Online Play



1 Why do so many ppl use Bazookas / Panzershreks online? They were NOT standard issue to every infantryman u know - the number being used is stupid and spoils the games.

2 Why are so many games being hosted using v1.0 - its a pain repeatedly trying to join a game to get 'Server is using Older Version' message... PLEASE include version number in your hosted games title.

3 Anyone else finding that EA Server 4 is weird? - whenever Im in this the server keeps changing my weapon from whatever Im using to a grenade AND also my viewpoint keeps changing from wherever im looking to either the floor or ceiling - even in the middle of a firefight or melee - very upsetting!

Feedback Please....


1) Loads of people use em cos they're easy weapons to get a few kills with. People are hardly likely to not pick it just cos someone else is using one.

2) Use a gameserver browser such as Gamespy or All Seeing Eye, and you can see the version being used on the server, or filter out older version servers.

3) EA server 4?


regarding the swift viewpoint change and weapon change...I get this not sure whether its a hardware problem (intellimouse explorer) or a server problem as it only happens occasionally.

stick to the realism servers or try objective mode if your sick of the rocket llamas


I get that weapon change thing as well (with intellimouse exp), so maybe there's a pattern there. Restarting usually clears it up.

As for the rockets - play Objective, seems much less of a problem.

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