OOC: blood for oil...



Originally posted by old.Gillaien
Sad but true:

lol, that is actually quite amusing but very very cunning :clap:
As in the thought that went into making that cover.


Well what can I say Osama was found to have no oil deeds so the good old US are now going after Sadam after Osama tipped them off about all that oil in Iraq.

The US failed to capture Osama in Afgahnistan so now they are going after a easy target to show how powerful they are. :rolleyes: Cany anyone say Vietnam all over again ?

I keep hearing about the evidence about weapons from Iraq but lets wait and see who sold them to Iraq in the first place.... oh yeh it was the US and the UK , but where is the proff that he has them all waiting to be used? I not seen any only the politicians have seen this evidence and I would not trust them as far as I could throw them.

Bush is the most dangerous man in this world and he could be the start of a thrid world war that could take place in the middle east against all the Arab states. I dont support Iraq on what it has done either, and I certainly do not support the war that is brewing over Iraq. Unless there is solid evidence given to the West that Sadam does have these weapon that can hurt the UK, if such evidence exists why are we the public not allowed to see it. It is we who give the politicians the power to manage our countries and to give us saftey, but why is it I do not trust their judgment on this ?

I believe its the Oil companies putting the presure on Bush making him go for Iraq to get more oil. And he is so stupid as to go along with this plan.

Personaly I dont care what heppens in the middle east and wonder in amazment as to why we always get involved I say let them get on and kill each other, and not stick our noses in. But I forget the so called Great USof A. The only nation in the world that thinks it has the right to police other countires by going to war on them and bullying them into their way of thinking. And we in the UK folow blindly because they helped us in the WWII, think its about time we moved on and let the US destroy themselves in a pointless and futile war over oil in Iraq.


Its sadams fault anyways he started all this off.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by BubbleCDR
Its sadams fault anyways he started all this off.

You are a moron.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Go and shut up.



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
You know what really pisses me off? The blatant generalizations as in:
"a wicked film which shows that the american people are driven by fear in the media"

... yes, all americans are just_like_that.

Also note that:
Every German is a Nazi.
Every Brit is a hooligan and loves marmite.
Every Frenchman smells like garlic and has a funny moustache.
etc. etc.

Slagging off Americans, because they have a fucked up, powermongering government (what about Blair, Chiraq, Putin or Schröder?) just shows what a superficial moron you are.

I am sick of the racist bullshit on these boards lately.:eek:

firstly, you shouldn't be so quick to insult everything i post, because it makes you look like a moron. you should watch "Bowling for Columbine" to understand what i mean, but i guess you can't watch 15 rated films yet? it's a deeply affecting film, and very cleverly made. if i had time to write a full summary of the main points i would.

of course not all americans are like that, but over 50% of the fucking country voted a right wing chimpanzee into office whose primary concern is invading other countries and building weapons to make himself more "secure", rather than dealing with issues like the steeply rising number of homeless people in america, and global warming.

BfC highlighted the scaremongering in the american news, which is much more a part of society than over here. there are more 24 hr news channels, with more sensationalist stories in order to keep the american public glued to the box. Killer bees, homicides, and shows like Cops which shows white cops chasing tall black guys 90% of the time are constantly bombarding them.

the fact that the 2d/3rd? amendment states that every american should have the right to keep a gun is WRONG. sure every country has mentally retarded people who flip out and shoot people, but there's no other country that two 17 year old boys can get hold of 2 M16s and 000s of bullets with such ease as in the US. guess you didn't know this either?

"Slagging off Americans, because they have a fucked up, powermongering government (what about Blair, Chiraq, Putin or Schröder?) just shows what a superficial moron you are."

They voted in that fucked up government you idiot, who else would i hold responsible for George Bush? the french? probably not!

i believe there's a great deal of liberal, intelligent, sarcastic, non-gun-toting americans, unfortunately there is an awful lot of racist republicans, members of Heston's NRA and scary people like the Michigan Militia which was shown in Michael Moore's film. but oh, you wouldn't know, because you haven't seen it.

one of the sickest things i've witnessed was the gun rally that Heston held promoting firearms THE DAY after the columbine massacre, RIGHT NEXT to where the tragedy occurred. the interview at the end with Heston just showed what a moron he is, and it's scary that he's the president of the biggest rifle club in america. he's simply a bigoted racist.


Ok, I for one will not give any opinions on the matter since I do not follow politics and other things happening in the world, might be my loss...
I was just commenting on how genious that cover is, wether or not it is true I can't say.


Hmm - saddest thing about the current situation is the sense that war has become inevitable.

I dont like Saddam but even so I'm not sure how anyone can prove a negative assertion - whenever the weapon's inspectors draw a blank the US/UK come out with a lot of unfounded speculation that he has loads of weapons of mass destruction hidden somewhere.

I dont think the US has yet realised that fighting terrorism is not a conventional war - the best thing they could do is to sort out some kind of peace agreement that allowed the Palastinian people self rule - but hey what do I know...


I live one hour away from Columbine High, where the American school shootings originated.

Was sort of a big deal.

Regardless of what the US population thinks or is afraid of, Bush has complete say over what our military does.

So whether the media warps our minds or not into 'allowing' Bush to commit murders is rather beside the issue.

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