


Originally posted by raven3
Parry does not work for rvr???
You sure you are talking about Dark Age Of Camelot? ;)
Sure parry does work...

The benefit with 30 parry is you gonna block often vs assasins
The benefit of going 44 slash instead 29 slash is like 10-15 dmg a swing (be honest, do you use the 39 or the 44 style?)
29 is anytime slash style amethyst... and since someone said : we dont do a lot of damage which is correct... why not go for defense instead.
Thing is ; when they cant hit you very often, but you take little naps of their hp, you'll win in the end if you use correct twisting.
You cant beat a pala 1on1 (when not fighting casters that is)when the fight lasts a long time.... thats why defence is so important... the longer the fight lasts, the more chance you have to win...

Really :)

Having played my Pally since retail, back when the chants weren't really worth much at high end, I went for 50 slash, which when I finally got it I found wasn't worth it because most RvR fights are over to fast fo you to get more thn 1 or 2 combos in, unless you are lucky/unlucky enough to find a 1 on 1 situation. Once Mythic introduced the extra chants and gave a respec I thought long and hard about what spec I wanted for my Pally, I decided not to bother with parry at all, since theres almost no application for it if using slash, sure, it may add a little to your defence and stuff, but as things stand at the moment, parry/block are still bugged and won't be fixed until next patch, so you wont do either as they were designed to work. There is a reason to go above 29 slash, certainly for those still xping, its called riposte/befuddler combo, chains off a block and befuddler has a medium stun, both together use the same amount of end as amethyst and if you are lucky enough and have a fast enough weapon, you can redo the combo again, hence not being hit for a fair bit and still having plenty of end left. The other advantage of having higher slash than 29 is your damage variance won't be so wild, so you'll hit for a more consistant amount, rather than alot one time, then a little tickle the next.
It all comes down to personal prefference really, I like my pally having 39slash, I do good damage for my class, in PvE I block quite a bit, in RvR I don't so much due to the bug, but come next patch that should be sorted, I still have 200+ spec points to spend so I'll see how things are after we get the new patch, but at the moment, I'll not be speccing parry.
Oh, and good luck on finding a 1 on 1 where you actually get to stand toe to toe with your opponent, they are rare and should be treasured. ;)


Originally posted by Gabrial
On a side note - anyone every tried forming a group of paladins say 5+ strong?

Yeah ;)

Works like a charm, 7 to 8 tanks, most of them pallys, maybe 1 cleric. Not so good for single high level monsters but lots of orange-reds... :D

Oh, and... 2h pallys suck ;) best spec I know atm is 44chant 44 slash 42 shield 13 parry...


my spec is
44 slash
46 chants
42 shield
3 parry

and i can and do kill stuff it`s a good spec gives you the best of all 3 lines IMO 48 is a waste of points for chants and to lose 50 slash on a character that does poor damage seems like shooting yourself in the foot and lets face it slam is a life saver


People never realise,more mercs=less sbs more beserkers=less infs because these 2 classes absolutely slaughter them and it is good fun:D



1 - Theur
1 - Mincer
1 - Cleric
4 - Pala's
1- and a class of your choice

works nicely, prince raids galore:)

I have a 46 Merc and a 50 Pala <rr5> (crazy tank thing going on there), My pala is not a great damage dealer <sword and shield>, but once he got a couple of RR behide him he started hit fine, with the right RA's in place and a nice crafted sword.
My Merc on the other hand is a sara thrust, he is a little Bastard, his HP is fine, almost the same as my pala at 46, and out damages alot of other meelee class's apart from friars. i dont know how good this char is rvr yet compared to my pala, but in pve he solo's better, killing before sustaining any damage:) in groups he is not so wanted, but then i have a caba friend:)

Pala's in rvr are fine if you like playing a certain way...insta intrupt nice resists and flexiable chants for most situations, if the heal chant was effective in rvr it would prolly solve alot of those palas are gimps probs, but then again end chanty next patch :D...

Just remeber to protect the caster, not such a bad job, you get to stay alive alot longer than most tanks at the front line, and then you get to kill every thing at the end when every one is one no end and half health, twisting like buggary untill your fingers and mind cant take the repition any more :D

P.s My pala phears Champs, Zerkers/BM<not really anymore tho, sorted my slash resists out, tri blade owns me tho :(> Thanes Skalds Heros Warriors are all good fun:D

Sighfi -AoD-
Sighence -AoD-

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