Paladins that rezz casters, please read...



I understand... All I ask is that a paladin looks around a bit more before rezzing a caster... Tanks arent a problem, rogue classes arent a problem...

Fact is, a clerics rez will get overwritten by a paladin's rez... So it's not just a matter of declining the paladin's rez... But it all depends on the situation...

But all I ask is, look around before casting your 3s rez... A cleric might be around that can do a (or is doing a) rez that at least makes the caster a bit more usefull... If there isnt, then cast the rez...



I have EYES, i can C if u R rezzed BY not a GIMP

Now stfu who rezzes u and who dont.


Originally posted by old.FIN

I have EYES, i can C if u R rezzed BY not a GIMP

Now stfu who rezzes u and who dont.

fin pull the pinapple out ya ass makes ya all brave and arrogant



>>some ppl are so dumb :).

Excuse me? you dont call somebody dumb and get away with it by showing a smilie thats plain ignorant.

>>CANCELS first rez (<<<< no choice eg what you just said is >>100% BULLSHIT:)) the thread was started as a friendly >>paladins please look about first just to see if theres a cleric >>casting a rez as they

The thread started as:
Paladins that rezz casters, please read...
Please dont <insert wry smile ere>
So you can stick yer ill informed comments where the sun dont shine, as well as your derogatory remarks about bullshit. dont misquote me, there is nothing worse than people that attribute statements to wrong person (re: BULLSHIT: Statement).

>>have better rezzes and a caster with a paladin rez mayaswell >>release due to downtime, thats all the thread was about apart >>for some twats not being able to understand :) namely ppl >>who

Lol and now I'm a twat? Nice, I was with a group yesteday that saved your arse in Echos, remember the lizard over run your had?? Nice way to thank us "Twats".

>>play players that dont run on mana hey dude make a caster >>post lvl 40 and then see :) maybe you will understand the >>meaning of this thread but then from what i see you wont as >>you have an inabilty to read and understand what is written.

Frankly your a complete wanker <Notice no smilie> (read: One who plays with his todger a great deal).


uhm you are dead, normaly you would have to /release, take a horse and run to FS. Once there buy a medallion sit on the pad for God knows how long and there you go, you arrive in emain or odins again with full health. OR you can take the rezz from the paladin who stops at your dead body, giving up the chase on hibs/mids to get you back in the game while the cleric is smiting his mana away or just plain running over you ignoring you.
Another option is to let the clerics use a high rezz on you draining there mana and c how everybody gets whiped a few minutes later since you wont be able to keep anyone allive if you cant heal. So unless paladins get a baseline heal you better take what you can get if you wanna waste my time while being dead dont expect me to stop for you next time when i run by you chasing someone as i will igore you and go for personal glory/Rps as so many clerics would do.


Lots of ppl flaming are missing the point.

I AM rejuv. I HAVE the most powerfull rezz in the game. That's in fact the sole reason I went 40 rejuv - lots of spec points that could have gone into enh or smite without hampering my rejuv much.

What happens often on the battlefield ? I run up, start to rezz (12 sec duration) then a pally pops up and rezzes him before me. Why ? "Cause that's my only good ability and I'm already gimped". Is that so ? Go play a different class then ...

It's frustrating 'cause it's bad in most situations :

1) Caster : out of action for a long time. Even with rezz sickness a caster can do a lot, and for bt theurgs, healers, mezzers & buffers (in short : support chars) rezz sickness doesn't matter - with max rezz they're right back on the job.
2) Meleer : get's rezzed to 1 HP. Can get killed very fast again (saw this happen in RvR a few times after pally rezzes - some archers wait for such things to get a cheap kill), so he needs to get a heal.
You get it, the heal costs as much and often even more then the mana I would have used rezzing.
Also a fully healed meleer can go right back into action, rezz sickness will hamper him, but a meleer is better then no meleer at all.

I know the majority clerics don't have it, but the max rezz (100 % hp/ 50 % mana) is actually pretty "cheap" - it costs as much mana as a normal "big" heal, and being rejuv I can cast quite a few of 'em. In most cases I have the mana to do the rezz.
Basically the max rezz is so superior to any other rezz you should be stupid not to make as much use of it as possible.

To sum it up nicely :

- Rejuv clerics are the main rezzers
- Paladins are auxillary rezzers : they should only rezz when a (higher lvl) cleric rezz is not available - problem is of course there aren't that much rejuv clerics around so they often end up being the main rezzer.

However when there is a rejuv cleric around, plz pallies think of him ;) ... (casting max rezzes is fun :clap: )


Speaking from a casters point of view (albeit a chainy), if I'm dead I don't give a shit who rezzes me.
But that's just me, grateful that there are some people who go out of their way to help me.


Lol, I dont believe this thread is still going on.

I'll play Devils Advocate again then.

I was at a relic raid over the weekend and I actually heard people arguing about who to res and who needs a Rejuv res or whatever, in the end people didnt get ressed cuz the tossers arguing got killed in 3/4 of the 5 cases.

What a feckin joke, people were dropping like flies and people were fecking arguing like little kids about who to res, possibly due to *this* thread. It was not 1 person it was more than 4-5 that were doing it.

I'll go with Bilf statements and state that I dont give a rats ass whos resses me, its a relief just to be ressed, this would apply if I was a caster or a Pally or Minst or whatever.

Now before you harp up about asking pallys to think before ressing (Whatever the circumstances) People died on the raid because of people trying to decide who needed what type of res, so there is a slight flaw in this otherwise fine plan.

Grats, Good Job.



please call old.Prof for all your ressing needs :p


didnt read it all but gah gonna comment neway...
u may complain that pala rez isnt sufficient but its better than nothing ... what would u rather do ... sit down and wait for a bit or lay dead for a long time then sit to regain the rest of ure mana from a full cleric rez ... i only rez casters if theres no clerics but in the heat of a battle u have to make a decision and if the cleric is too busy healing then ure gonna have to deal with teh pala rez


And Vireb, i give u the Pineapple soon, DONT u FUCK with me m8=)

Who's your daddy and what does he do?


LoL I would but most of the time I get flamed if I don't rezz :(

Ckiller ofDust

It makes me plain sad to read a post like this

and although i understand what u r writing and thinking with the post......... One should be glad to be rezzed and this will lead to alot of paladins to not rezzin at all or avoidin to rezz casters because of something as blatant as this thread. I know i will be more hesitant to rezz casters in rvr now for sure and the sad part is that i liked to rezz ppl, as all paladins do and not just run by as most of the clerics do to smite the mids/hibs. Jusst to get those RPs everybody seems to like so much....

Flame me hate me love me praise me im just a Paladin in shiny armour tryin to defend albion :)

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