draylor. Nothing in this patch (so far) except useless tinkering. Capping dmg adds <sighs>. Why? Exp in RvR ? Why? RPs for ressing? omg, what a mistake. Will they never learn?


guess mythic never heard of the saying: "if it aint broke, don't fix it"

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Dammit! The only thing that made levels 1-5 less tedious and boring was Damage buffs which cut down the time from 1hr+ to about 30 mins! Bloody caps...

~power levels all his low level chars before patch comes out~


I dunno if you all follow USA discussion boards, but things like xp in RvR and RPs for rezzing were asked by a lot of ppl (wether it's a good idea is an entirely different matter).

What Mythic is doing here is actually testing those ideas, THIS IS ONLY TEST. Like with the RPs for mezzing thingie changes are pretty big they won't reach life version.


Well xp for killing an enemy sounds like a good idea.


Originally posted by old.Prof
I dunno if you all follow USA discussion boards, but things like xp in RvR and RPs for rezzing were asked by a lot of ppl (wether it's a good idea is an entirely different matter).

Yup - those that whine the most get the changes they request - regardless of whether they make sense.

Healers/mezzers get RPs when their group wins the fight - if their group cant keep them alive then thats just too bad.

Hell even something truly insane like giving RPs after death makes more sense than this.


I guess its to encourage more lower levels to RVR, but still the majority of rvrERS will be 50? :eek: 50 + xp = :confused:


- bigger zergs, yay :rolleyes:
- why not just stack names of rezzers in a list with an accept/decline button next to each one...


hopefully the albs at tanglers in alb will go RvR... we can then bring our low lvl guildies to AMG and let them get xp while gaining rps at the same time


Would all those peopel who think I should not get rp's for rezzing them , plz raise there hand and state there char name , i'll then make sure I dont get any RP's for rezzing them.....

Xp for rvr.. silly , not like its gonna make a diff.. its not like the enemy will spawn at the same point all the time , and sit nicely and wait for you to pull him/kill him..And even when mob's do that it still takes a looong time to gain decently

lowering the dgm cap on the dmg buff's for helping low lvl players to lvl.. silly


Players recieving the rezz just need to get smarter and decline the crap pally rezz and wait for the good one.

The cleric I normally play with usually sends a quick message telling them to accept her full health/half power one.


imo exp in rvr is a good thing . as somebody above said it will let the low lvls come to emain and other rvr areas . atm not many -45 goto rvr due to mainly being lvl 50's . and they to high for bg3 . so hence have no rvr :( so imo exp will at least give them a reason to try rvr in emain .

as for rps for rezzing imo another good thing . although i can imagine rezzers arguing who is gonna rez the dead ones :p .i dont think dble the rps a rezzer is worth is a worthy award ., they shouldnt get twice as may rps they worth due to the amout of rez's a rezzer can do . would basicly give the rezzer Ubah rp's :( maybe 1/3 or 1/2 the rps a rezzer is worth if illed by an enemy is what should be rewarded .


lol no nice rez for mages now pallys gonna a RP whores :D


They should make certaun reses worth more,eg low health res will only give half the rp your worth but the full health res will give 2 times what your worth
if pallys are getting worse rps for ressing than the would for tanking ,they would'nt res......but i suppose pallys get no rps anyway..


haha , can see 1) Healers fighting each other to ress ie have a duel, 2) Noone will get ressed at all in Thidranki cos they will all hit the cap in 2 hours lol


Rah! Another clusterfuck patch from Mythic, completly justified my plan to let the subscription run out and not re-subscribe. WTG Mythic, every new patch you have released since 1.49 has been another nail in the coffin for this game.

Archers in 1.55 will be completely unplayable, everytime you die you will get a billion crappy res offers rather than the one semi decent res you would like. Lower level players will have to grind through the early levels which isn't so bad as it prepares you for later life but they have hit people with alts right in the bollocks, those dmg shields and buffs were a way for many level 50's to roll alts and try other classes in battlegrounds. They have only hurt existing players with that nerf/fix.


I like the idea of XP in RvR and XP for REzzing is a great idea, finally.

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