On behave of most Alb and Hib stealthers...

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Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
not enough drama for me :/

Youve been selling that full skald armour sc for a few months now ? Is it a tight crowd in Lamorak ? :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Puppet said:
Can you guys, Tesla, Anonymous, Mizar, Flyboypip, etc etc. please :

* Get out of the tower
* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range
* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

for even one day?

After that Im sure we can provide you again with loads of RP's leeching/adding ur way to RR8, but please show some respect towards ur fellow players.

A bored Elph :<

no can do. went to the bridge with my huntress today and got killed big time. i'm not placing a outside a tower now :(

Infanity said:
Hahahahaha xD

You're so full of shit you made baby jesus giggle :)

can't really say there was something wrong in teslas post


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
How so? Is anything of what I wrote untrue? :)

Just the way you go on about your play - others play ..

Basically you spoil most fights - Add on sight to everything moving and the second you get attacked PS and run back to the keep which you wont leave.

Thats about all i have seen you do in the last month.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Infanity said:
Just the way you go on about your play - others play ..

Basically you spoil most fights - Add on sight to everything moving and the second you get attacked PS and run back to the keep which you wont leave.

Thats about all i have seen you do in the last month.

Emphasis on the bold line. Just because you don't see me doing something doesn't me I'm not doing it. You honestly think I'd leave the keep/tower unstealthed?

You can disagree with my choice to avoid melee any way possible, but really, why should I care? I'm not expecting you to stand still and get shot full of arrows. You'll do whatever you can to survive that.

As for me adding, yep, I help out almost every fight. Most of the time people thank me afterwards - if you don't like that, pick a zone that I'm not in to pick your fights. Noone's forcing you to go where I am.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Im bored of IRVR guys,it's dull after akagi and bloodylusty's grp farms me time after time when i try to go areas actually away from the zerg.

O let me be kind i'll go watch one of their fg v fg fights they get. Stand quite far away so they do im not adding.

5 seconds later fight finishes..................mezz stun nuke nuke nuke, yeh the fun.

These the groups that mown about getting added on in agramon? as really i wonder why?

Irvr for me is just aload of bollocks tbh. I try go to beno, guess what it's dead except for the fg albs taking boat from docks.

Quicker Irvr gone the better tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
Infanity said:
Just the way you go on about your play - others play ..

Basically you spoil most fights - Add on sight to everything moving and the second you get attacked PS and run back to the keep which you wont leave.

Thats about all i have seen you do in the last month.
so he kills stuff and dont get killed himself?
whats wrong with that...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
As for me adding, yep, I help out almost every fight. Most of the time people thank me afterwards.

:worthy: Your my hero :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
brad said:
Im bored of IRVR guys,it's dull after akagi and bloodylusty's grp farms me time after time when i try to go areas actually away from the zerg.

O let me be kind i'll go watch one of their fg v fg fights they get. Stand quite far away so they do im not adding.

5 seconds later fight finishes..................mezz stun nuke nuke nuke, yeh the fun.

These the groups that mown about getting added on in agramon? as really i wonder why?

Irvr for me is just aload of bollocks tbh. I try go to beno, guess what it's dead except for the fg albs taking boat from docks.

Quicker Irvr gone the better tbh.

When IRvR is gone - the same thing happens but you can add an extra 7mins to get to your death :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Profion said:
Delete all stealthers in the game :clap:

Hey! Without stealthers, casters wouldn't have any RPs! :> So don't talk bad about the people at the bottom of the food chain :>

Oli - Illu

PS I still think that the RP system needs an overhaul (even after we get the improvements next patch). I was having a great evening and getting about 3-4k per hour (that's great for me anyway) and I noticed a guildee Warlock who is level 49 on the same amount! :/ Now I don't want this thread to go anywhere near warlock whine as that is so yesteryear, but honestly, ramp up RP gained by Assassins I say :) I know warlocks might be an exception, but I notice casters are mostly at the top of the RP ladder every evening and a lot of them are solo, it just seems like the RP they get is a lot easier than the RP we get.
There - I feel better now :>


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
kivik said:
Kept looking for that fights for hours, it's just fucked up with IRvR. Do AC raid on Crimthainn please, hibbies! :mad:

What time are you playing? Fights can be found early evening, and late evening if you know where to look.
Travelling by boat sucks :>

Oli - Illu
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