OK, Ye buggers! Map suggestions for our 2 custom servers...


old.Mad Kain

I'm trying to get a Map Poll going so we can all just vote on which maps we can have added, but the code is being a total bugger at the moment, it'll be up soon.

Anyway, lets just get some sensible map suggestions here, so we can pass a list of maps to Dr.Chris, for him to add to the 2 servers.

Lets try to get a mix of maps, CTF, Domination maps (cz2 etc), and hunted style maps if we can, any other map variations are good too.

Maps can be downloaded from:

Anyways, to start things off, I'd like to see the following maps added:
1. Betrayed (Old, but still love it)
2. Domination (Old, and I still aint played it!)

Hmmm, can't think of any others maps that I liked in the past. Fortsaken was a good one, but maybe you all are tired of it, since its been around BW for ages.
Gotta go for now, so think bloomin hard about some good maps


[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain

Atomic Rammer

I've only just got all the previous bw custom maps and I must say that I really like flag control. So theres a bit of domination for ya.

I think the best maps are the ones that are really fun to achieve the goals. An example of one that this don't happen on is tiger. Its fun just sniping on that but I've yet to have a game where people are trying to carry flags!


Well, you know I won't spend much time sorting out a map rotation because my time was wasted working out the last map rotation which was ignored for WATERFRONT!!! BAH!!!

Sorry Kain, but DOMINATION should not be added as its FLAWED!!! DOMINATION has open respawns so you have one team at one end of the map pipe bombing, mirving and killing the other team while they respawn. It gets tedious and annoying. Other than that major flaw ... the map is good.

I'd like to see CJ2 make a return, although it lags out the graphics cards of those POOR BUGGERS with 8Mb. Otherwise its a really fun map ... if there's a better and similar map, then it should be added.

FORTSAKEN is still a good map as is the original NML (No Mans Land).

I believe 2MOREFORT (2 More Fortresses) should make a return (but in 2nd generation mode which is updated).

FLAGCONTROL is a nice map from your friend and mine MR. BEE ... a regular at BW ... this map is cool and with the MIRV limit, should be more playable.

TIGER, although a nice map ... people are too forking lazy to download it ... never been on the map with 14-16 players ... shame really, but it should be cut out of the rotations.

I also like the map BASES_R ... its a nice map which is playable ... although that damn bug drop/pickup/drop key thing is not good.

PIPEZONE is a better CZ2 style map, but others disagree .. although its playable.

Anyway, chew over those and then make a nice rotation ... NO crap maps please ... and make your case ... so we all can see the pros and cons of the map.

Also, I'd like a couple of HL Opposing Force servers ;-p

Speak to you soon.

With thanks


old.Mad Kain

Well, just downloaded Domination, and yeah, its a nice map, but I can see where it can get spammy, but I guess most Teritorial maps like Domination, CZ2 & Poopzone (Pipezone) can be spammy.
Anyways, forget I even mentioned Domination, after running around the map in LAN mode, and emp jumping all over the place, it just doesn't feel like it can be played well...

I kinda miss Poopzone (pipezone) now, but it was one hell of a large confusing map.
The scoring system and that spy bug on Bases_r messed things up for me, so I hate it.
I really forgot about Flag Control by Mr.Bee, which Í really do like (remember Kombat-Wombat on CS Mr.Bee?


[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


That bug would be Pyro and their rockets through the wall of the control centre. Although some can see it as a bug ... I can see it as a benefit ... two ways to get points destroying the command centre ... anyway, the pyro would be way exposed in that court-yard ... and thus would be killed quickly if not backed up by HW and Soldier.

With thanks



Me likes:

Bam (Its grown on me)

BTW, what was the name of the map that you had to damage the enemy control centre, by pressing the switch in the basement of the enemy base? I used to like that, but it was taken off the rotation not long after I started playing on BW

Atomic Rammer

Just a quick note about the new valve map badlands (the one with the canyons). I think the name says it all. Its dire.

I cant even motivate myself to play it anymore. I've only been on it a total of 15 mins.

old.Mad Kain

Bigsir, that map was Invectus3.
It was 2 Bases seperated by a large greenish canyon. You had to run to the basement to activate a switch, which in turn would open the doors to the command centre, which we'd then shoot the hell out of, to get points

It was a great map, with a rather silly bug...regarding one of the tfc classes - dunno if you remember it though.
/me goes to slap his cat around with a trout

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


awww...thanks guys

anyway..maybe one or two hunted maps could be included? (like mine

just a thought tho.


"Bugs are for life not just for christmas"


I personally don't like maps like canalzone, tiger and domination, because it is only on very rare occasions that anyone can be bothered to do the flag running.
Also maps like run and waterfront are rarely played properly and just turn into deathmatches while a couple of people run around with the flag.

I'd vote for Betrayed, Fortsaken2 and Flagcontrol.

Oh and the biggest problem with Invectus was not the pyro bug but the fact that there was only one narrow route between the two bases, so it became a massive spam-fest.

old.British Beef

Iv'e never played half the custom maps out there as i don't play TFC that much anymore, as CS is the game im playing at the minute. But if ever i see a server running NO MANS LAND or FORTSAKEN/2 i jump straight in right away, bring back NML to barrys and get some good games going again and ill be back ever night


NML was good and should be put back on. Its a good map and very playable :)

What about ShutDown2? Anyone played it yet?

With thanks



Devin's map looks interesting, but need some people to playtest it before it is considered.

With thanks


old.Mad Kain

Don't you hate it when IE5 acts like a shit and springs out GPF (Gen protection faults) everytime it loads? Cos I've been having that for the past few days

Anyways, I'm downloading Devin's TurnOn map now, might as well see what its like

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


Can some people test No Mans Land 3 and Shutdown 2 ... they seem to be interesting maps, but need some people to test them before they get added to the BW TFC rotations. We don't want another Waterfront on our hands :p

With thanks


Fast Dial-Up Access:

old.Mad Kain

Buggeryjugs, IE5 is still acting like a 5yr old twat on a suicidal caffine intake.

Devin, I downloaded your map, had a run around in it, as a scout/soldier, before my PC died on me, and crashed. I like your map man! - How long did it take for you to design? The outdoor area between the 2 bases, with those flickering torches is gorgeous. I dont mind seeing this map added to the rotations, a playtest is in order...

Anyway, so far we have the following maps, which most of us wish to be added:
1. Betrayed

2. Flag Control
3. Fortsaken2
4. Bam
5. Shutdown
6. Erm, PipeZone anyone? :p

The maps which look like we still need to decide on are:
1. TurnOn
2. 2MoreForts
3. No Mans Land (NML)
4. No Mans Land 3
5. Shutdown 2

I like 2MoreForts, which is spammy as hell, stupidly designed, but its a CJ'ers heaven type map. I always liked NML.
Maps 4&5 I have yet to d/l and play...

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


I agree with your map selection Kain. I've just downloaded Shutdown2 and had a quick play on it...I lurve it
One word...TRAINS!, Its a fair bit bigger than the original. Did i mention the trains?

Another map (which i've also just downloaded) which may be worth considering is 'Mooncheese'. Its huuuuuggee and looks as though it could be great fun.


With regards to MoonCheese ... please read Radium's review on the map before considering adding it to the map rotation.

With thanks


Fast Dial-Up Access:


Excellent thread guys. I think the best way to finalize the list is to vote on it, so here's the "plan"...

Email me, drchris@barrysworld.com, with your top 10 custom TFC maps, in order, top pick first. You can have less than 10, but no more. The subject line *must* be "TFC Maps", anything else and I'll bin it (well, it won't get filtered to the right place).

Note that the servers hold 16 players, so it's probably best to avoid maps that don't work well with that number.


[This message has been edited by DrChris (edited 28 February 2000).]


Thanks for the comments Kain

Building the map didnt take that long, finding and nailing the bugs did.

Not as hard as getting your own maps on server totations tho!


So, Dr Chris ... you should by now have a few ideas of what people want to see on the TFC Custom server ... its about time we saw what people have voted for.

Speak to you soon.

With thanks


Fast Dial-Up Access:


Sigh Why is it always me that has to look like the eeeeeeeeeeevil person...

Too be fair on Chris (no, not saying you weren't) I think you could give him a bit more slack on the maps front, I don't know the state of the tfc servers or anything, but I know he does an awful lot & having to fit everyone's requests in would be hard served, I'm sure he'll get around to it when he can...

Kez the l33t

old.Mad Kain

I'm not too bothered about the TFC servers at the moment, the 2 Valve servers have returned to normal, and are bringing in people, so thats good - Just what I was after.

No one's pressuring Dr.Chris, er, well I aint, I know that with his new kiddie and everything, he's probably busy as hell sorting out servers, as such.
When I emailed him, my map suggestions for the custom maps server, I mentioned that we all appreciate how patient he's been with us all mumbling away.

All I wanted was the servers to be full again, with old regulars. Lets just hope that the custom server brings more people in.

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain

old.Mad Kain

Nah, EQX are well and truly dead, sadly.
Its just everyone remembers me, by when I was [EQX]Kain.

/me slaps all around with a trout.

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


pls what ever u do dont put pipezone on the map rotation...

Oh and im gonna b playing on the TFC servers more (if i can tear myself away from CS) now i have 0800 after 6pm as well... [

l8erz all Syrus_The_Virus...

[This message has been edited by Syrus_The_Virus (edited 14 March 2000).]

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