Patch 1.107


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
They haven't published it yet, but will be live tomorrow on Pendragon..

So far the highlights are:

* Savages are now able to train the "Charge" Realm Ability
* Several dungeons have had item drops improved

Mid tank groups fotm now?

Skald, healer, healer, shaman, zerker, zerker, valk and savage? Chargers everywhere! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 3, 2005
Why the F*ck they give mids 3 charge classes? They have the most ridiculous classes.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Why the F*ck they give mids 3 charge classes? They have the most ridiculous classes.

there's a blog called "why warhammer failed" by EA Louse which would explain a lot if it's true :)

TL;DR version is that theres noone left at Mythic that has a clue :)

Everyone that did has been fired or quit ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
dark age of savage alot mk 2 :p..... about time savages got charge, screw albion/hibernia.... savages inc mofo's :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yea, it wont really have a huge impact on the game. Without banelord they're zerkers will still be essential.

With the amount of snares in game now, charge doesn't really have that huge appeal it used to.. Dedicated melee groups will still probably go for Zerker, Savage, Warrior or something.

Plus... any fotm savages will just get charge3 asap and have no det5 or dmg RAs ;P


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
its been needed for a while, surprised it happened as they looked to be left on the shelf because of how much completely unjustified whine the VN kids are going to spout now.

Isn't such a big change but won't stop the clueless kids crying omg my realm doesnt get that! as you can see from the muppets posting in this thread already, i bet VN is 10x worse.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
its been needed for a while, surprised it happened as they looked to be left on the shelf because of how much completely unjustified whine the VN kids are going to spout now.

Isn't such a big change but won't stop the clueless kids crying omg my realm doesnt get that! as you can see from the muppets posting in this thread already, i bet VN is 10x worse.

brite beat me to it.......savages needed something,there realm abilitys suck big time,could have always given them wall climb or something :)


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
What? I'm not allowed to complain about Midgard love now? :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Mythic have been a joke for years, regardless of the prefix. Very few patches have actually been successful and the expansions since SI have been pretty terrible for the game or not added anything of any real worth.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Mythic have been a joke for years, regardless of the prefix. Very few patches have actually been successful and the expansions since SI have been pretty terrible for the game or not added anything of any real worth.
I disagree here, ToA added an absolute tonne to the game with ML's/Artifacts etc, sure people complained about the gigantic time sink that came with it, without a challenge though comes no sense of acomplishment. If the game stayed at SI, it would have died a long time ago.


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
I disagree here, ToA added an absolute tonne to the game with ML's/Artifacts etc, sure people complained about the gigantic time sink that came with it, without a challenge though comes no sense of acomplishment. If the game stayed at SI, it would have died a long time ago.

I agree if toa wasn't around daoc would not have the same intrest as todays game.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I disagree here, ToA added an absolute tonne to the game with ML's/Artifacts etc, sure people complained about the gigantic time sink that came with it, without a challenge though comes no sense of acomplishment. If the game stayed at SI, it would have died a long time ago.

ToA whas a fail just because of the timesink. It divided the game in people who hade the time, bb's and (ingame) friends to spend on arti's and gear and... in people who didnt.

Leave alone that when you hade an ml9 chanter/sorc/cabba/sm/bd + bb your life got a whole lot easier with ToA.

I believe it took me 2 years to start "ToA'ing" my chars, just because of this bullshit. People just forget how shite ToA whas at the beginning, especially for the casual player. ML's where a pain in the arse aswell.

And if you where fully ToA'd and faced a none ToA'd player/group, well duh...


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
ToA whas a fail just because of the timesink. It divided the game in people who hade the time, bb's and (ingame) friends to spend on arti's and gear and... in people who didnt.

Leave alone that when you hade an ml9 chanter/sorc/cabba/sm/bd + bb your life got a whole lot easier with ToA.

I believe it took me 2 years to start "ToA'ing" my chars, just because of this bullshit. People just forget how shite ToA whas at the beginning, especially for the casual player. ML's where a pain in the arse aswell.

And if you where fully ToA'd and faced a none ToA'd player/group, well duh...
Sounds like I was in the same boat as you then tbh, took me a similar amount of time to get my first char Toa'd. I was in a very casual guild who didn't give a shit about getting the best gear, I had my Merc in rog gear, no buffbot, no alts, no ML9 mates etc. If I was lucky enough to be camping say, SoM for example, chances are when it spawned I couldn't even get the people to help me with the encounter. Take the good with the bad though, when you did finally 'progress' it felt amazing :p

Oh and I still prefer that to the WoW system of loot distribution, running the same dungeon every week for the slim chance your item will drop, and then for you to actually win it. I don't have time to join a dedicated raiding guild etc, so pugs have to suffice.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Actually, personally I loved TOA but you cannot disagree that it started the ball rolling for the end of DAOC. It introduced massive balance issues that Mythic just didn't know how to or weren't willing to fix along with the time sinks already mentioned.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
ToA whas a fail just because of the timesink. It divided the game in people who hade the time, bb's and (ingame) friends to spend on arti's and gear and... in people who didnt.

And if you where fully ToA'd and faced a none ToA'd player/group, well duh...

I remember running about with a crappy ghetto template with like 5% spell damage, 7% cast speed, 5% resist pierce etc., for ages. Been in small guild (NFD was a few people at the time) no way had the firepower to get AT, EC, Tarts, whatever. Fighting people running around in invisible croc mode and 25% pierce, 101 stats....

I like ToA, apart from the timesink, which was whaaay too much. It's a much needed extra dimension to the game. I think without it, the game would be simpler and it wouldn't have the same longevity without the extra skills, spec and template options to keep you busy. Balance is always going to be an issue at first but they've sorted it out for the most part (they could still do with fixing some of the MLs which are utter fluff).

Savages with charge is no big deal imo, no interrupts. As a caster would rather play chase me with a svg, than having a valk/zerker stuck to my arse interrupting or dumping bls. You won't see more than 1 or 2 in grps tops, they need cover from other stuff with proper interrupts.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
ok lets giive savages banelord as well while we are at it :)...oh and climb walls just for fun


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
Toa is a reason that i returned back to daoc.

Zerker are still the best out there, but svg with charge is still a + for mid side.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Another pointless patch.

Perhaps they could spend some time working on their XML so we've got a vague idea of how many people are on the server? It's getting boring seeing 1334 people... :(


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
TOA was a great idea, it was just not thought about.

If TOA would have been so, you do the artifact encounter, everyone gets the credit, when you farm scrolls, you farm a book, rather than the 3 parts, i think it would have been MUCH better from that angle straight off the mark.

ML's, well, a good idea, but took too much time! When the brought in buying ML's for BP's, how deserted are the TOA zones? Apart from people farming certain encounters for the drops, or farming afrits.

I just don't think some of these idea's are thought about as much on release? Surely somebody must have seen what was wrong with TOA and quickly fixed it?

I guess that's where Mythic fell short. Also releasing the Europe patches months after the US, was a joke.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
I prefered DAoC when ToA was harder tbh, the game started losing it interest when you couldn't go and farm Mad Tales 3/3 for a few plat(for example), the game was much more open then and money could be made much more easier then. Game these days is nothing more then a freeshard, cept worse.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Actually, personally I loved TOA but you cannot disagree that it started the ball rolling for the end of DAOC. It introduced massive balance issues that Mythic just didn't know how to or weren't willing to fix along with the time sinks already mentioned.
You're probably right, but had ToA not done that, some other kind of expansion pack/patch would (probably :p).

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