OK cabbies, enough is enough.



Firstly, I have nothing against powerlevelling. I also have nothing against soloing, and of course believe that everyone has a right to do both.

However, I completely disagree with the way that matter cabalists (and some high level sorcerors as well) now feel that, during primetime playing hours, they can pull entire spawns for themselves repeatedly, leaving nothing for people who are actually levelling up to exp from.

No doubt someone clever will pop up and say that I've refused to give over my spot at the advisors while powerlevelling my sorceror. However, I and others that use the spot recognise that you can split the spawn comfortably in half so that someone else can exp/PL as well.

AE PL groups used to be considerate and set up sessions at night when the spawns at the tanglers were free. Now it seems normal that one person can and will stop a while group (or even two groups) from exping at all.

Come on guys have some manners :rolleyes:


Yeah, guys. Stop taking all the goblins. We need more powerlevelled sorcerers.



yeah so they can give up on takin their sorc to RvR cuz albs simply cant protect em
sounds neat!


The last hours of the gobs are near, when next week the new patch comes it will be inpossible to AE DOT farm them, and no lvl 38 - 44 tang group can handle them.

So I gess if you want to lvl/plvl with a cab it is now or never.

The problem for alb will be that there won't be a lot new sorc in RvR after 1.54, becouse lvling a sorc outside gobs will mostly be soloing and a lot deads in groups.

But when 1.54 arrives, every damn goblin is yours ;)


You can kill the buffed gobs with a matter cabbie after patch. It just requires a new technique. All your gobs are belong to Cabbies.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Firstly, I have nothing against powerlevelling. I also have nothing against soloing, and of course believe that everyone has a right to do both.

However, I completely disagree with the way that matter cabalists (and some high level sorcerors as well) now feel that, during primetime playing hours, they can pull entire spawns for themselves repeatedly, leaving nothing for people who are actually levelling up to exp from.

No doubt someone clever will pop up and say that I've refused to give over my spot at the advisors while powerlevelling my sorceror. However, I and others that use the spot recognise that you can split the spawn comfortably in half so that someone else can exp/PL as well.

AE PL groups used to be considerate and set up sessions at night when the spawns at the tanglers were free. Now it seems normal that one person can and will stop a while group (or even two groups) from exping at all.

Come on guys have some manners :rolleyes:
stop being such a narrow minded whingey twat there are other places to lvl u retard. Seriously some time i get really pissed off at people who think pygmy tangler are the only place u can lvl 38-44 and hence feel they have a god written right to claim that spot for a fg to xp on cabbies pay there fees to who are you to dictate how the can play and when they can play.



It´s a matter of common sense and politeness. Arguments like "there are other xp spots out there" and "Cabbies are paying to play, so they got a right to do what they want" are certainly true, but the fact that something is true doesn´t make it any better.
There are other xp spots in Albion for lvl 30-45 groups, no doubt. But the one huge advantage of Lyonesse is the constant flow of available people to group with, due to the number of xp-spots. If you´re in DM and get killed, you have to release. In Lyonesse, you almost always find someone to rez you. If one of the members of the group is leaving, the xp is over. Same is true for DF. In Lyonesse, there are usually people waiting for a spot in a group.
I think the majority of the complaints about tangler/gobos and Cabbies is just a result of a lack of sensibility. Noone can claim a "spot" exclusively for himself or his level range. But at the same time, noon can claim a spot because he´s lvl 50 and able to kill everything. It´s just a matter of how people are communicating and treating each other. It´s a matter of respect.



just like to point out that i was cash farming while PLing a few yesterday.
I was sharing well with another group and then a third came along and thoughtthey could just start pulling, so i combined with them on the condition that i got cash and they got xp.

That worked quite well.

imo a lot of the players at tanglers need to get a few manners and realise they can xp else where but Cabalists can only do it here, so they chould stop looking down on us because were PLing.

It seems for everybody at tanglers cabalists are automatically put on their hate list.



Re: Re: OK cabbies, enough is enough.

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
stop being such a narrow minded whingey twat there are other places to lvl u retard. Seriously some time i get really pissed off at people who think pygmy tangler are the only place u can lvl 38-44 and hence feel they have a god written right to claim that spot for a fg to xp on cabbies pay there fees to who are you to dictate how the can play and when they can play.

Erm i think Wildfires point was that, Cabby's come along and pinch the entire spawn, leaving nothing for the rest of the groups camped there and he wasnt dictating, he was merely saying that the respectful cabbys (Thats you mr Blackstaff) tend to do the PLing out of prime hours, thus being able to pull mass amounts of tanglers, without upsetting other groups that are camped there. And as u mention twats. I think the biggest "twat" as u put it, is in fact a GOL member called, umm kinda forget his name now. Paxo? Saxo? ANyway, when at tanglers with my pally, he kept on pulling a bonesnapper across our AOE area and then spam laughing. Very Clever eh. What a tough guy he is. So b4 u feel the need to slag off wildfire, why dont you look in your own backyard? You'll find plenty of "twats" there.


I only play during primetime if I have been there from very early.. last week did it from 8 am till 5 pm, normally I stop around 1 pm as too many people come and just walk in, take spot, and start yelling abuse at you.
But I agree you cannot start if there are already some groups going... But sometimes, beach is even clear during primetime..
Ah, so many buts. :p Wildfire is right though, but it is not only cabbies, it is all players in DaoC.
Regards, Glottis


My attitude, as I believe I have made clear endlessly in the past (nerf 'ffs cabbies' threads!1!¬) is that if I have been at a spot since 5am and a group comes along, they can either share and accept they will get a slow-to-awful rate of pulls, or they can fuck off. I have shared quite happily with any number of polite, helpful and non-deadEveryFiveMins groups; you just pull while the caba is running away with his last pull, cycling his pet for power and resting for end. Easy really...
But as for cabalists coming up to tangler spots in the middle of the day when there's already a sorc and two groups pulling.. that's just disgraceful really.
Anyhoo, not long before none of us can do it any more and tanglers become 'just another mob'. Albeit a very nasty one that comes in 20's and isn't unnaturally soft anymore. ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

It seems for everybody at tanglers cabalists are automatically put on their hate list.

Yes. Yes they are. ;)

Anytime a cabalist AoE pulls within a metre of any group then there is a list of obsenities as long as your arm. I honestly don't care anymore. Its too much effort to complain about things that are never going to change.


although it pains me deeply to do it, i agree 100% with wiffle on this 1, tangs r THE BEST ecp for a lvl 38-44 exp grp in albion, a cabalist can still get decent exp elsewhere without tanglers, for example cornwall gobo's r very rarely camped. No problems when its quiet, but as a realm mate some cabalists r damaging their own realm by stopping groups getting very good exp. there are some decent cabbies, tilda, exinfer etc that i have seen their 4am in the morning farming and it seems to work great, but to stop 2-3fg exping is just selfish, and i jsut read all i have wrote and realised it makes next to no sense but cba to correct it all :/


For further clarification, anytime you see Exinfer in emain or odin's, it actually IS Exinfer. Anytime up to Mid-day in Lyonesse, it's me playing him. Any other time it's likely to be Secret/Cuteashell playing him.


Originally posted by ab_fluid
a cabalist can still get decent exp elsewhere without tanglers, for example cornwall gobo's r very rarely camped.
Normal goblin spawn spots, i.e. those lacking tanglers, will never give group bonus when they are killed, and the group bonus is what makes the tanglers so good for powerlevelling after around level 42 (grouped) or 44-45 (when soloing and PLing yourself).

Besides, the Cornwall Goblins are awkwardly situated on top of a hill, making it difficult to get clean pulls (always visibility things), and the repop rate is slower.


cornwall gobbos exp=11 mil per kill when solo
tangler exp=45 mil per kill when solo, why would a caba like to exp or powerlevel in cornwall???


also for clarification :
i regard 2 FG at beech as CAMPED
and i regard 3-4 FG at trees as camped.

If both spots and Aqua (1fg) are camped, i wont go there, ill probably wait around until a group leaves/breaks up.
Then ill take there place an happly share spawns.



What really pisses me off is when the tree is camped by a level 50 cabalist ... now i mean you don't expect me to pull from teh beach with my friends matter cabbie i mean how rude :p tree is quite clearly the best spot pfff lame beach.

i mean to be honest if i'm getting exp i'm happy fuck the others rar :p


Well tbh i dont give a damn what cabbies do, i levelled one from 1-32 entirely without getting a group (apart from 9 bubs), then only grouped about 1/3 the levels from there to 50.

People dont want cabalists in their group in the early levels then get all shirty and jealous cos they can do something amazing in the last few levels.
Try levelling your own cabalist and realise that the goblins are a godsend for 46 levels of soloing hell


yeah i agree pretty much with Delket.
if albion wants cabbys to change their attitude at tanglers, then albion needs to change its attitude to cabalists for the 46 levels before tanlgers.




Free game, go kill what u wanna, im coming back, and lol if peeps whine to me when i kill something, i just dont give a shit.


What I'd like to know is how many of these Cabalists/Sorcs have any idea how many people they get killed on an hourly basis? I lost count of the number of times I died because a cabalist's/sorc'ss adds were trained through our group as our gobo called for help.



Some cabbies respect others, and use COMMON SENSE regarding
how much a spot can support. Some cabbies do wait until its their turn. Some cabbies might not think first, but will see fairness when people complain. Some cabbies might even make a turn
system with the lowerlv xp'ers.

Some cabbies get pissed when they find 'their' spot taken and
will force others away. Mostly with comments like 'go xp somewhere else', altho they all complain about how hard it was to xp below 46. Some cabbies will put their pet into camp without
gobs, and by that, clear the whole camp on pop. Not kill but clear,
which means other groups have to wait 5 min for gobs to return.

Problem is that cabbies at tanglers have the power to do
like they want, and quite a few of them behave quite bad.
They have a goal like powerlv or money, and dont want anything to come in between that. Even tho they are forcing a group away who has been there for hours before them. Most cabbies will SHARE aslong as it not against their goal, but if it is, you will be forced away.


This morning was amazing. All you cabalist haters, rejoice in the knowledge that the cabbies were now literally fighting to get the pulls from each other (4 cabbies on the tangler tree!). Me, I came there, saw the chaos, was disgusted, and logged out. I don't even want to think about how it will be today during primetime, when the vultures are still there. :(


Wonder how many people are gonna want to duel cabalists :) quite a few i reckon.....silly people

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