On behave of most Alb and Hib stealthers...

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Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Can you guys, Tesla, Anonymous, Mizar, Flyboypip, etc etc. please :

* Get out of the tower
* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range
* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

for even one day?

After that Im sure we can provide you again with loads of RP's leeching/adding ur way to RR8, but please show some respect towards ur fellow players.

A bored Elph :<


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If they can't pop stealthers infront of full groups and warlocks, how are they going to get their rps?

You're too demanding to be totally honest.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
* Get out of the tower

I'm not in a tower, unless I'm fleeing for my life or there's a bunch of enemies close enough to it to benefit from the range bonus.

* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range

I'm not responsible for the whereabouts of my fellow Midgard players. If they decide to join in the fight, take your grievance to them, and not us.

* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

I pop stealthers when I find them and when it is advantageous to start the fight. If you're distracted by others, then it's a good time to attack.

Believe it or not, but I'm not specifically out there to hunt you down. I range around and pick my fights when I can, and flee when I can't. I am not interested in fighting you one-on-one solo somewhere in the middle of nowhere in melee. Nor would you be if you're bow oriented. I'm not asking you to stop using your spells and poisons just because I find them annoying as I'm on the receiving end.

While I do respect your playstyle, I do not have to alter mine if you can't cope with it. There's plenty rangers who do exactly the same as I do. (And that's not meant to justify something that is wrong.)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Puppet said:
Can you guys, Tesla, Anonymous, Mizar, Flyboypip, etc etc. After that Im sure we can provide you again with loads of RP's leeching/adding ur way to RR8, but please show some respect towards ur fellow players.

Who are you to talk about adding and respect towards fellow players :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
* Get out of the tower

I'm not in a tower, unless I'm fleeing for my life or there's a bunch of enemies close enough to it to benefit from the range bonus.

* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range

I'm not responsible for the whereabouts of my fellow Midgard players. If they decide to join in the fight, take your grievance to them, and not us.

* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

I pop stealthers when I find them and when it is advantageous to start the fight. If you're distracted by others, then it's a good time to attack.

Believe it or not, but I'm not specifically out there to hunt you down. I range around and pick my fights when I can, and flee when I can't. I am not interested in fighting you one-on-one solo somewhere in the middle of nowhere in melee. Nor would you be if you're bow oriented. I'm not asking you to stop using your spells and poisons just because I find them annoying as I'm on the receiving end.

While I do respect your playstyle, I do not have to alter mine if you can't cope with it. There's plenty rangers who do exactly the same as I do. (And that's not meant to justify something that is wrong.)

Hahahahaha xD

You're so full of shit you made baby jesus giggle :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
If people are camped in a tower, don't go near the tower :> They eventually get bored and leave because no ppl = no RP.

Was some fun RvR again last night, very much suicide runs each time, kill 1, get killed, but slowly the RP added up.

A lot of soloing Tanks/Stealthers out to play. Obelixx the ranger somehow survived a few assaults I did on him (lucky swine :>), Bliizzard was playing well (down to the last few hits each time grrrr), Sacre was killing all (nerf your parry rate!), and my favourite part was giving mercy to 2 hib RR3 rangers on their bridge, /waving at them, walking up to a big tank that had zerged me earlier and then getting a volley of arrows up my butt :> 2 more names for the "no mercy" list :>

Saw Lxn+Yogurtina's little duo crew turn into a trio, turn into a 4-some. Whenever I saw them piling into some poor solo bugger that had no chance, I'd pile in - usually to be killed too, but if lucky, 1 of them would go down :>
(I know this is adding - but in the mildest form, I think of it as Edward Woodward in the Equaliser, or the A-Team, help the people that have no chance to possibly survive :>)
The funniest moment was 4 of them steamrolling me, and as usual I yelled for help (if you ever fight me and you kill me good and proper - I stay silent. If you did something a little lame, you get 1 yell. If you do something very lame, you'll get 2 yells, and if you were a complete effing expletive, you get the 3 yells :>) and a FG of hibs was just passing :p I think a couple got killed mwahaha :> What goes around comes around. You steamroll people who are solo or in a small group, you get steamrolled by all the soloers when then next see you or by a passing FG.

And a couple of solo bainshees were going around too ^^.

Good stuff

Oli - Illu


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
illu said:
If you did something a little lame, you get 1 yell. If you do something very lame, you'll get 2 yells, and if you were a complete effing expletive, you get the 3 yells

Aahh.. I've been wondering about this communication system!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Yesterday i was hunting abit with my inf and met 2 "uncommon" teams,first there was this bd grped with a sb looking for me ok i say lets keep away from the bd,then there is this cute valkyn hunter grped with a WL using his higher mos (naturaly) to track me down :) .I mean seriously what r the chances for a wee inf to survive clashes with such team ups.I am not the one who would whine about how other ppl should play ofc but seriously there is something wrong with ppl not giving the opponent half a chance.The saddest part is that to counter it u either have to log out (no enjoyment from the game) , seek a less crowded place (minimal to non-existant enjoyment) or team up with others and ruin the opponents game (unacceptable)
Bottom line? I guess this game isnt for me or ppl like me who care to give the opponent a chance on equal grounds.

Sad sad oh so sad :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
illu said:
If people are camped in a tower, don't go near the tower :> They eventually get bored and leave because no ppl = no RP.

Oli - Illu
A scout called Rizze or something completely proves this point wrong m8:p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
hehe laughed a bit when i saw that bit about giwksags(or whoever you spell it:p)
Me and friends had a lil private agenda against them last night, was kinda fun. But they killed us loads before we took some of them down. Everytime we went down the SM showed up first then we had 4 stealthers on us:p
Was a good challenge though..and was up to us to move over bridge or not^^


Nov 28, 2004
Puppet said:
Can you guys, Tesla, Anonymous, Mizar, Flyboypip, etc etc. please :

* Get out of the tower
* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range
* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

for even one day?

After that Im sure we can provide you again with loads of RP's leeching/adding ur way to RR8, but please show some respect towards ur fellow players.

A bored Elph :<
sz muppet got a bad back can't fight you missing rp of me /hug


Nov 28, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
* Get out of the tower

I'm not in a tower, unless I'm fleeing for my life or there's a bunch of enemies close enough to it to benefit from the range bonus.

* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range

I'm not responsible for the whereabouts of my fellow Midgard players. If they decide to join in the fight, take your grievance to them, and not us.

* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

I pop stealthers when I find them and when it is advantageous to start the fight. If you're distracted by others, then it's a good time to attack.

Believe it or not, but I'm not specifically out there to hunt you down. I range around and pick my fights when I can, and flee when I can't. I am not interested in fighting you one-on-one solo somewhere in the middle of nowhere in melee. Nor would you be if you're bow oriented. I'm not asking you to stop using your spells and poisons just because I find them annoying as I'm on the receiving end.

While I do respect your playstyle, I do not have to alter mine if you can't cope with it. There's plenty rangers who do exactly the same as I do. (And that's not meant to justify something that is wrong.)
Naughty tesla can you pop em bit closer to the tower for me plz:D


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Ch1ld said:
Yesterday i was hunting abit with my inf and met 2 "uncommon" teams,first there was this bd grped with a sb looking for me ok i say lets keep away from the bd,then there is this cute valkyn hunter grped with a WL using his higher mos (naturaly) to track me down :) .I mean seriously what r the chances for a wee inf to survive clashes with such team ups.I am not the one who would whine about how other ppl should play ofc but seriously there is something wrong with ppl not giving the opponent half a chance.The saddest part is that to counter it u either have to log out (no enjoyment from the game) , seek a less crowded place (minimal to non-existant enjoyment) or team up with others and ruin the opponents game (unacceptable)
Bottom line? I guess this game isnt for me or ppl like me who care to give the opponent a chance on equal grounds.

Sad sad oh so sad :(


Keep looking for those fights - they are out there, usually just off the beaten track. Coming out of our keep in hibland and doing a sharp left, there were many stealthers and solo visibles running around, especially if you stayed at the top of the bowl and slowly made your way to the hib bridge.
When people duo with visibles, it's a bit evil, as mostly visibles against stealthers depends on range, or who gets the jump first, and if the assassin loses the initiative by getting uncovered, it doesn't usually go well.

Keep trying and eventually you'll do ok. If you haven't got ML9 AE Mezz, get that asap as it gives you a little bit more of a chance against 2 or more (they usually just purge :/).

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Havent played my inf for years really in rvr so now I came back from classic (bd way too easymode for me. :) ) I thought I try it again. Few good fights with some sb that was around my rr (4). Tesla either zerging the crap out of me with the 2fg of stealthers near or if I happened to find him solo either he/she PS and ran or PS and ran while standing in the middle of 4 wl's which was kind of funny I mean I lasted almost whole second after getting nuked for 5k damage. Then again if thats the way to get to rr8 thats ok I guess after all 99.9% of you guys play this for those precious points.

Good thing was I got few tryes against Puppet but bad was he turned out to be one of the strafing/runthrough wankers. Broke my recent record of 6 out of view and not in range in a row with the l33t moves...

Wont play that char again anytime soon in rvr. :)

So yesterday was mighty bored then and 20 trebs and few rams later with my mini was nice to get decent keepfight going again. One of the biggest idiots in mythic probably thought the razing of towers was nice but it 99% of the times makes keeptakes impossible without around 100+ attackers. :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:

Keep looking for those fights - they are out there, usually just off the beaten track. Coming out of our keep in hibland and doing a sharp left, there were many stealthers and solo visibles running around, especially if you stayed at the top of the bowl and slowly made your way to the hib bridge.
When people duo with visibles, it's a bit evil, as mostly visibles against stealthers depends on range, or who gets the jump first, and if the assassin loses the initiative by getting uncovered, it doesn't usually go well.

Keep trying and eventually you'll do ok. If you haven't got ML9 AE Mezz, get that asap as it gives you a little bit more of a chance against 2 or more (they usually just purge :/).

Oli - Illu

Kept looking for that fights for hours, it's just fucked up with IRvR. Do AC raid on Crimthainn please, hibbies! :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Diabolou !

I think I had a couple of ok fights with you around brynja the other day :)

nice thing about mids having instaport to another realm is less warlocks around brynja :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
* Get out of the tower

I'm not in a tower, unless I'm fleeing for my life or there's a bunch of enemies close enough to it to benefit from the range bonus.

* Get out of range from warlocks in 5K range

I'm not responsible for the whereabouts of my fellow Midgard players. If they decide to join in the fight, take your grievance to them, and not us.

* Stop popping us infront of the Giwsakhs and Preacherboypips or any other WL/BD/SM

I pop stealthers when I find them and when it is advantageous to start the fight. If you're distracted by others, then it's a good time to attack.

Believe it or not, but I'm not specifically out there to hunt you down. I range around and pick my fights when I can, and flee when I can't. I am not interested in fighting you one-on-one solo somewhere in the middle of nowhere in melee. Nor would you be if you're bow oriented. I'm not asking you to stop using your spells and poisons just because I find them annoying as I'm on the receiving end.

While I do respect your playstyle, I do not have to alter mine if you can't cope with it. There's plenty rangers who do exactly the same as I do. (And that's not meant to justify something that is wrong.)

U are so funny, u really do


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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
On behave of most Alb and Mid stealthers...

Can you guys, Killsimba, Porkbelly, Spinesprout, Lucchini, etc etc. please :

* Stop zerging constantly
* Get out of range from the hib zergs, insta killing shroom fields, stun+nuking casters in 5K range
* Stop popping us infront of the hib zergs, insta killing shroom fields, stun nuking casters, etc, etc

for even one day?

After that Im sure we can provide you again with loads of RP's leeching/adding ur way to RR8, but please show some respect towards your fellow players.

A bored Norse
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