Paladins that rezz casters, please read...



Please dont :rolleyes:

I know its a sweet gesture ;), and if there's no cleric around, then by all means, rezz us :D ... But if your surrounded by 3 clerics, please let them rez 'us poor casters'...

This goes for PvP/RvR and PvE/XPing...

Seriously, a caster cant even cast his shields for the first 3 mins, and it takes like 10 minutes (talking about 40+ casters here) to get their mana back, even with a minstrel at PS3, it takes ages to get power...

So please, let us poor casters be rezzed by clerics with at least some bit of power...

Thank you,

Magmatic, the fire Wizz...


yea i know its annoying but it really does depend on the situation and where u are..


Yeah annoys me.

Not got the best rez but got the 50% hp 25% power one that I use on Clerics and casters.

Lost count of the number of times I've been 1/2 way through the 7 second cast when a Pali or Cleric with the just above 0 hp and power rez gets in b4 me :(

U can't really have a go at them though cause they're only trying to help but if they just looked around for a Cleric waving their arms about b4 rezing I'd be a bit happier :)


Well, this message was kinda the result of an incident yesterday at the Tanglers, I die... We where a 5 man tangler team... Our cleric is doing the 50% health rez... And just when I want to press accept, the name changes to the paladin(finger was going down on the button so to speak)...

If I had been rezzed with some power, I could have helped the team at least a bit (with rez sick I still do 200 damage on goblins), but no power resulted in a 2nd death within a minute for me... (there where about 4 goblins left, 25% power gets me pretty far)

As said, its a sweet gesture... But if there's a cleric around that can rez with at least some power... Let them rez the casters...

Just look around, do you see clerics making weird arm movements that seem to take a long time...

Then its not the new /dance move that came from the patch... Its a 50% (or 100%) rez that simply takes a HUGE amount of time to cast...

(And yes it does depend on the situation, but its still anoying when your surrounded by clerics that can rez with some power and a paladin rezzes when a cleric was already preforming his 7 second 50% rez)


Go easy on us Paladins its the only useful thing we have (at least in RvR).

Seriously though, it isn't always easy to tell who is doing rezzes I do look about for clerics as I've no way of knowing what kind of rez a cleric has/will use it isn't that simple.

And really finding ungrateful casters (which I have) is just likely to make paladins forget about rezzing you altogether.


Well its not that I'm ungrateful... But unlike a tank, a caster is completely useless for 5 mins at least (not counting rez sick)...
(first 50% of power takes WAY longer to get back then the last 50%)

And if a caster is unlucky to not be grouped with a minstrel at that time, a no-power rez simply means that he's useless for 10 or more minutes... And he's even more at risk at the first 2-3 minutes (since thats the time he needs to get power to get his shields up)...

It's simply a small reminder for Paladins to please check for clerics that rezz before pressing that rez button... At least for caster classes...


hmm is my 15spec friar rez ok??

I dont know why people who have got the better rez ever use the worse rez, it uses the same power...........
And Rez stealing is v annoying :) ffs let someone with a half decent rez do it.


Well, anything is better then the dreaded 0% power rezz...

I'm glad that we have two rejuv spec clerics in our guild so far... Both can do 100% rezzes :D


Clerics and Rezzes

Obviously casters want the best rez possible, but it often isn't possible in rvr. Clerics, especially rejuv clerics often have 0 mana after a big fight where as a pala is just dying to use his rez. Keep raids are different of course :)

I try to yell REZZING SOandSO, but this doesn't always work either ;)

Or I msg the person to tell them to WAIT.


Oh come on , if thats the only problem you have then u dont have much to worry about. You dont have to accept the rezz if u get one if u dont want one, all it takes is a quick check of the name. Alot of pallys will ress someone as we dont need power for anything else saving your clerics power. To suggest not to ress people is a little irresponsible and nit picking really.
Besides as you mentioned u r rezz sick. Your power will be back way before u lose your sickness . Just my opinion really.

Mental note to pallys : make a note of the people who are complaining about this then remnd them of it when they are screaming for a rezz as u run by.


I have to agree with Ozwin, I'm not a paladin by the way :)

Beggars can't be choosers, your dead, Paladins can rez. If this goes the way the US servers seem to be, where casters refuse rezzes from Paladins, you're going to spend a very long time face down in dirt. If you died in a reasonably large battle it's probably going to be 5-10 minutes before a cleric gets around to your corpse anyway, the paladin could have had you rezzed and half/fully recovered by this time.

It's not just about how healthy you are once rezzed, it's also how long it took to get rezzed.

If the best rez takes 12 seconds, and a group with one cleric comes along and find 10 dead albs, how long do you think it will take to rez them all? 12*10 = 120 seconds + down time, he loses half power each rez so you can probably triple that time, 360 seconds that's 6 mintues.

I think your example (Especially in PvE) is not the standard situation in which Paladin's rez, and a cleric would have been better for what you wanted (Though personally I wouldn't be rezzing another groups members if the rest of the group was still in trouble, and if it was one of your group members who performed the rez then you should have been discussing what to do internally).

The Paladin is the saviour of the zerg and can keep it moving when it meets stiff opposition :)



Ozwin u've missed the point.

Here's an example of what happens.

A grp of 8 including a Pali, Cleric with atleast the 2nd rez and a Thurg with pbt are killing some random mob(s).

The Thurg dies early on.

So the grp then has 4 options.

1 Leave the Thurg laying there and risk taking the mob(s) without BT.

2 The Pali stops hitting and rezs the Thurg, with the Cleric ready to heal the grp if needed (or the Cleric is arm waving while casting their rez), and then goes back to hiting while the Thurg sits until they can cast pbt.

3 The Cleric rezs with at least the 2nd rez hoping that no one dies while they're arm waving and the Thurg casts BT as soon as they're rezd.

4 Run away and come back for the Thurg when it's safe ;)

Personally I'd go for the 3rd option all the time. But you do get some Palis trying to be helpful and they do option 2.

A caster with power + rez sickness can actually do something (mez, root, dd, bt etc..... ) but a caster with rez sickness + no power is of no use at all unless u want them 2 melee ;) .


Talifer with mass deaths in RvR it is indeed differant.

Palis resing tanks and Clerics giving them a quick heal is the fastest way to get everyone up and ready but unless the dead casters are grpd with minsts I'd still suggest the Palis leave the casters for Clerics IF there are any around.


I understand clerics rezz better but...... refuse a rezz..............


Exactly Congo,

Dont forget Ozwin that even with Rez sick, a wizard rougly does the same damage then a tank with his DD's... Theurgies can cast Pbt and Sorcs can mezz...

And even if I waited with rez sick before doing anything, my power ISNT back when rez sick is over unless I have a minstrel... (no joke, rez sick is 5 minutes, powerback from nothing, 10 minutes)

But it has happend a few times that I have the "Do you want to be rezzed by <cleric>" I hover with my mouse above accept and just when I want to press accept, it changes to "... rezzed by <paladin>"... (the clerics rez wont come back after I press decline to the paladin's rez)

There are always situations that this doesnt apply, but a caster is useless without power... While there are loads of things a caster can do with just 10% power...


To be honest, its a case of if you dont like being rezzed by a particular person/class then dont accept it.

You should take ownership of your res oppourtunities rather than to pass it on to to the person doing you a favour.

If my pally was high enough to rez I'd be a bit hacked off determining who I was to rez based on class and if they needed my res before I did it.

Having said that if I had tried to res you and had it ignored I'd be a tad pissed off.

/ignore "ignorant git"

Would be one of the first things I'd type in after wasting power on it. So if your gonna be selective about your rezzes be prepared to have pallys run past you on a regular basis.

So, rather than to ask every single pally on the game to ask before they res you, you do the work and ask for a res from whom you want it.


quinthar read the posts.

That isn't whats being suggested at all.

IF there is someone more suited to rez a caster already waving their arms about casting a rez all the pali/cleric/friar with a basic rez has to do is be aware of what's happening.

Any rez is better than none at all.

I've been in plenty of dead grps where the rezing has been done either in the wrong order or when someone has jumped in with a low rez. Course I'll always accept and thank the person for taking the time to do it. It's no big deal but it can increase down time or a grps effectiveness which is, I think, all that's really being suggested here :)

Cleric 1st -> Minst 2nd ->please then the other classes if possible and IF a Cleric is in the middle of casting a rez and you want to be helpful either just hold off a few second 2 see who they rez or rez any dead tank u see :)


I hear what u r saying guys and the situ u describe is one of countless situations that can occur . Bottom line is you have control on whether you accept rezz or not. If you chose to accept it and you dont want it u cannot blame anyone else what sovever. Youll have every pally paranoid about ressing. If u want to ensure it doesnt happen mention it to your group before you start.


easy if safe spot stand on person your rezzing :) that way ppl can see your rezzing them.

and i completly agree with thread having 2 40+ pow dependent classes it sucks sitting on ya ass with no sheilds/bt/abs waiting to be capped again by rez killas such as evenum :p


Originally posted by old.Ozwin
If u want to ensure it doesnt happen mention it to your group before you start.

Definately a good plan.

If I'm grpd with people I don't know I'll usually ask them to leave casters to me to rez if they go down mid fight.


In PvE, its rather simple, you rezz if being asked or ask if they have a healer inc. If that or I go stand close to the person I wanna rezz and start casting after that. I do look a bit different to a cleric in full plate and a big steak knife on my back :p
Never had any complaints so far and always a polite /send that a cleric was incoming if they declined.

RvR however does not seem to be so logical :/
There are 2 answers I regularly get from clerics when I ask if they are rezzing. It's :
"No, I need power to smite"
and "No, I don't get any rp's from it"
Very bad. I know there are a lot of clerics that DO rezz and heal but be realistic, you've all seen it happen I think. Might be the reason why we pally's have a rezzing frenzy :p But Wedge is right, look to the left and right first if you rezz a caster, if you see a strange chain wearer making frantic movements with his arms and producing a chime like sound .... wait a sec :)
Or at MG's, look out for deaths on the hills or walls ... I tend to get the feeling the scouts and casters high up on the hills or on the wall itself have more probs getting a rezz compared to the ones down on the ground.


Originally posted by quinthar
To be honest, its a case of if you dont like being rezzed by a particular person/class then dont accept it.

You should take ownership of your res oppourtunities rather than to pass it on to to the person doing you a favour.

If my pally was high enough to rez I'd be a bit hacked off determining who I was to rez based on class and if they needed my res before I did it.

Having said that if I had tried to res you and had it ignored I'd be a tad pissed off.

/ignore "ignorant git"

Would be one of the first things I'd type in after wasting power on it. So if your gonna be selective about your rezzes be prepared to have pallys run past you on a regular basis.

So, rather than to ask every single pally on the game to ask before they res you, you do the work and ask for a res from whom you want it.

ok you say this yur pally is dead and a cleric is casting a 100% health rez on you, the rez lands straight after a pally rez lands cancelling the 100% health rez (put into simple pally im a meelerdont understand power terms) you can heal health your cant heal power casters are useless without power. end of story no iff buts , no power = no blade turn no sheild no abs sheild and no attack . all hes saying is its just really annoying when a cleric is casting a + power rerz 20% 50% or 100% and a pally rez steals yes its out of good heart but its not really doing good as the cleric still lands his res costing power (power is taken even if res is not accepted) and a pally runs by not looking to see if a rez is going on and rez steals. it happens alot and is kinda infuriating as a caster :( i mean in rvr tbh as a caster its oten beter to just release at least by time your back your full pow/no rez sick


Well I fully agree that some clerics do not take the time to rez, I also fully agree that (in some situations) a rez is better then no rez...

But what I say is that a lot of paladins do not look around at all... It's a friendly gesture, but with casters, the least you can do is check to see if a clerics is preforming (or resting to preform) a rez...

Because if I know that a cleric that can (and will) preform a 20-50-100% rez is around, I will decline the paladins rez... And he would have waisted power that he could have used on a tank instead...

I mean, at times I'm happy that a paladin is around to rez me... But thats usually when I'm playing my armsman... And I also sometimes wish my Armsman was a Paladin, because then he could also rez the fallen...

So dont get mad, all I ask is, look a bit further then just the dead caster before pressing the rez button...


i rez anyone i see that is dead on the battle field.
Damn shame i cant give peeps more that 1% Health and Power : /

But at least i get em back up and they can rest :)

at the end of the day, they can be used as bait while the full-healthers fight away :)


I have read the posts and frankly because somebodies opinion does not fit in with what you guys state you have to retort with " Oh read the posts" I have read it and that is my opinion.

Basically I dont nag about any rezzes I get and neither do any casters or people in our guild that I am aware off.

People are glad to be rezzed full stop.

When you have to start asking questions about should I or shouldnt I rez, people can die. I cant say that I have seen that happen but its a game afterall.

Frequently when people new to the game make mistakes they are abused with "Damn Newbs" I find it quite funny that people get wound up so much.

1. Person is dead
2. Person gets rezzed
3. Person says "oh damn I'm alive but naff all man or health"

In 90% of the cases just be glad yer alive.

In an ideal (game)world casters would get full hp rezzed and RS wouldnt exist, however we live in a game and not everybody is an expert, deal with it.

The ultimate responsibility for the rez lies with the person being rezzed in the first place you choose weather to accept the rez or not, and the consequences of such a decision.


quinthar /ignoring someone that declines ur rez because there's someone better suited to do it there as well just seems a bit extreme.

The post, as far as I was concerned was about allowing Clerics with rezs that give power to rez casters so that they can get back into action straight away and not about declining rezs from well meaning palis but if u read it differanlty fair enough.

Depends how someone handles it if they decline a rez I guess if I was ever to decline a rez (not sure I ever have might have done if I was going to log I spose and just wanted to get to a bind stone) I'd message the rezer to explain why, just common coutesy really.

Of couse no one has to accept a rez and it may seem rude to decline one but if people with the basic rez are just a little more aware of what's going on around them and the differance getting a caster up with power can make it would just make things a little easier for the people who do rez and have at least the 2nd one and for the casters :)


Originally posted by quinthar

The ultimate responsibility for the rez lies with the person being rezzed in the first place you choose weather to accept the rez or not, and the consequences of such a decision.

some ppl are so dumb :).

scenario: cleric is casting full mana rez (12s cast time) 9.5 secs paladin casts res (3 sec cast time) both rez's land 2nd rez CANCELS first rez (<<<< no choice eg what you just said is 100% BULLSHIT:)) the thread was started as a friendly paladins please look about first just to see if theres a cleric casting a rez as they have better rezzes and a caster with a paladin rez mayaswell release due to downtime, thats all the thread was about apart for some twats not being able to understand :) namely ppl who play players that dont run on mana hey dude make a caster post lvl 40 and then see :) maybe you will understand the meaning of this thread but then from what i see you wont as you have an inabilty to read and understand what is written.

Yali Hinata

well nerf pallys....wait we are alredy nerfed :(


Originally posted by Yali Hinata
well nerf pallys....wait we are alredy nerfed :(

About only way you could nerf pallys further would be to make em wear cloth :)




Put urself in our feet...if we ress we dont get appreciated.. if we dont ress we get pm spammed by ppl : why dont u ress me!!!! im right in front of u etc. etc.

Sadly that has happend to me a little too often... now I ress when i feel like it and have the enough power for it.

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