Infanity said:You will prob have that "Flim-o-Fucked".. Aka deleted ;D
Infanity said:Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
Please requiel give old frontiers back.
duact said:part of the community loves NF
Elkie said:alot more of the community would much rather have OF back
Tallen said:Simply not true.
OF is a lot of bullshit nostalgia, half the people who yak on about it never even played it, and the rest are deluding themselves that OF is what was great about the game pre-TOA.
Played since day dot and I for one would never go back to OF. 30 minute solo runs into emain to get zerged by 100+ rampaging albs? or a milegate choke-point full of stealthers? Run round Odins and not see a single person in 2 hours because they were all in emain or camping a portal keep? No thank you.
Chimaira said:Also its not very hard getting out there lag jump up the roofs at the side of the boarder keep retard guard that keeps you from moving forward.
Ofcourse illegal and shalt not be tried.
Carter said:i'd even pay extra to be able to play in OF Emain+Breifine again :/
yaaaaRequiel said:The OF zones don't exist on EU servers. The old border zones (Sauvage, Uppland, Crauchon) are there up to about halfway so that you have a view from the border keep, after that though they just stop.
Gibs said:newbs like NF, 8 mans like OF, simple as that.
Zephyr can make a player go throu that wall, in 1.78 it worked at leastChimaira said:So? as Requiel said if you try it on EU you will only be locked from moving forward and see graphics. its like a see trough wall there so your stuck to the gate and cant get anywhere except suicide or w/e