Paranoid is Bored



Hello me old chums!

After playing for 43 lvls as a minstrel.. i am not that excited with my character.. the.. Enjoyment of the character has gone... although i am good in RvR and the like.. i want a change...

I am calling any similar LvL, Infiltrators, Sorcerers or Theurgists... mainly Infiltrators :p who may be intrested in swapping accounts?

Send me a email at if ya wanna know more about me!




Ahem - I´m not sure that is legal to swap accounts.

Regarding the midlevel crisis:
We all get those periods, where this game seems so trivial and irrelevant. When I face those periods, I usually make up some goals that I want to achieve (be realistic). This way I have an instrument of control, that tells me what I must do.

I being an armsman, could set this goal; "make a sorc, mezz a Elly Knight and bring it to the Hib telekeep in Hadrians wall"
A little crazy, I know.

another one, "make a 8 ppl party, only of clerics, and go wack hibbies" -

The Indestructable party

I´m sure you´ll find some funny things to do



hence why i dont want to start from lvl 0...........
I started Shadowblade on prydwen... Every time i log onto him.. i kill abpout 2 things and log off.. co s i have my low lvl!!

oh.. and lots of things are illegal in this game such as selling accounts but nothing everr happens...



LOL, I have a SB too on prydwin.

Ok, so you need to have more fun with your current character, because he has become trivial and so on.


Data found..


Use /advice

Check to see if there is minstrell of your approximate same lvl, and ask what he does in order to keep up the enjoyment of being a Minstrell.
Sorry I don´t have more.


wont work.. im not bored with the game...

Im just not excited with the minstrels performance anymore in RvR... by the time a minstrel is i dunno... lvl 11 or something he has all the spells he will ever get.. he just gets enhanced ones as time goes on...

i want a change in character... its not the games thats boreing me


Ahh, I see.
Then I guess you´ll have to wait untill we get realm abilities in the game. I suggest you use the waiting time to aquirering more rp, to spend on abilities when they come.


Para: does any class in this game get any new abilities past like lvl 20?
Take up a tradecraft, after tailoring to 600 it actually bored me enough that I'm levelling my minstrel again. :)
also: i know PvE sucks (DF may help that a bit when it arrives) but bear in mind you don't need to lvl up to 40+ to have fun in the BG's. Since you now know your realm, it really shouldn't be that hard to get the class of your choosing to lvl 20+ and start the BG's.


Sorry for my early response to ya, when you asked me if I'd swap accounts earlier today, in-game... I were just shocked, that somebody could think that an infiltrator would swap account, to get a character 3 levels higher, and one of the easiest classes to level :)

Landshark mentioned levelling a character up to the BG's... Personally, I don't think it's such a viable option (well, it ain't for me, m8 :) ), as it isn't going to last longer than 100 kills anyway :/

Instead, feel free to PM me in-game... Most of the time, I can't find a group anyway, so I almost always use my spare time in Yggdra or Uppland, or when needing something new, I goto Gorge instead - I wouldn't mind getting some company (almost always going solo there, tbh), though if that sounds interesting to you... Just know that I only go to those places for the thrill of the killings, not to get as many RP as possibly - better places to harvest RP than there :)

My infil is Gilannor, in case you should be confused by my forum nick :p


Paranoid (we are old guild m8's).

Maybe you just levelled too fast. I've been playing a minstrel since the first day this game came out in the shops and I'm only level 35.

Main reasons I am not 50 yet (apart from not playing constantly) are that I took time to explore the realm, I didn't just go to the usual XP farming spots and I did lots of quests - for the stories mainly.

There aren't many classes that will keep surprising you as you level. I have a mid level Scout and that class doesn't change at all - just gets better as it levels.

So maybe you should slow down and enjoy the journey and not rush for the end aim of being a high level uber class in RvR.



clerics dont change as they level up.. sure the numbers they heal gets bigger but so does the total HP of the tank and the damage the mob does...

Least with a minstrel u get to jump around and play your bongo's.. rejuv clerics have to stare at the mini-bar pressing either 1,2 or maybe even 3..


weird realy, most RPGs you get new things. not just newer things.. take the Baldur's Gate type games for example.. sure the tanks dont get anything new but the spell casters do... they get more powerfull old spells and new ones... whole new circles and stuff.... imagine playing through BG2 with only Magic Missile and Flame Arrow =\


Thats the thing sollon....

II didnt lvl madly fast... faster then you yes... but i hardly ever do any lvling at the mo...

I lvld madly to 20... tasks make that easy...

20-25 is easy as hell...

35-30 was a lot slower

30-35 was a lot faster... i hit barrows and that was something exciting to do...

35... well... i ran into some fellas called pygmys.. and was lvling so easy it was unbelieveable..

I was thinking i would take up crafting maybe... but... to do crafting.. i need money.. and to get money.. i need to do pygmys!





Bah, your just bored of goblins, who isnt :p

We'll look into more exciting mobs then those nasty little dudes... I cant stand them, I cant stand killing them... Hell, I've been 42 for over a month... Finally got 43, and might even get 43.5 this evening...

But it's BORING ;) Start a new char and level it with us... I simply LOVE my wizard... We could use a minstrel though, ooh w8 :clap:


Saw you in E-main the other night and man did you look bored :)


Originally posted by old.Paranoid

oh.. and lots of things are illegal in this game such as selling accounts but nothing everr happens...

Just coz GOA don't publicly execute people doesn't mean they don't do anything....

I'd go with the 'start an alt' plan :) get some friends to go with you, start a wiz - lobbing fireballs around is cool.

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