Originally posted by ECA
Maybe we should get our own back?
A brit won the american civil war, we invented the atom bomb, etc. etc.
The hero must be American. The public wouldn't have it any other way.
Originally posted by Tom.
Its just a film.
Originally posted by Tom.
U571 historically was taking liberties, however, I thought it was a pretty good film.
I'm surprised nobody kicked up a fuss about Braveheart. To portray a violent man like Wallace as someone who spoke Latin and kept pressed flowers is just plain daft. The guy made a belt from the skin of his enemy! Also, King Edward I is actually considered to be a very good king, expanding his lands, and reforming the legal system.
The bottom line:
Its just a film.
Originally posted by Tom.
The bottom line:
Its just a film.
Originally posted by Omniscieous
Were the Americans involved in WWII? I mean besides the handy Pearl Harbour decoy to keep the Japanese away. I thought they just brought chocolate and things over to England.