Pacth day?



If everything goes as planned, we will patch the servers to 1.48 in the middle of next week.
(this week)
Hmm, hope it is a day very soon to come... such as tomorrow or maybe thursday.


i dont think we will see patch go live until the weekend cos Go have been screwing around with gorre the last few days switching it back to german then back to neglish and as i type this it aint even open at all :( so i got fingers crossed we have live patch by the weekend .


I have just two words for GOA...

Neverwinter Nights.


Originally posted by Breni
I have just two words for GOA...

Neverwinter Nights.
Which actually does not mean that much since NWN is most certainly not an MMORPG. Sure it might be a good game and have a great multiplayer option built-in but I really doubt that large masses will leave an actual MMORPG for a game such as NWN.
Also, how did this post have anything to do with the topic of the thread? This most likely will just start another little agrument... I guess it already did in this post but anyway I highly doubt NWN will cause much loss to GOA.


Maybe next week. GOA cannt acomplish the schedule, its a tradition. :rolleyes:


My point: NWN is released on Friday.

A lot of my friends, and indeed, it seems a lot of other people, are going to ditch DAoC for a while to play NWN.

So it's not persistent. It does have a hell of a lot of scope.

The way I see it, if they don't patch before NWN is released, people will just buy that and play it until SWG or some other MMORPG comes along. Either that, or they'll migrate to the US game.

And how is it related? Well, someone said they hope they patch at the weekend. Far as I can tell, Friday is the beginning of the weekend.


I think it's pretty obvious when the patches will be released by GOA to be honest.

We will be patched the day before the next release of a game that could take customers away from EuroDAoC. :p


Originally posted by SFXman
Which actually does not mean that much since NWN is most certainly not an MMORPG..... but anyway I highly doubt NWN will cause much loss to GOA.

Au contraire, I think you'll find lots and lots and lots of people will be leaving DAoC for NWN, which very definitely meets the requirements of a massive multiuser online role playing game, which is, after all, what MMORPG stands for ;)

There will be massive numbers of people playing it on numerous servers and the vast majority of them will be role players, unlike the current state of play in DAoC, which has a few thousand totally NON roleplayer players.

(exceptions being guilds like Order of the Knights Templar/Phoenix Legion which I know do rp, and apologies to any other RP guilds ive not personally come across).

So I reckon GOA should be hurrying up with the patch otherwise come patch day they'll have a few more cancelled subscriptions.


Damn, I really fail to see how NWN could make someone leave a great MMORPG even though patches are quite slow, strange.
I am still going to download NWN and see if it is any good, since otherwise my opinions on your comment really don't stand on solid ground and you can just ignore them :)


Originally posted by cadiva
Au contraire, I think you'll find lots and lots and lots of people will be leaving DAoC for NWN, which very definitely meets the requirements of a massive multiuser online role playing game, which is, after all, what MMORPG stands for ;)

There will be massive numbers of people playing it on numerous servers and the vast majority of them will be role players, unlike the current state of play in DAoC, which has a few thousand totally NON roleplayer players.

(exceptions being guilds like Order of the Knights Templar/Phoenix Legion which I know do rp, and apologies to any other RP guilds ive not personally come across).

So I reckon GOA should be hurrying up with the patch otherwise come patch day they'll have a few more cancelled subscriptions.
64 players per game is an MMORPG? I remember that was the number in NWN?If it is like D1/D2/D2X with a free service with games or something, it is not a MMORPG like D1/D2/D2X weren't either.
Sure it is a RPG... an RPG is really anything that you role-play some character in and it does not require the players to role-play :)


It's not the game that'll make people leave,'s the way it's being run.

Can you say Customer Services? (Or the lack of them, per se)

The fact is, there are threads all over this board about how badly GOA are doing patching, doing CS, etc, etc. This gives an indication that people will not tolerate bad service in return for their hard-earned for much longer.

I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right. I'm just saying that another potentially excellent online RPG - because that's what it is, at the end of the day, even if it isn't persistent - could take away some more subscribers from GOA. Once they start to lose more and more income from this kind of thing, don't you think they'll start to wonder what they can turn off to save some cash?



Well I dunno if you can download NNW, you can buy it from Amazon, Game, EB etc.

I guess it depends on what you like in your roleplaying games. If you were like me and loved the old pen and paper AD&D with a sneaky DM trying his best to get you all killed, then you'll most certainly love the online multiplay capacity of NNW and its DM editor.

There is also a pretty good single player game of about 80 to 100 hours play I believe I've read.
Check out the Bioware web site, they are the best at explaining these things.


Neverwinter Nights is no more a MMORPG than Diablo 2 was. The theoretical limit of people playing the same game is 64 (although they say with the current netcode the average home cable/DSL connection can't really handle more than 10). Apart from the whole "server-side persistent world" requirement, if you go by your definition of "a massive number of people playing" then Counter-Strike is the greatest MMORPG of all time.

It really remains to be seen how popular NWN will be, long term. If they can't keep the cheat hacks under control, if no-one makes good, free modules for it, or if we are flooded with thousands of crappy ones (remember when everybody and his dog made their own DOOM maps?) then the only option will be to buy commercial ones every time you want to play... and how many are you willing to buy?

We will see!


then the only option will be to buy commercial ones every time you want to play... and how many are you willing to buy

Well I'd be prepared to spend about the same as I do now playing DAoC if it meant I could play in an ever changing universe. :)


Definition: Any game in which hundreds or more players simultaneously role play is termed a MMORPG.
These games started mostly in the fantasy category, but will soon run the gambit from science fiction to medieval combat.
Usually these games charge a monthly fee for participation. Examples include Everquest, Asheron's Call, and The Realm.

Urm, forgive me but no-where in this description does it say - all in the same place - therefore you are quite correct, Counterstrike is a MMOG (massive multiplayer online game).
I'm not 100% convinced there is roleplaying in Counterstrike, unless most people are roleplaying total dicks?

And, whether NNW is persistent on one server or has 100s of different ones with 64 people playing on each one is irrelevant, it's yet more competition for a game which has a fantastic premise/concept and shite technical/customer support.


As far as I understand it, all modules will be free - whether or not their good is something that lies with the individual...I'll bet some people think JeffK is quite good ;)

Oh, and I think people can tell the difference between Counterstrike (avec script kiddies) and something like NWN. At least, I'd hope so.

Personally, I'm going to try and split my time between DAoC and NWN. I know about 50 people that are willing to play already, and I'm sure that there are many more.

Point is, it's another thing that can potentially sap GOA's revenue, even for a short while.


Re: Jeeeeeezeee

Originally posted by cadiva
Well I dunno if you can download NNW, you can buy it from Amazon, Game, EB etc.
Sure you can, seen it on Direct Connect and even KaZaa. All three CDs... but thena gain I might just borrow my friends CDs, he has already been playing it for a short while (yes, I know it is not released yet).

An MMORPG really does have to be persistent for it to be a MMORPG-as-we-know-it.

But since we are getting the patch tomorrow morning! Case closed! Woot!


I have ordered NWN (due Friday) ... let's see how it compares

EDIT... and I just seen patch day is tomorrow! (Wednesday)

Rutger Hauer

Well guys I have NWN...

and I can honestly say it's Baulders Gate in realtime 3D great lighting effects, and realtime effects

but I'll stress it again in single player mode it's a suped up Balder's gate / Diablo II hybrid (which is rather excellent) but I doubt I'll be playing it online anyday soon

I prefer my MMORPG to be in the DAoC/SWG/Asherons Call 2 mould..

but hey i'm prepared to try it out, so when I've finished the first chapter I'll mess with the DM tools or may even try online

I'll let you know

Rutger (old)


Originally posted by Breni
Oh, and I think people can tell the difference between Counterstrike (avec script kiddies) and something like NWN. At least, I'd hope so.[/B]
That too remains to be seen. I expect that playing on public servers, you're going to get the same full, rich, rewarding role-playing experience that was Diablo II: "DUEL ME FAGG0T!!!!" "ANY ITAMZ?????" and on and on and on.

I read this review of it:

Servers are classified by different categories, such as Action, Role Play, Melee and so on, but even the role-playing servers I tried were filled with "1337 d00ds" talking about their video cards and homework assignments. This isn't really a problem with the game per se, but unless you specifically organize a play session with some friends, you may have a hard time finding a group you're happy with. Of course, with time comes familiarity, and it's just a matter of time before you find people online that you want to go adventuring with.

I'm sure that's great, and if you find a regular, reliable group of friends and a steady server to play on (and a good DM or two) then it could be a lot of fun. But it's not a MMORPG and I don't really think it will give the same gaming experience that DAOC does. Time will tell, but I have a feeling NWN isn't going to cut into DAOC's player base as much as people in this thread are predicting.


NWN sounds quite nifty... but it is totally different

You have to find friends to roleplay with... and a GM...

it's basically pen and paper D&D over the internet, with funky graphics to help you along :)


I used to whinge on these boards about GOAs painfully slow patching process. So I decided to go US. Stopped by IGN boards and suprise, suprise, those boards were full of people whining and threatening to leave daoc because Mythic are the suq. Its just human nature to whinge I guess.....So I chilled out, and started looking forward to patch day instead of fretting that it wasn't here BECAUSE I WANT IT RIGHT NOW !

Look on the bright side of the lag between US and EU patches. We get to look into the future a bit. We get to see which classes get nerfed, which get loving. We can roll or delete chars accordingly :) If 1.51 nerfs your char beyond belief, hey, you got a few months to lvl a new one :p

And on the NWN stuff. Its a totally different game to daoc. Its not MMORPG much like CS wasn't an MMOG. Sure there are massive amounts of people playing it, but on thousands of servers limited to 16ish people per server. That is not a MASSIVE multiplayer experience. On a good nights RvR on Excal there are thousands of people playing, and you have the potential to interact with each and every one of them. NWN by comparison, seems to me to be a very traditional and uninnovative game (pen & paper D&D with funky graphics) and not a serious long term contender to the likes of daoc or SWG.


Good post chesnor, I also think the US are a good testing ground for us... plus it is not like the people there are extremely happy, they whine just as much as the euro population...
About your points on NWN, I agree but will not start to repeat you :)


Originally posted by Alrindel
I read this review of it:......

I'm sure that's great, and if you find a regular, reliable group of friends and a steady server to play on (and a good DM or two) then it could be a lot of fun. But it's not a MMORPG and I don't really think it will give the same gaming experience that DAOC does.

From the same review as you quote above is the following:

"From looking at the screenshots, you may assume that Neverwinter Nights is an action RPG like Diablo II or Dungeon Siege. This isn't the case, as Neverwinter Nights is much more than an action-oriented dungeon crawl and still holds firm to the classic RPG tenets that you need to have a complex, epic plot and plenty of quests."

So, an RPG which is online and will have massive numbers of people playing it on huge numbers of servers!

Although I do know what you mean about it not being the same type of MMORPG as DAoC or EQ, it most certainly isn't in the Diablo II mould either.

As for patching, well if everything is up and running smoothly at 4pm I'll be raising my glass to GOA with pleasure.

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