Rant Parking ticket


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Most councils [as far as I know - certainly London boroughs] operate a 5 minute leighway for road parking for getting the correct change etc and this sneaky fella has waited exactly 6 minutes before issuing the ticket. Some councils extend it to 15 mins for car parks due to their lack of proximity to areas where change is obtainable.

Leeway Bugz, not Leighway. Thanet spelling rubbing off on you imo (unless there's some in joke I don't get.)

I feel for you Scouse.

I indeed agree that the Warden doing it so late in the time frame is twatty, however as has already been said why does it matter when it happens?

I used to live on a terraced street where the other side of the road was a 9am-5pm no-go. And the Wardens were there at 9.02am and 4.50pm everyday, like the cash cow that it is for them if anyone didn't heed the rules.

As much as we all hate it, follow the rules on this one because you have to.

Or go for an independent seat in the next election for common sense laws. I'd move to the seat just to vote for you if you can rant properly, especially if you talk about totalitarianism, because that wasn't an overstated point or anything ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So you're calling others wankers, when you were such a wanker you couldn't wait for 10 minutes?

Ticket earned.

Ticket ladies are only "wankers" because people think they have the right to say how rules should work. Follow them, tits, or GTFO.

It would be equal to me not buying a tram ticket because "I'm just going one stop, i shouldn't pay the full price".


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The number of people here willing to bend over and accept their "punishment" is annoyingly high.

Ticketing a vehicle parked on an empty street, blocking no-one, causing no congestion, and only minutes from the time that vehicle could park there legally, is about the most twattish bureaucratic bullshit move I can think of - and you all think it's fine?

Some of you need to start developing a healthy dose of "government, fuck right off".


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Most places send the ticket inspector blokes around just before the space becomes free to park, to catch people trying to slip a few extra minutes in, looks like you got rumbled :p


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
I guess the problem is a lot more general in that the whole concept of "a law" is badly flawed. If every case could be taken on merit then I'd say that Scouse's ticket maybe shouldn't have been issued or at least should have been for less than for someone who parked in a disabled bay for 12 hours on a Saturday for example.

Because every traffic warden can't be a lawyer and every parking incident can't go to court, we need to have essentially arbitrary laws. That's why it doesn't say "pay and display between 8am and 6pm unless there are at least 10 empty bays in the same parking zone and there are less than 15 minutes before the end of the monitored time period".

It would be impossible to enforce,

There's also a key difference between private carparks and council parking bays. The council can hand down punitive (ie for punishment) fines, provided they are defensible. This is also why the police can charge you £60 or whatever for doing 34mph in a 30mph zone. Private companies cannot...their power to charge you is based solely on contract law. This is why when I accidentally parked in an (empty) private car park and was charged £60, I challenged it and won. In court, they would have had to prove that the charge levied was in proportion to actual damages suffered by the landowner.

In other words, it's shitty that Scouse got done like this, but it's caused by a combination of targets (I'm sure they have to collect a certain number of fines each month) and the need for a cheaply-enforceable law.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
The number of people here willing to bend over and accept their "punishment" is annoyingly high.

Ticketing a vehicle parked on an empty street, blocking no-one, causing no congestion, and only minutes from the time that vehicle could park there legally, is about the most twattish bureaucratic bullshit move I can think of - and you all think it's fine?

Some of you need to start developing a healthy dose of "government, fuck right off".

There are rules and laws for a reason mate.

Where do you draw the line? If I pinch a packet of 10p sweets, is that ok? It's only ten pence for Thot's sake!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 6, 2004
I was given a ticket a few years back for parking in a loading bay. The loading bay was situated right next to the pay and display bays and the sign in front of me said pay and display. There was another sign to the side that said loading bay.. and no I didnt see it or the words on the road when i parked. I parked next to a Porsche that was in the same loading bay. I came back afyer 15 mins to find i was fined but the porsche wasnt. His car had not moved. So I drove around town and found the warden who said he couldnt do anything.

Over the next few days I photographed the same Porsche parked in the same spot with "enforcement officers" walking by. The owner is a local businessman who takes the piss all the time. I contested my case and lost. They wouldnt let me off the fine as they are complete ***** but said they would be taking action with the individuals concerned.

That was in my opinion bullshit as they wouldnt tell me if they were going to do that.

On a second note the wardens where I am now working are paid a bonus. The more tickets they give the more they earn. One was telling me that he can earn £150 plus some days in bonuses. So with reference to your 3 mnute early ticket. He probably wanted an extra couple of beers that night. ;/


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
I parked in a disabled spot on the highstreet on a Sunday a few years back and got a ticket. For some reason I thought it was ok to park there on a Sunday as I saw one of these signs
, turns out I was wrong and although I was a bit miffed I paid it as I didn't like thinking I'd messed someones day up that needed a disabled spot.

I hope you enjoyed reading this boring as fuck post :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The number of people here willing to bend over and accept their "punishment" is annoyingly high.

Ticketing a vehicle parked on an empty street, blocking no-one, causing no congestion, and only minutes from the time that vehicle could park there legally, is about the most twattish bureaucratic bullshit move I can think of - and you all think it's fine?

Some of you need to start developing a healthy dose of "government, fuck right off".

Tom for president. Clearly :clap:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
There are rules and laws for a reason mate.

Where do you draw the line? If I pinch a packet of 10p sweets, is that ok? It's only ten pence for Thot's sake!

...and many of those laws are routinely ignored. For instance, it's illegal to exceed 70mph on a dual carriageway, but on most motorways I'd guess at least 50% of motorists go well above 70mph. The authorities could, if they wanted to, employ a plague of numpties to nab every one of those motorists, but they recognise that the general public wouldn't stand for it.

How many police officers are happy to give someone a ticking off for something they can arrest them for? Quite a lot, because they're allowed, nay, expected, to use discretion. Parking enforcement should be no different. The original idea was to keep traffic flowing, we all know now that the idea is to top up the council's coffers.

It's wrong and the more people who bend over and take it, the more they'll do it. That's why I suggest Scouse heads over to Pepipoo and fights it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Agreed Tom.

To add to that - there's a whole world of difference between the victimless "crime" of parking in totally free parking areas and theivery.

Anyone remember the Archbishop of Canterbury coming out and saying that if you're starving then it's better to steal a loaf of bread from Tesco's than it is from a cornershop?

The law doesn't make that distinction - but there is a very real distinction there.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
There are rules and laws for a reason mate.

Where do you draw the line? If I pinch a packet of 10p sweets, is that ok? It's only ten pence for Thot's sake!

Pretty much this.

You don't pick&choose your laws. You chose to disobey and not wait the 10 minutes, you got caught. Deal with it like a man and not some whiney b*tch.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Slightly flawed logic comparing those two rules of the road. More than slightly, but of course why use something comparable and sensible when you can cherry pick something for your argument.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Slightly flawed logic comparing those two rules of the road. More than slightly, but of course why use something comparable and sensible when you can cherry pick something for your argument.

As is custom around these parts ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Meh, I'll never like parking wardens because, well, you'd have to be EVIL to want to be one (that explains Wazz's interest), but you took a chance and you got busted. C'est la vie. There are no "ten minute allowances" or anything like that, and in a lot (not all I think) of boroughs wardens are incentivised on their ticket rates (and certainly most of the private ones).

I'd take a chance here in Ireland because petty officialdom is generally a bit more human, but tbh even with ten minutes to go in the UK (especially in London), I'd pay up or drive around a bit.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And more absolute cuntish behaviour from Nottingham parkies.

Yes folks. Anyone who is a parking ticket warden is a total and utter **** and I wish death on them and anyone of a similar mindset :eek:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure they will get the fine reversed...

Back on topic though you deserved to get the fine cos you only get to park free after 6pm and clearly you didnt!



FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
While parking wardens are undoubtedly *****, the attitude of entitlement that somehow 'you' (meaning anyone with a similar attitude) are somehow special and deserve to be treated differently to everyone else is just as annoying. If you're too cheap/scouse to put a pound coin in a machine to negate the 'risk' of parking (illegally) for free before 6pm then you got what you deserved. You could have always just sat in the car until the free time started, I'm sure your haircut could have waited 9 minutes.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
Heh had something fairly similar happen to me - I Parked right outside my house on double yellow lines as it was the only flat piece of road near my house so I could change my flat tyre, so I jack the car up and everything and try and remove said wheel, can't get it off as the wheel nut is stuck - go into my house to grab some wd40 and find that my can is empty :|

so I leave my car jacked up and get a lift down to the garage with my mum who happened to be round mine for lunch, get back 15 mins later and the ticket warden had put a ticket on my jacked up car!

with the note "observed for x amount of time" which if it were true he'd have seen me trying to change the wheel....

tried to appeal it with the council but they just said "nothing we can do"

useless fools :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure they will get the fine reversed...

Back on topic though you deserved to get the fine cos you only get to park free after 6pm and clearly you didnt!


Love the usual amusing throwaway humour dys, but a disabled person has been disgracefully fucked over by the council here...

While parking wardens are undoubtedly *****, the attitude of entitlement that somehow 'you' (meaning anyone with a similar attitude) are somehow special and deserve to be treated differently to everyone else is just as annoying.

If you'd noticed, eksdee, that I'd dragged this thread out of the gutter out of disgust at how Nottingham council treats people, even the vulnerable then maybe I'd listen to you diatribe.

I've long since paid my fine (15 minutes hard labour having a shit for me - I'd always been arguing a point of principle) - I was commenting on the level of arsehole-ness that the British put up with.

Turns out the reason the British put up with this level of arsehole is that this particular level of arsehole seems to be an aspiration rather than something to be vilified...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
If the badges can be scanned to make sure they are real leaving them upside down ect is just like having novelty plates that ANPR can't read?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure what you're getting at there soze, unless you're saying lasers don't work "upside down"....

....which is, of course, retarded.

But then I'm on my 3rd bottle of vino ce soir :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Not sure what you're getting at there soze, unless you're saying lasers don't work "upside down"....

....which is, of course, retarded.

But then I'm on my 3rd bottle of vino ce soir :)

Don't get me wrong i think its out of order.

But if like the anpr cameras that can only read a standard plate, parking cameras can read the disabled sign when they are the right way up but not when upside down that might be a reason to be so anal about it? I have no idea if there is some sort of automatic system so it might be pure bs lol.


Aug 24, 2008
I agree with you Scouse, 3 fucking minutes?? the people that support these retarded laws are simply clueless, and have never lived in or experienced different laws and cultures of other country's. Only then you realize the UK is a giant developed shit hole full of people sheltered from real reality.

And regarding disable badge, I parked in a parking spot outside my old uni flat in NW London. I got an £65 or £85 ticket, when every day the disabled bays are full of black wannabe gangster drug dealers in heavily pimped BMW's with stickers .... It's a utter joke, so after I got my Gran to apply for a badge and I use to use it all the time.

Fuck em' :)

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