Patch 1.107


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
What makes Dark age of Camelot fail is adding tons of new abilities and spells, ml's, cl's etc etc etc new equipment with new broken abilities. Of course it should evolve, but i think that Trials of Atlantis could have been the wrong direction to evolve in.

I would rather see they'd expand on the mainland, added new tech features such as collision detection or whatever. Instead they have been altering and adding new classes constantly which is not the way to go.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
I cant remember how long it took me to get ToAed but i couldnt dual log my BB so only took my BD along to public ML raids which took ages and got artis when i could and made a template after all the nerfs had happened. Worst part of it was leveling AT etc in different locations. I didnt RvR much then but the people running round in little crocs had to do the dirty work for it :p As always i found a way to get what i needed, using damage shields on bd pets to kill GoV/CS over about 20 mins each :p

Maeloch summed it up well, the game needed it you can blah blah on all you want about what killed the game, time killed the game in the end really, people move on because of many reasons.

I personally think id still find the game fun and play it if we still had the community we had back in the day rather than the shit stained watered down yank community but thats another dicussion.

Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
ToA had a big effect on the game - for better and for worse. It brought in artis and ml's which added a new dimension but it made daoc about the pve and no-one really loves the pve of daoc (Apart from money farmers or nut jobs :lol:). It's the Arpees that we loved :cheers:

However for me, that was a huge factor but changing the rvr landscape didn't work. I loved the AMG and MMG in emain (Thought Odins was way too underpopulated) as you knew where to go for rvr and the keeps had a unique feel. I wished they had kept the layout but improved the keeps.

I think the artis should have leveled in rvr only so it forced more people out there in a time of pve craziness. :twak:

I do also agree with the comments about the community. It's the driving force for why I played and aside from some more "unique" realm mates (Gammah, Flesh . . . :lol:) I never met an arseholes in the game :fluffle:



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
Several dungeons have had item drops improved :

? new items or just drop rate ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
People still going on about DAoC and TOA fail makes me die inside. The game is, what, almost 10 years old and still the best PvP game around, and still has a viable population on the supercluster.

No fail there (Yes, TOA wasn't good at first but in it's new easymode form it's fine)

Savages getting charge? Fine with me, they got it when first introduced anyway.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
What makes Dark age of Camelot fail is adding tons of new abilities and spells, ml's, cl's etc etc etc new equipment with new broken abilities. Of course it should evolve, but i think that Trials of Atlantis could have been the wrong direction to evolve in.

I would rather see they'd expand on the mainland, added new tech features such as collision detection or whatever. Instead they have been altering and adding new classes constantly which is not the way to go.

Collision detection would have been a disaster , thats a fact ;)

Games evolve and people evolve , i think the game took the right direction , the pace just slowed down so much in development that alot of people moved on .


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
People still going on about DAoC and TOA fail makes me die inside. The game is, what, almost 10 years old and still the best PvP game around, and still has a viable population on the supercluster.

No fail there (Yes, TOA wasn't good at first but in it's new easymode form it's fine)

Savages getting charge? Fine with me, they got it when first introduced anyway.

Lack of community killed DAoC and makes it the cesspit it is these days.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Lack of community? I have yet to come across a better community in any game than that of DAoC.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not played it recently then?

It was a good community 5-6 years ago. This vanished when to compete you were forced to be greedy, 24 hour respawns for items every single player needed was just daft. It got hammered even more so when they increased RPs and it became even more about gaining RPs over anything else. RvR became a grief session.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Lack of community? I have yet to come across a better community in any game than that of DAoC.

The above reasons Raven said, mixed with the mishmash of servers and language barriers, what community has DAoC got?



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
Guyz Daoc is by far the best rpg that i have ever played.

It's not about lack of community, but i think it's Mythic, Ea, Goa totally fault.

I really dunno wtf these people are doing.

They create WH instead of improving Daoc. Faking idiots.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
What I tried to say was that over the years that DAoC was on top the community was really fantastic. The game has changed and so has the community, no big surprise there. I would, however, not pinpoint it as the main reason for the decline of DAoC, even though it could very well be one of the factors that made people stop playing, eventually.

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