One wish


Brannor McThife

True collision detection - no running through people, or AE spells effecting people on the other side of a wall/door.
Solid objects - not being able to shoot/bolt/select people through trees.



I would like to see player owned horses, and all round a bit more realism like brannor says; fix a few things so you cant select thru trees, and mobs cant go thru walls.

Add more variety to the game, atm all realms have the same abilities just on a different class e.g. sorcs get mez, bards get mez, healers get mez. The abilities should be realm specific e.g. hib should do massive magic dmg no cc, albs defensive realm so cc, debuffs etc. mids uber melee dmg, some kind of confusion spells etc.

The Real Redi

It seems a lot of people would love real collision detection, so ive been mulling over the pros n cons;


It would make much more sense.

It would mean no more piling 30 players onto one spot to hide numbers

It would mean no more hiding in the Glacier Giants feet

It would mean no more getting hit by archers, casters, and even zerker dwarves, thru walls

Military tacitcs would mean soo much more! battle lines and troop positioning would be much more important!

we could stand on each others shoulders! :D


Only one person on a ladder at any time

keep raids would rely much more on rams, as you couldnt pile so many infront of the doors

could be exploited - if two trolls felt like being rotten to a dwarf, they could just box him into a corner and stand still... actually... <grins>

Horse journeys, as Jupitus said, would be far more hazardous!

it would make swarming mobs/enemies much harder, again because of lack of space for attackers


One other thing i wouldnt mind - if you confront an enemy in solo battle, or in a small group skirmish, if any particular body part is hit a lot, to 0 HP on that loc, then perhaps lose the ability to that limb? an arm - wounded arm can only parry (this would bugger up a lot of DWs), wounded leg - half speed, banged head - stunned or concussion... The only way these are remedied is to have a cleric tend to you...

i know that a bit detailed, but it would make for much more interesting battles.. :m00:


I'd have like to see collision detection oof players too, if the collision detection of same realm chars is too much, then just have coliision detection of opposite realms as a go-between, at least then the tank-lines would be actual blocking lines of tanks :/

Brannor McThife

...and being a troll would be of use. A troll skald charging at a Lurikeen Champion at full speed would require evaluation of a non weapon based crush attack... weight vs weight. Could result in:

You charge into Malevolencia!
Malevolencia is unable to resist the charge!
You crush Malevolencia to death!
You get 1 Realm Point!


Or, reverse it... Mal using Leah's speed.

You charge into Glauthrong!
Glauthrong repels your charge!
You break a nail!
You are stunned for for 5 minutes!
Glauthrong hits you with his axe for 1700 (+3000)
You die!
You have died fighting for your realm....




one more thing I would like to see is sounds for other peoples feet, they dont have to be uber loud so it defens you but you could at least tell when someone is about to pa you or something. I would also like to see foot prints, which disappear after 5 or so minutes... would make it easier to follow where there battles are.


give me a gm cilent so i can make level 50 characters and make my stats uber.


Originally posted by sharma
Remove active RAs, IP sucks, just ruined RvR....
I agree and disagree.
Remove IP or give it to tanks only...
Make See Hidden active or remove it completely or give it to archers.


Originally posted by Bagloor
I think Midgard should have Horned Helms ;)

can you please tell me why?

vikings and their horned helmets are a legacy but a false one, I used to work at a "live viking restoration center" and we frequently had visits from archeologists that time nad time again told us that there has NEVER been found a viking helmet with horns, and actually the helmet display as it is in midgard at the moment very much resembles the look of viking helmet (650-800 A.C.)


You mean Hagar the Horrible isn't REAL??

... I'm crushed :eek6:


Don't even get me started on horned helms......What ever next winged helms?:twak:


Cosmetic Changes:

Allow custom patterns to be applied to armor.
Allow the /cloak hoods to go up/down
I you wear an emblemed cloak while stealth it shouldnt be black (you know what i mean)


Related to the topic of horned helms:

decent looking helms, it look like everybodys been raiding thier kitchens/gardening sheds for head protection. And I want a cloak that I can wear with the hood up (for rainy days) or down (for sunny days) :)


Originally posted by old.Atrox

hmm a /clap and a box of childrens toys ?

It's just my wish, instant offensive spells are my biggest enenmy, would be great for me if they were removed.
didnt see that it should balance the game in anyway :)

fair enough, my wish the would be to remove old.Atrox from existence (there by removing his wish that would have gotten rid of my instas too, mwahahaaha ;)


I have to say just one thing about "true collision detection" that many people seem to want to see in the game.. THIS IS A STUPID IDEA. even if it's in it will have no effect, why? you run at somene, oh they're in your way, you strafe right (or left) and run past them :p, this would delay the person all of 0.3 seconds tops.. The only way to actually stop people running through is to line up your tanks together providing a wall that none can pass.. if you don't see what's stupid about lining up all of your tanks close together ( hint: *cough* AE *cough* ), well..

Collision detection wouldn't make any difference, cept to make things worse.. (you'd never be able to charge through an mg, the first people through get mezzed, the rest charging are blocked by the first and all get mezzed/nuked too.. -- not even purge could save the ones behind then)..

think things through before you wish for em... collision detection wouldn't have anything but a negative effect on gameplay imo (if you can post a counter to my line of arguement please do, would be happy to hear a well thought out argument on the side of collision detection)


[EDIT this refers to collision detection with regard to players running through other players, I also agree that AoE spells/effects should not go through walls.. and that issues with arrows/bolts going through trees and stuff should be fixed]


I would like to see more personalised apperances.

So you could decide you weight and lenght (not only short,normal,tall) and more things to do about your apperance.

And hood up or down, I dont want to see my twin when im in Jordheim, it´s scary to see that you have lots and lots of twins. And that brings up the helmets, there weren´t any horned helms but did they have cloning?

The Real Redi

The only way to actually stop people running through is to line up your tanks together providing a wall that none can pass.. if you don't see what's stupid about lining up all of your tanks close together ( hint: *cough* AE *cough* ), well..

well, at present i watch groups form in the frontier, and all stand in a bunch. now considering the AoE is in effect a large circle, what would be more effective?

Lets say the AoE is 9 blocks (bare with me, you'll understand my lack of measurements ;) ) if there are 9 people stood in a bunch, then more than likely, 9 out of 9 will be caught with it. If those same 9 were stood in a line, then only 3 will get caught, as the radius of the blast is only 3 blocks, the other 6 being either side of the AoE.

the point you bought up about MGs is very valid, and goes on the same swing as my point about kepp doors. Someone suggested perhaps having the collision detect on enemy players, could work, but i know not how as im no programmer.

One of the other things that having no collision detection on your own realm kith and kin would take out; the tactic of offensive defense. When formed in a line, a row of archers are formidable. For this ill compare the tactic of the musket wielding red coats in the Collonial wars of spain, france and portugal, and 'human blockades'...

When an enemy force advance on them, they held. They held their fire, whilst hundreds fell around them, until the very last minute. Why? well, at 200 yds, the rifle were pretty useless, at 100, better but still horribly innacurate. Remember that most of the armies in that war were horribly under supplied with bandits and opposing armies raiding supply convoys, so they held to make sure that every single shot counted. I dont know if the range is a factor for archers in this game, as i only ever poke my shortbow at things, in the vein hope they wander too close, but at 20 yards, the front rank was mown down, causing a pile of bodies, then the second rank of muskets fired, second rank of enemy falls, the pile gets higher, third rank fires... you see where it goes?

If the collision detection was pumped up to include everything including corpses (which could be jumped, or run on, but they are still solid) then that would add such a new tactical dimention to the game...

I know that im probably the only person who would find that kind of disciplined battle tactic attractive, and i also know that there far too many impatient people live in Albion to make this work en mass... shame really.

sorry if ive bored anyone with all of my 'ifs' and 'buts'. At heart im just an old tactician, in a young mans body :D


Originally posted by Octanion

can you please tell me why?

vikings and their horned helmets are a legacy but a false one, I used to work at a "live viking restoration center" and we frequently had visits from archeologists that time nad time again told us that there has NEVER been found a viking helmet with horns, and actually the helmet display as it is in midgard at the moment very much resembles the look of viking helmet (650-800 A.C.)

I'm sorry if this come as a supprise for ya but "King Arthur and Camelot" have never exist either ;)

I just thought it would look cool :)

And Blain yes whats wrong with winged Helms... the helms we got now more looks like knit caps :)

The Real Redi

Well, Arthur may well have existed, but his name and legend have been blown out of all proportion. If my good-time-addled memory serves me correct, there was once a ranked officer of the Britons named Arthur, who was praised for his exemplary conduct and outstanding bravery, during the days when England was mostly owned by the Welsh (In fact, something else jogged in my memory then: The Britons called them the Welsh, which means 'lesser person' or something equally as derogetory, but the Welsh call them selves "Cymry" which translated as 'Brother', or something like that) so Arthur is actually part of the invading forces.. <shrugs> Dammit, when i get home im going to be reading for hours :rolleyes:

I must apologise for being the vaguest person in the world, and hopefully someone can fill in the gaping holes in my chewed up head, but until i can get home and read through my library of old, strange books on old, strange subjects, i cant be sure... :eek:/

i am sure, however, that all my mistakes will be corrected in stunningly quick time by a smug historian or college lecturer with spare time... ;) heh!


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Well, Arthur may well have existed, but his name and legend have been blown out of all proportion.

In that case I would say that there is a tiny small chance the 1 of all the Vikings made himself a Horned Helm just for fun and wear it for a short while. And it's sure hard to find that one ;)


Originally posted by The Real Redi

well, at present i watch groups form in the frontier, and all stand in a bunch. now considering the AoE is in effect a large circle, what would be more effective?

Lets say the AoE is 9 blocks (bare with me, you'll understand my lack of measurements ;) ) if there are 9 people stood in a bunch, then more than likely, 9 out of 9 will be caught with it. If those same 9 were stood in a line, then only 3 will get caught, as the radius of the blast is only 3 blocks, the other 6 being either side of the AoE.

fair enough.. However, general stupidity of players cannot be used as an excuse to implement a feature which would make them be forced to be victim to aoes if used poperly. Whilst yes at present most people do stand around like ninnies all clumped together, it is not because they have to do it becos of it being tactically/defensively good, it is becos they are morons :flame: , with collision detection in, to take advantage of it effectively you'd need to make human walls, and whilst this apparently as in your example would mean less people get hit by the AE, if people would just spread out a bit more than they do at present then the present situation would be far superior.. anyways my point is that adding collision detection in would add little/nothing to the game (yet take months of work by mythic to implement and waste time that could have been spent on other more worthwhile problems..) because of the fact that utilising it in battle requires you to make a tactically unsound decision to be all lined up . also you'd require an unfeasible number of tanks.... snice you want th wall of tanks to be wide enough to block anyone trying to run at say your caster.. but also you want the caster far enough back to avoid any AE spells on the wall (otherwise caster interuppted, can't do anything and he's useless, why are you even bothering to defend him?? ;) ) therefore you're talking maybe a 10 to 1 ratio of tanks to casters/healers or whatever is behind for the first person to protect.. if you add 1 more person inside you need 2 more tanks on the wall.. numerically seems a bit mad..

Alternatively instead of a wall you could be forming a circle around the caster, however again so that AEs on the wall do not effect the caster, it would need to be a disproportionately large circle.. all seems mad to me :D

The Real Redi

back to you, i can see your points, and you are right... we'll never know because too many people in Albion get 'pride' and 'stupidity' mixed up, and lets face it, it would be a little unfair on the mids, as they would have to waste all of their Trolls and Norse in the wall, as i can jump over Dwarves and those little things that i keep finding under the fridge... Kobolds... thats em... ;) heh!


Originally posted by Hjod
I would like to see more personalised apperances.

So you could decide you weight and lenght (not only short,normal,tall) and more things to do about your apperance.

Yeah know what you mean..

In AO i had a doctor who was really short, REALLY fat and had a massive affro!

Everyone in Daoc looks the same...... theres not even any social clothing


make all droped armour look unique, and all the DF armour look crap so people will go hunt other places


yea i want more cutomizableness lol weight, hair, hair colour, skin, eyes and so much more lol also hair dye and hair cuts lol and more dye options.. like in UO could just buy a dye tub and make the colour u want nearly.. and pay lotsa cash for neon hair hehe and a fairly small amount to get it restyled, and detailed clothing hats etc clothes to go over armour like again in uo lol cos armour dye, size, face and hair arent many options :( oh and race of course which is cool :p
edit: and stop people from quitting grrr lol

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