Paladin spec




I have some questions off how to specc my paladin further atm ?

Do i still need to keep chants at my current level ?

Do i need to specc parry for rvr ?

Wich ratio should my slash/2H be ?

They always told me to keep chants as high as possible so u can rez at lvl 30...

But now what to do further ? :)



If you want to go RvR. Stop playing a paladin. They are even more useless then friars.
If you want to go futher with your paladin:
Parry is useless for RvR
Shield is fine for engage (lvl7) or bash (lvl42)
Chants are usefull for rezzing (lvl30)
2H will give you better styles to use
High slash/cruch/thrust will give less variance in the amount of damage you do.
So get 2H as high as possible and slash at 2/3 or 1/2 of your level. Stop with chants and parry. Get shield to lvl7 (or 42 ;) )


I'll give u 2tips here:

For 1h/defensive:

rest in parry

For 2h/offensive:

35slash (or some - or + for specific skill)
50 in 2h
38 chants
rest in parry


Parry is FAR more effective than shield is, parry will gain effect in patch but shield is still gimped in US (blocks around 4% vs styles)
Shield is only good for 1thing if u raise its pts = slam (at 42spec)


And if u give 7 pts to shield ....

What must u do then in rvr ?

run arround with a shield and when u reached ur target, switch over to 2H ?


2h pally ---> gimpy wannabe armsman

imho they are totally useless. Shield is just to useful to ignore as a paladin. Protect and guard is a beauty and just not worth doing 2h over it.

dont make a gimpy pally, make a true pally


2hand palladin is useless?

say that in my face
i dare ya


2h-pally doesnt do as much dmg as an armsman does, but once again- since we can rez and give the best af-buff to casters, we are more needed (even if it isnt very fun to play one all the time)



all pallies dont do as much dmg as armsman,but still it doesnt me i gimp myself more cos im not s/s


2h-pally doesnt do as much dmg as an armsman does, but once again- since we can rez and give the best af-buff to casters, we are more needed


I like my 2 handed pally. Final specs will be like 34 slash, 44 Two-handed, 48 chants, rest parry. Maybe not ideal to some but its working out fine I think. Dont be afraid to be a pala, I never regretted being one and those who say we r useless or gimped never played with a true one I guess. The AF aura or the heal aura/taunt effect always make me a welcome party member.

-- And to those saying we have lousy rezz .... I 'll keep you knibbling hib/mid/alb grass next time ?! -- ;)


Hmmm, lol, get pally to work =)

Hmmm, Looks like some peeps dont know the erason why we pallys r here =)

1h pally......hmm, whats that...thats the 1 who helps peeps to XP and get to lvl 50!!! and to lvl 64 when it gets here!!
and in rvr is the 1 who takes the hits and blocks them and let the close Arms to get time to get the BIG hits to enemy...

Protects u all!!

2h pally....hmmm, Make the BIG hits, guarded by 1h pally or 1h arms....

Pally general...Heals all group players every 6 sec automatic, gives Extra armor to all, gives Extra dmg to all, if no E buffed!

in RVR pally is the 2nd line, 1st line is dead, pallys rezz them , 1st line is healed by 3rd line, called clerics, Pallys attack the enemy and protects the 1st line so they can get healed and rdy to attack...then pallys die....1st line continues attack, with full HP...

thats 1 of the pallys work in the game....there r also many variations,,,but Pally is the character that has the Holy think to do...Die for others so the others can survive...and yes we aint SOLO rvr characters, we just keep u all protected so u rest can do your jobs whats ment to be....

Pally Power is the 1 whats needed to make things to work =)



Pally chants MAX, only way, makes worth on next patches!!


One other thing

Originally posted by tilde

Shield is only good for 1thing if u raise its pts = slam (at 42spec)

Shield is also good for guarding in RvR, I'm now blocking alot of arrows for whichever person I decide to guard as well as being able to block for myself and engage the sniper. I really do think its an underrated skill.


nicely said fin :)

btw, are u finthevasta aka finbutwhere aka finandpet ? :D


well said Fin

and Hatjitjai.. right to your face: 2h pallys are gimps imho.

You might be a really nice player and play a 2h pally well. But its just my opinion. Dont take it so personal.


to Ninja:

Yup =)

but u have to get the Spelling 1st =)

Fin the vasta in sauna , Pally, The Vasta is a thing whit what u Spank your self in Sauna, got it =)? Vasta is a finnish thing

Fin and Pet, Caba, do i have to say more? only sad thing is that at LvL 5 muh Pets tongue was eaten but Rot Worm, when makinf a quest, so from since muh Pet has been really quiet person!!!
Im so sad about it, because i really needed to talk some1 when adventuring =) BUT muh Pet is really really good listener!!

Fin but where, Infil, well Creep is gonna get his challenge!!!
im gonna be the protector of casters in back lines !!!
NOT the attacking 1! Defence 1st, Offence 2nd!!


Re: One other thing

Originally posted by Javai

Shield is also good for guarding in RvR, I'm now blocking alot of arrows for whichever person I decide to guard as well as being able to block for myself and engage the sniper. I really do think its an underrated skill.

Sure it is, but spec 7pts into shield then if u just use it for blocking ;)


i dont play a pally but i adviese you pally haters should read this imo a well pl;ayed pally owns over armsman especially when they get more hp and in rvr when heal chant breaks mez i dont think you mezzed armsman will call pallys gimped. also heal chant pally when i play a healer with my friar (even tho im not a healer :?) i KNOW where the aggro is gunna be its not going to run off onto the merc or the infil or the scout, its on that pally and its not leaving the pally for nothing....... imo after patch pally = best PvE tank and as for rvr we will see ok they havent got ranged but who needs ranged if ya got mezzed targets :) also baf mobs ok a pally with heal chant, your group gets a baff, 9/10 the baf runs straight to the the pally with heal chant, a pally dont even need to hit it its got aggro , armsman needs to hit get aggro and a polearm armsman if he misses twice and the baff is on a wizzy thats one dead wizzy ya dealing with therefore maybe even a group wipeout.

OOo and btw i have played a paladin before anyone says :)

As for dmg meaning a good tank thats crap so a merc is a better tank than a pally because he causes more dmg??????? or even better an infil tanks are not there to cause dmg their there to TANK if on about dmg my friar can out dmg an armsman same lvl and pull aggro from him after he uses distract that make my friar a better tank? think you arsman need to look at what role you fullfill your not dmg makers your tanks same as a paladin the nukers mercs and infils couse the dmg :)

HEHEHEHE just my 2 cence :)


Thanks god Zold, atleast one person who knows what tanking is about. "Haha u suck coz u do low dmg" <- usual phrase of newbies.

Glad to from a brighter person ;)


well well

We die with Holyness Chant on us, gimped or not =)

And if heal chant takes of mezz on next patches, i aint rentable, u can still start to hate me =) Im pally i donr hate no1 , well bad gameplay i do.



i quote : protect + guard is too usefull to ignore as pally

euhhhh...a 2handed pally doesnt have protect and guard?

a 2handed is not worse/better than a s/s one if u play it wisely...

well i respect ur oppinion tho,but i wonder if u have played both types of pallies.i have and i know tilde has too.if u haven't than it just a blind oppinion.


euhhhh...a 2handed pally doesnt have protect and guard?

Just my humble opinion below :
We get pro, just not guard as a 2 hander.
Played both a sword n shield and a 2 hander and sticked to the last one for my new char (Sure guard has some very good advantages and it IS a hard choice at the start). At this moment, I usually get guard instead of another armsman. 2 handed still allows me a good damage output when u use a balanced weapon (dont go for highest dps all the time ... check speed and quality cuz they r at least as important) and some nice styles (even a stun). Sure I cant block but the parry is nice and will only get better next patch.

As for group play, if I use heal chant, I get the agro which is easier on the cleric(s) and leaves the armsmen to deal massive damage, infils and mercs to do their attacks, ...
If I use shield aura, I still get agro a lot (mobs just say 'Hey .. thats a pally, get her cuz they r gimped ... we can take one ':p) -NOT- Shield aura reduced overall damage (cuz not all of us have max AF) meaning less to no downtime.

Only real disadvantage I have noticed for being 2 hander is that you're an arrow magnet in RvR ;)

As for starting pala's ... pick the style you feel comfortable with (DONT take 2 handed cuz it only looks cool like some ***** do :p ) and stick to it. As for any questions, I'm sure people posting in the thread are ready to help you out (so am I).



...Only real disadvantage I have noticed for being 2 hander is that you're an arrow magnet in RvR ....

7 points in shield...wield s/s when u enter emain..engage when needed...if u get inrange switch to 2hand


Firstly I've seen the discussions on healing breaking mez on the IGN boards. Lots of people state that chants don't work when you are mezzed? Thus if the Paladin is mezzed with the rest of his group then his chants don't work. Another thing that needs looking at is, when you are mezzed do you stay in combat mode? Heal chant only works on players IN combat, if mez removes you from combat then the heal chant is useless in breaking mez, I've not seen any evidence to test this yet, anyone want to test it?

On the issue of 1H/2H, I personally think 1H paladins are way more useful, you might as well be an armsman if you go 2 handed. The shield is one of the most important abilities for a paladin. In PvE it can drastically improve down time and the exceptional paladin is the one who can switch guards mid fight as agro changes. You'll only appreciate this benefit when you party with a paladin who has shield at a high level like Javai, after the third block on you in a row you start to forget you're mortal :)

My main is a Merc, if I solo a yellow I'll probably have to sit down for a minute after the fight, since I'll have taken a fair amount of damage and used most of my endurance. Bring in the paladin and the down time is reduced to ZERO, the guard blocks a hell of a lot of attacks while the heal chant tops up the damage that gets through. I no longer have to use styles since it's no longer a case of killing it before it kills me, the only down time is loss of endurance from firing the short bow.

As for RvR the shield loses some usefulness against style attacks but everything else remains the same. Getting slam actually gives the paladin a chance to kill some people, the sort that always run (assassins/scouts etc...) without relying on a cleric or minstrel to stun, how many times have you gotten that archer down to 10% only to run out of endurance and not be able to sprint after him to finish him off? You don't get a range attack, you need to keep the enemy in your face :)

I don't know the exact stats so someone correct this but I think the large shield starts at 20% block rate (Maybe it's 25%?). Every level in shield put's this percentage up by 0.5%, so if you get shield to 40 the block rate is 40%.

The paladin is the ultimate in defense, (especially combined with the armour chant) why waste this by going with an offensive style weapon like the 2-Handed?



All shield start with a 5% blocking ratio. Large shields do more damage per hit because they are slower but they can block 3 enemies at once, medium 2 and small only 1.


Oh btw, healing breaking mezz didn't make the production servers because it was too powerfull :/


Originally posted by Zeikerd
All shield start with a 5% blocking ratio. Large shields do more damage per hit because they are slower but they can block 3 enemies at once, medium 2 and small only 1.

I knew I'd get that wrong :) Guess I'm confusing base will skill level 40 somewhere :\

Then at skill level 40, you have a 25% chance to block, that's one in every 4 attacks negated, not bad really.

Imagine a couple of paladins guarding each other, that's 25% chance to block a blow to your partner, he also has a 25% chance to block the blow (and vice versa). That means you both have a 43.75% chance to block every blow, not counting parry (Get it up to skill level 50 and you'll be blocking 51% of attacks between you, sweet :))



I think the stats change slightly

That block rate is for blocking attacks against yourself - anyone know what they are for blocking for others? At 42 I got guard III and seem to block a good % of attacks, in tree groups I know for sure that clerics notice the difference when I'm guarding the main tank (some wimpy armsman with a polearm usually :D )

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