Ok the yanks have gone to far



Originally posted by Cdr
*big post*
Indeed, I just see this thread becoming a "Who needed the US" thread, which is just as bad a some silly film made up by a writer that couldn't come up with a good story, so copied a bit of history and added the run of the mill "make a hollywood film" formula.

And xane, I doubt anyone would claim that europe could have been invaded via normandy without Britain, but there were alternatives initially dicsussed, such as pushing the bulk of the forces up italy, or from africa. I beleive there was even some dicsussion of attacking spain in order to get a foothold.

But if there had not been an invasion of europe, it is with little dount that we would have had to surrender. Given that eventually the germans would have inflicted such a heavy casuaty on our atlantic shipping, we would have run out of raw materials in a matter of months.
I doubt Hitler would have ever needed to invade britain, he had control of the mines and suchlike in the norway area, and would eventually been able to outstip our production of aircraft (undoubtably what kept us infront in the battle of britain).

All rather moot anyway, not sure why I ramble so much. Must be the job...


SPR followed an american platoon through unimaginable perils; they're not going to spend half the film talking about the other lads

Remember the translator?.... he was british wasn't he?... what a wonderful way to portray the brits... the rest of the squad are hardened nutcases not afraid to pull the trigger etc. and the translator... THE BRITISH GUY!!... is a complete pussy

wtf :/

changing some little facts for a film is harmless, got the wrong tank in a particular scene? a little discrepancy with the ammunition you see in frame 213953 scene 47? who really cares... but an a real slap in the face, an american "leading" the british to win the battle of britain? fuck off.


Testin da Cable

Originally posted by 7th
Remember the translator?.... he was british wasn't he?... what a wonderful way to portray the brits... the rest of the squad are hardened nutcases not afraid to pull the trigger etc. and the translator... THE BRITISH GUY!!... is a complete pussy

damn, I forgot about him. sorry :(

edit: see? that's just it...not enough airtime for the other lads!! likeI've been saying all along!! ahem :)


Originally posted by mank
They only got involved once the Japanese bombed them, they didn't really care beforehand.
To be honest you are incorrect :p The US navy fought a "secret" war against raiders and submarines in the western part of the Atlantic, the first dead US service man was before war was declared.
I agree that this movie aint a good thing but lets not do the same thing to their veterans and heroes as the US movie busines is doing.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by xane
Wasn't the Jadgpanther knocked out by a bazooka tho ? If so, StuGs versus Shermans is likely to fall towards the latter as winners.

American Shermans were also armed with the more powerful 76mm in 1944 instead of the standard 75mm, which would do in a Jadgpanther as well.

The Jagdpanther ran... they got a StuGIII or IV with the Bazooka.
Anyway... there weren't any German tank divisions in Cotentin anyway - some were near the British LZ's.
The tanks seeing action there, were the old 1940 campaign french ones - used for training by the Germans.


I think us true cynics all know that America only got involved in the war to cash in on huge potential future marketing and movies ;)


Originally posted by Mr.Monkey
And xane, I doubt anyone would claim that europe could have been invaded via normandy without Britain, but there were alternatives initially dicsussed, such as pushing the bulk of the forces up italy, or from africa. I beleive there was even some dicsussion of attacking spain in order to get a foothold.

The Italian campaign (Operation Torch ?) was intended to split the German army on two fronts. The western front came entirely from Britain, without Britain there would be no western front and Italy (and Spain) would have become impregnable considering the greater distances needed to move armies.

Originally posted by Mr.Monkey
But if there had not been an invasion of europe, it is with little dount that we would have had to surrender. Given that eventually the germans would have inflicted such a heavy casuaty on our atlantic shipping, we would have run out of raw materials in a matter of months.
I doubt Hitler would have ever needed to invade britain, he had control of the mines and suchlike in the norway area, and would eventually been able to outstip our production of aircraft (undoubtably what kept us infront in the battle of britain).

I disagree, the war was over when Germany failed to secure the oil in the middle east due to losing the North Africa campaign, once Russia had sorted itself out there was no way they'd get through the eastern european countries. No oil, no war machine, after 1942 the military manufacturing was struggling with shortages.

True that shipping was being badly affected by U-boats, but an increasing amount of supplies were available by air towards the end of the war, with the advent of sonar the age of hunter submarines was running to a close. The only way Britain could have been defeated was by long range missile bombing, possibly with nukes, the Germans had lost air superiority after BoB and by 1943 they had no air superiority over the whole of europe.

By late 1942 the allies had achieved technological equivilence and had far greater resources, both natural and human, than Germany could ever have, the writing was on the wall then, Germany basically refused to acknowledge it, one of the reasons why the dire tactic of city bombing was done to "break the spirit" and end the war quickly.


Originally posted by 7th
Remember the translator?.... he was british wasn't he?... what a wonderful way to portray the brits... the rest of the squad are hardened nutcases not afraid to pull the trigger etc. and the translator... THE BRITISH GUY!!... is a complete pussy


No he was american, for a start he wore an american helmet his weapon was american and he was on Omaha beach when Miller found him.

Lets all tell the yanks what we think of them here http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000129/board/nest/3189297

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by 7th
Remember the translator?.... he was british wasn't he?... what a wonderful way to portray the brits... the rest of the squad are hardened nutcases not afraid to pull the trigger etc. and the translator... THE BRITISH GUY!!... is a complete pussy

Oh yes.. and his German was fluent - with a slight Bavarian accent.

I never laughed so hard...


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Oh yes.. and his German was fluent - with a slight Bavarian accent.

I never laughed so hard...
For the people who know nothing, why is a Bavarian accent funny?


Wonder how long until the USA makes a film based on the sinking of the bismark. Wonder what US ships they will use to sink it.


Originally posted by old.ignus
No he was american, for a start he wore an american helmet his weapon was american and he was on Omaha beach when Miller found him.

Lets all tell the yanks what we think of them here http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000129/board/nest/3189297

you know... you're totally right.... why the hell have i been convinced he was british the whole time?! :S probably just came to expect it from an american film...... ;]



Originally posted by adams901
Wonder how long until the USA makes a film based on the sinking of the bismark. Wonder what US ships they will use to sink it.

They'll use the PoW - COS IT WAS IN BF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silly Americans.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Will
For the people who know nothing, why is a Bavarian accent funny?

The "funny" part was that the guy claimed to speak German fluently, supposedly with a heavy touch of Bavarian dialect.

When he opened his mouth to speak German for the first time, it was a bunch of gibberish (like in every war movie)...

Zhere was zer funneh. You should think that Spielberg could do better casting jobs...


But but ... isn't german a load of gibberish anyway ;)


nah, german is very understadable most of the time

when you get the mumbly dialects that make everything sound like one long sentence, with grunts and pressuring the vocals to indicate new words, thats when it gets tricky :D

writing german would be easy too if it wasnt for their card shuffling grammer of the past tense :D


It would be funny if it wasn't true.

When you hear people like Boris Becker and Michael Schumacher speaking you realise that they do actually speak exactly 'like zis'.

Allo Allo had it all spot on with their accents and most films get it right also, and English speaker will never get a German accent right as it will be spoken with an English accent.
Similarly no German will ever speak English correctly as we will always be able to spot that German accent in the background.

Being able to speak a language fluently doesn't mean you have the right accent, as long as the pronounciation is correct then you can speak the language fluently.


Originally posted by Cdr

Like I said, no one is denying that America's help during the War was much needed - but their help during the the Battle of Britain was nothing, and as such there should not be a movie based on inaccurate facts. How dare they re-write our history. But then, it's the typical American arrogance that seems to be evident throughout modern America - the same arrogance that makes them think they can dominate the world - it is the same arrogance that makes the majority of the world hate them.

Hit the nail on the head there i think.


and English speaker will never get a German accent right as it will be spoken with an English accent.

I lived in Germany for nigh on 16 years, and my accent was near perfect (probably because most of my friends from an early age were German). In fact I vividly recall chatting to a german bar owner who lamented the fact that all the british wanted to do was drink lots of beer, honk up outside, then go fight someone.

He didn't realise I was english until I mentioned it (or maybe it was me honking up outside that did it :)).

Mind you, speaking 'Hoch Deutsch' made things a little easier, as I doubt I could pull off a bavarian accent :cool:

Returning to Germany after a 10 year absence was an eye-opener. My accent had reverted to 'An Englishman speaking German' one.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
It would be funny if it wasn't true.

When you hear people like Boris Becker and Michael Schumacher speaking you realise that they do actually speak exactly 'like zis'.

Allo Allo had it all spot on with their accents and most films get it right also, and English speaker will never get a German accent right as it will be spoken with an English accent.
Similarly no German will ever speak English correctly as we will always be able to spot that German accent in the background.

In D - day the book by Stephen Abrose there's a section talking about the codes for the allied forces, there was the crickets as seen in the longest day or BoB, and the 'flash' reply 'thunder', but there was also the word welcome the reason being that the Germans would pronounce it 'velcome'. One of the soldiers was a German fighting for the allies and he was worried about what would happen if he was to use the 'welcome' code but instead he took pockets full of the crickets.

Anyway back on topic I have to say that I think with reguards to SPR the fact that there were only yanks in it in ok as the only British men near Omaha beach were some members of the RN piloting the landing craft. The fact that they never saw any through France was probably due to (bad) luck. U-571 was offensive to the men of the RN who risked their lives to retrieve the enigma machine. If you've ever read the story of the 15 year old boy who lied about his age to join the navy and how he boarded a sinking U-boat to get the codes and nearly died doing so, (the other men on board did) you'll know the true heroism of the British men of WW2. This film isn't twisting facts, its offensive to everyone in this country and of the men of other countries who actually did contribute something worthwhile to the battle of Britain and I think if it is made it should be banned in this and other countries. If I do watch it I won't be paying a single penny for it unless its to somebody who has pirated it.


Originally posted by SoWat

Returning to Germany after a 10 year absence was an eye-opener. My accent had reverted to 'An Englishman speaking German' one.

An ex-friend of mine had lived in Germany all his life, but his mother was from Lancashire, and she moved back here when he was young, while he stayed with his father. On opening his mouth, I could not believe what came out - English in a broad Burnley accent, without a hint of a German accent! Very weird.

However, in the pub one evening he insisted he could speak 'proper' London english, as he had been taught to speak that way at school, and so proceeded to ask for a beer in his 'posh' accent. He sounded like a German attempting to speak English in a London accent, and making a terrible job of it. Very embarrassing.

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